‘Mentally Incompetent’ Americans Would Have Access to Guns Under New Bill

BY Herschel Smith
6 months ago

Yeah. That’s the headline. This is the source.

A deal made by congressional leaders to avert a partial shutdown of the U.S. government includes an attempt to ease some veterans’ access to gun ownership, even when they are deemed “mentally incompetent” to handle their own finances.

The $436 billion funding package agreed on by congressional lawmakers Wednesday extended the deadline for the expiration of funding for government agencies—including the military and Department of Veteran Affairs—from March 1 to March 8. It was the fourth extension painstakingly agreed on by a divided Congress during this fiscal year, but it spelled optimism that a deal for the long-term budget plan could be reached later this year.

Among the victories touted by Republicans in this deal is a bill that would eliminate the decades-old ban on gun ownership for veterans deemed unfit to possess a firearm—a measure gun-rights advocates have long protested.

Gun Owners of America, a nonprofit lobbying organization that promotes gun rights, wrote about the elimination of the ban on X, formerly Twitter.

“Congressional deal cuts funding to the ATF,” the organization said, referring to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, “and eliminates a 20+ year old gun ban for veterans. It also temporarily reauthorizes the archaic Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.”

By law, the Department of Veterans Affairs can report the names of veterans deemed mentally incompetent to handle their VA funds to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System—which is used for criminal background checks during the purchase of firearms—without a judge’s order.

According to this database, a veteran found mentally incompetent under VA regulations and assigned a fiduciary to take care of their finances can be banned from buying a gun, as the veteran is considered a danger to themselves or others.

You know who gets swept up in this net? Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, who have assigned financial responsibility to their mother, father or spouse, for the time they are deployed. They do this for the simple reason that they are in no position to do the books, challenge false charges, and all the things that go with having fiduciary responsibilities.

That’s right. Innocent servicemen get swept into this net of “danger to themselves or others” because they had an “fiduciary to take care of their finances.”

If you were a serviceman, the FedGov hates you. I know that’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. They would sooner see you disarmed than anyone else on the planet. Again, I’m sorry, but this is truth-telling at its most raw.

Don’t trust them. Never talk about assigning someone over your finances. Never talk to them about PTSD or emotional problems stemming from anything, including combat.

Never trust the FedGov.

And for the second time in two days, good for the GOA for taking a principled stand.


  1. On March 5, 2024 at 1:28 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “If you were a serviceman, the FedGov hates you. I know that’s hard to hear, but it’s the truth. They would sooner see you disarmed than anyone else on the planet. Again, I’m sorry, but this is truth-telling at its most raw.”

    It is the truth, and it needs to be heard now more than ever.

    The government is all gung-ho when it comes to military personnel carrying arms on its behalf, but let a man leave the service and he disappears – or worse – becomes an adversary or an irritant to the government.

    And if you cause the powers-that-be enough consternation, then watch out. Anyone who disputes this, ought to review the history of the Bonus Marchers and the debacle that occurred in Washington, D.C. in 1932.

    Here’s an easy proof of the contempt in which much of official Washington holds veterans: Congress and the members of the permanent government bureaucracy get and keep their gold-plated pensions, healthcare benefits and the like, but if you examine Veteran’s Administration benefits paid out to disabled or partially-disabled veterans, those benefits get cut all the time. Thanks for your service; don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

    This is nothing new, either: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, during the Nixon Administration of the late 1960s/early 1970s, was famous for openly belittling and taunting General Alexander Haig, at one point likening Haig and other soldiers to “dumb cattle” and “cannon fodder.” None of this was done with the cameras and microphones turned on, which is why it isn’t more well-known by the public, but those statements were made, and many others like them.

    Everyone in town loves soldiers and says “Thank you for your service!” and so forth when the cameras & mics are on and the public is watching and listening, but behind the scenes, most folks in the Swamp regard soldiers as expendable and little better than cannon-fodder.
    It is telling indeed how few members of the Washington establishment send their own sons and daughters into the ranks of the military these days, especially as enlisted combat arms personnel, the kind of folks most-likely to be at the sharp end of the spear.

    As corrupt as they might have been, at least many of the pols of the past had “skin in the game,” i.e., relatives or friends in the armed forces and in harm’s way in some cases.
    Franklin Roosevelt sent his four sons into the military, and at least two of them saw action in combat.

    James “Jimmy” Roosevelt was a U.S. Marine and later was executive officer of the famous Marine Raider battalion which carried out the Makin Island Raid, among other actions.
    Elliott Roosevelt, a member of the Army Air Corps, flew over 300 combat missions during the war. Frank, Jr. and John A. Roosevelt both served in the U.S. Navy and did their respective duties according to all hands, including operations in the Atlantic and Pacific Theaters.

    There is still in print a small, slim but powerful volume called “War is a Racket,” written by General Smedley D. Butler, U.S.M.C. (retired), and published in 1935. General Butler, who retired as the senior Marine stationed in China after being passed over for Commandant of the Corps, is one of the most-distinguished Marines in our history, and a rare two-time Medal of Honor recipient.

    In retirement, Butler looked long-and-hard at his years as a Marine, and the book is the result. He embarked upon a nation-wide speaking tour, and become something of a pacifist. Coming from a men of such impeccable military credentials and evident love of his country, the impact of his words is that much greater.

    After detailing all of the ways in which many wars are rackets, Butler does get around to mentioning at least two causes for which he believes Americans should fight: To protect their homes and families, and to protect/defend the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

  2. On March 5, 2024 at 1:40 am, skybill said:

    Hi Herschel!!!!!,
    “”A Most Vociferous ’10-4!!!!!!'””””””
    Thx for posting!!!!! I recall hearing about these “atrocities” now years ago!!!
    As you said, “If you were a service man, the FedGov hates you”
    The main reason why I “”DON’T”” go to the “”VA”” for ANY “after market” care…
    Maybe my “Survivor’s” can get a few schecles for my burial and a “FLAG!!!!” after i check out!!!
    Other that that…
    I am on my own!!!!

    skybill…. PR-2, USN ’66-70,’ Vietnam-’68

  3. On March 5, 2024 at 8:09 am, Wes said:

    Palpable fear by a regime of veterans “trained and skilled at arms” has been articulated in print since the National Threat Assessment of Napolitano times. It’s repeated in some form in subsequent editions when they’re published. If you’re a veteran they hate you because they fear you. And, because a regime in some fear of its citizenry is the proper state of a republic, that will not abate. Thus, perpetual invocation of the Ghost of McVeigh to gin up the fear.

  4. On March 5, 2024 at 12:57 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    “Dogs and soldiers keep off the grass” ~ was a real saying way back when, not just something you can read about in the history books.

  5. On March 5, 2024 at 5:17 pm, Paul B said:

    Romans did like legionaries keeping swords. Never trust the government. Any government. The only people attracted to that occupation are Karen’s. Nothing good comes from that group having power.

  6. On March 6, 2024 at 2:39 pm, PGF said:

    South Chicago has guns so the mentally incompetent obviously aren’t the actual target.

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