Californians are buying up guns after Border Patrol starts dumping thousands of migrants on streets
BY Herschel Smith
Roughly 125,000 migrants have been released onto the streets in the San Diego area since September, which has been unsettling for Firearms Unlimited California owner Cory Gautereaux and his customers.
After Texas worked to seal off large swaths of its border with Mexico with razor wire and boots on the ground, more migrants started making their way to California.
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“The problem for people that live around the gun store is the street dropoffs,” Gautereaux said.
So you support these idiotic policies and send folks to government who institute them, and it’s all okay until your Ox gets gored? Okay, I see how this works.
This might make you feel better for a time, but here’s what a gun can’t do for you. Restore a broken medical system. You see, all of these migrants are heading first to their local hospital where it will forever be their PCP. It will overwhelm the system, and this includes surgical services too. Nay, it has already overwhelmed the medical system in the country. Ask me how I know.
You are literally watching the destruction of the medical system in America, and it will never come back. Not ever. We will pay for all of those services. In addition to perpetual votes, the uniparty gets a new slave class to fund the already bankrupt SS system.
See how this works? You paid for entitlements while “paying into social security,” because there was never a “lock box.” Now you pay for medical entitlements for the slave class who will return a pittance of what you paid in.
On April 16, 2024 at 5:35 am, jrg said:
Okay, Thank You for letting us know about this. I don’t use autoloading shotguns, relying on the manual pump action which rarely has any feeding issues like this. If the above was a rule, I would be upset about that.
My Remington Wingmaster 12 gauge occasionally would let a round slip by when pumping action and I’d have to have a time-out to remove shell. My 1977 gun is the earlier non slotted gate cover, which was changed to a slot to assist in pushing round back into magazine.
My Mossberg pumps have not had any issues and if they did have a gate much easier to clear than the old Remington.
Thanks again sir.
On April 24, 2024 at 12:31 pm, Bob said:
The new parasitic underclass doesn’t pay a damned cent into social security, Medicare/Medicare or even federal or state income taxes. Allow me to educate you on the scam. I do IT work and have been at it for about 30 years. My customers are all small businesses or individuals. I live in a southern rural area. There’s lots of agricultural customers in my client base. Almost all of the produce growers use illegals with a scant few that use H2A visa holders.
Years ago I was working on a cotton gin book keepers pc upgrading Quickbooks. Two young male Hispanics came into her office. They were 18 and 19 years old respectively. They stated their boss told them to come fill out W-9 income tax withholding forms because they were new hires. The bookkeeper gave them the forms and they filled them out without needing help and sat them on the desk where I was working. I noticed both had claimed 8 dependents.
After they left I asked the bookkeeper what was up with that obvious fiction. She stated that ALL the Hispanics there filled out their W-9s that way. I asked why. She said it was because once an individual hits 6 dependents they are no longer subject to pay in any FICA or SS/Medicare/medicaid withholding taxes along with any state employment taxes. Angered, I asked how the hell they get away with this. She flatly asked me if I thought the IRS was going to send an agent to some South or Central American hinterland to verify these de-endings or would audit said illegal who has multiple fake IDs that moves across the country every 3-6 months for new agricultural jobs as the crops mature across the northern latitudes or at the first hint of legal entanglement from the Government.
But wait, there’s so much more. Five minutes later a long term employee known as Pedro came in saying he needed to fill out a new W-9. The book keeper enquirer as to why and Pedro Vasquez said that he was now to be called Pablo Santana that’s why. Pedro/Pablo had recently got into some legal entanglements due to his membership in the SlapAHoe tribe and discovering that stuff that’s considered normal in Guadalajara don’t fly up here in the Walmart satires in the States. He dutifully filled out a new W-9 and claimed 8 dependents too and left. More than just a bit angry now I asked the bookkeeper about that. She tells me that there’s folks that usually drive around with a large cargo trailer outfitted as a one stop mobile Fake ID shop. They travel from one farm to another stopping at the migrant worker camps and hook up anyone needing whatever kind of Official Government documents or Identification they need at fairly modest prices.
Oh, you thought I was done? Silly goose! I’m just getting started. They get real official government IDs in multiple identities too. Among my client base are many churches too. A lot of the more liberal ones have Hispanic or immigrant ministries and congregations. Several have regular Migrant Aid days. What’s that you ask? They invite all the local, state, federal social aid agencies to set up tables and give seminars along with every single foreign consulate office that will agree to show up along with whatever liberal legal aid (read evil anti-capitalist extortion syndicate) groups to sign the poor down trodden immigrants up for anything and everything they might qualify for. The consulars offices set up computerized Official Government ID printing setups and everyone needs a network drop, projectors and sound systems set up thus the reason I get asked to attend as tech support. i have personally watched a lot of migrantsbat these meetings go from one Central American consulate ID desk to another. After a short negotiation and passing a few hundred bucks Juan the Mexican gets a new Official Guatemalan ID then a Nicaraguan ID, etc… till he gets tired or runs out of Benjamins.
Here’s why they do this. First they need an official government ID to open a US bank account and get a TIN # from the IRS and to apply for all those awesome free government benefits. Under Trump the government really cracked down and greatly improved the ID verification systems and standards across the board so smart migrants dont use fake IDs nearly as much as they used to. The Biden admin has pretty much undone all that because they love that constituency. I know, im as shocked as you are about that. Then they will start in the deep deep south and harvest a specialized crop or work a seasonal job in construction, etc.. for 3-4 months under one identity until they max out the earned income tax credit income that they can earn to qualify for the maximum tax “refund”. Then, they move (sometimes) and start using a second identity, paying no withholding, all the while pulling full government assistance benefits on every ID they have. They max out the EITC income on the second ID then rinse repeat the scenario as many times as they can that tax year. Once tax time hits they dutifully fill out their taxes under each identity, file them, and enjoy the hell out of their ill gotten gains at our expense. Why do you think all those tax prep places put up those roadside signs everywhere at tax time saying get your EITC refunds and childcare tax credit refunds to the tune of about $3,850 for the first kid and incrementally stepping down $200 for each child claimed up to (wait for it! drum roll please…..) the 6th or 8th dependent. I dont keep up with that particular tax stuff and they change it periodically. There’s A LOT more but that will have to do for today. Besides youre either about to have a stroke from doing that math or you’re an idiot woketard disbeliever and run away to rock yourself in your safe space.
A few last things. All the politicians and government agencies know about this and care deeply for the migrants. If you are stupid enough to make a fuss about it, enjoy your yearly IRS audits and regular anal probings from every fed/state/and local regulatory agency they can send your way. Dont be stupid thinking I just saw this once or twice. I see it all the time and have for the last 30 years all the time.