Scientists have warned that a strong focus on hunting—instead of rewilding key species—is “reinforcing” biodiversity loss.
Parts of the U.S. are currently facing a biodiversity crisis for a variety of reasons including habitat degradation, invasive species, and climate change.
A new study published in the journal BioScience reported that state agencies are taking “the provisioning of hunting opportunities as their top priority.”
“For example, the species of wild mammal with the most biomass on the planet is white-tailed deer. Overabundant deer populations have a negative impact on biodiversity—manifest mainly through over-browsing. The overabundance of deer is importantly a result of efforts to maximize deer abundance for the sake of hunting. Also, for example, considerable effort is devoted to promoting pheasant populations in several states for the sake of hunting, even though pheasants are not even part of these states’ native biodiversity.”
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This included the restoration of either extinct or imperiled species …
Let me translate this claptrap for you. Any time you hear the words “climate change” your antennae should go up.
Michael Mann is a shyster and a fake. I do science and engineering every day of my life, and I don’t have to falsify data to build my models and perform my calculations. Mann is a complete and total fraud, just like the so-called “science” he purports to support. Their agenda is population control, and now their agenda is clearly being expanded from population control of mankind to population control of animals because of “biodiversity” and climate change.
Here’s the bottom line. We all know that wildlife biologists are very good at knowing the population of white tail deer, knowing the proportion of does to bucks, and selling the number of tags necessary to keep the population right and the balance acceptable, or even increase the population just a bit, without creating such a large population that deer starve.
The climate change religionist freaks don’t like that. Not only do they want you dead and for you to produce no more offspring, they also want white tail deer dead. Their recipe for that? Introduce predators such as wolves and shut down the hunters to help maintain a healthy population.
Now do you understand why they want to reintroduce wolves and why they have harassed hunters like they have? Now do you understand why states have to have hunter harassment laws? Now do you understand why they hate us?