The Fourth Circuit on Assault Weapon Bans
BY Herschel Smith10 months ago
I listened to this video in its entirety, as well as read some on it. I had initially intended to break this all down line by line, showing how stupid it all was.
But that would be a waste of my precious time. In the end, it would have been casting my pearl before swine. I would be better off trying to teach my dog to do calculus.
As best as I can tell, none of the judges who spoke can be trusted to safely make hamburgers at McDonald’s.
On March 25, 2024 at 5:21 pm, MTHead said:
Yes, and now we see once again the dangers of letting lawyers into the matter at all. The plain wording of the constitution is being supplanted by what the SCOTUS said or didn’t say.
If your going to lend any credence to anything in 2A about militia weapons. Where the credence to the last half of the amendment?
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” That was certainly worthy of note by our founders.
And why is the only credence being given to weapons? The amendment says nothing of weapons. Or the government’s desire to ban them.
Why isn’t it considered that the militia section was a protection of the small unit tactics that served our forefathers so well?
“A well regulated militia. Can be just standards of equipment and training for the county in which one resides.
Here everyone carries ar15’s with 210 rnds of ammo. DMR’s are ar10’s in 308. All orders an intel are carried in your upper right pocket for hurried retrieval should you become incapacitated in a firefight.
It doesn’t mention crap about who should be regulating what.
And all of it could only be construed as a government prohibition as it’s in the “Bill of rights’, Not the “Bill of government powers.” Or the “bill for bureaucratic arguments”.
“First thing we do is hang all the lawyers.” They certainly have made a muke of things.
On March 26, 2024 at 3:53 am, DJMoore said:
“Tyranny is the grip of the lie.”
These judges are not ignorant or stupid. They know exactly what they are doing.
It has nothing to do with making the public safe.
It has everything to do with making tyrants safe.