ATF Seller Rule Under Temporary Restraining Order
BY Herschel Smith8 months ago
The GOA does God’s work.
In this case, we should expect to see The Empire Strike Back.
There is no one decent or good who works for the ATF. Every one of them have sworn an oath the constitution, and every one of them either breaks it directly or enables someone else to break it. They know what they’re doing, and it’s all intentional.
On May 19, 2024 at 8:45 pm, X said:
But the ATF still murdered that poor airport bastard in Arkansas for legally selling guns as a private citizen.
On May 19, 2024 at 9:48 pm, Heywood said:
I could not make it through that video. It was like watching CNN try to beat everyone with breaking news, when they don’t have any idea what is going on. Had he taken 10 minutes to read the decision, highlight what he wanted to say, and present it in an organized fashion, I may have helped him reach his subscriber goal. As it is, I felt like I just watched “The Blair Witch Project 2”
On May 19, 2024 at 9:50 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
As discussed in this space on previous occasions, the ATF exists – as do many other agencies of the federal bureaucracy – so that they can serve as one half of the “good cop, bad cop” routine with your local Congressman or Senator.
Representative Smith, let’s call him, knows that in his district, gun control does not poll well, and his constituents are not in favor of anything which would tend to restrict their rights under the 2A of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Congressman Smith is concerned that if he does too many unpopular things, he’ll lose the next election and have to get a real job again.
But Rep. Smith also has another problem: There are a great many powerful interest groups inside the beltway and elsewhere, individuals and organizations alike, who are very much in favor of gun control or even the outright banning of FA ownership in private hands. These special interests have a lot of money they can direct towards these ends, some of which might end up in Rep. Smith’s pockets or maybe his re-election fund. They can also help him “go places” in his political career ~ if he would sign on to their agenda.
Choices, choices, what to do?
Guys like Rep. Smith like to have their cake and eat it, too, and the way that they make that outcome happen is to establishment agencies like the ATF to do their dirty work, the stuff that they do not under any circumstances want their constituents to see them doing.
The ATF, in effect, acts like a proxy for Smith – doing the dirty work he can’t or won’t be seen to do, but which his wealthy and powerful anti-gun donors want done.
And since the ATF is doing this stuff, and not Congressman Smith, he can then face his constituents back home with a clear conscience and say with a straight face, “Of course I support the 2nd Amendment and the right of the people to keep and bear arms!”
Congressman Smith gets to look like a good guy and all-around patriot to his constituents back home, and gets re-elected to another term. The anti-gun folks get some red-meat for their people and also a new ally, albeit one unwilling to identify himself as such on the record. And what do the pro-gun and pro-2A people get? Well, they have a saying back in Chicago: “If you have to ask who the ‘mark’ is, it is probably you!”
One might protest that the above is entirely too cynical an interpretation of life inside the beltway, but when is the last time you heard anyone in “The World’s Greatest Legislative Body” call for the de-establishment of the ATF, or even a measly cut in its budget?