Idaho Shuts Down Farming
BY Herschel Smith7 months, 2 weeks ago
I’ll have to say that I’m a bit surprised by this move in Idaho. Maybe the so-called “Greater Idaho” movement isn’t so great after all. What’s the deal with this greasy scumbag who did this?
I suspect that it has to do with rewilding, or trying to drive farmers out of business for the purpose of purchasing their land, only to give it to the large corporations (so that would mean a payoff). Or possibly Soros money is behind this.
In any case, there is something foul going on, and the folks in Idaho had better drive the Cretin who did this out of office, as well as the governor who is letting all of this happen.
Corruption is everywhere – even in Idaho. And suffice it to say, this is war conducted by control over water.
On June 9, 2024 at 9:55 pm, Robert said:
Brad little is a very weak man. Along the lines of Joe Biden. He is controlled by very evil handlers. In a way. I think the addition of eastern oregon would be good for idaho. As a rule the patriots east of the cascades and west of the snake are much more likely to protect my life, liberty and economic freedom than the Jay inslee clone known as governor little.
On June 10, 2024 at 6:06 am, Michael said:
Historically Food is a powerful weapon for people control.
If you “obey” you eat sounds better than the reverse, eh?
Useful idiots like watermelon greenies (green outside, red inside) and such give them tools for hidden hand theft of water (another people control item).
Lawfare is hard to fight, thus they use it constantly.
How long before the Saxons learn to hate, just asking for a friend.
On June 10, 2024 at 6:08 am, Stephen Arthur jr said:
Same thing has been happening in the Klamath Basin in south-west Oregon.
Historic rain fall and lake levels and farmers/home owners denied water.
On June 10, 2024 at 6:11 am, Michael said:
Incomplete thought, sorry.
If you doubt, ask about the “bird flu” attacks so many vectors of our food supply. I’m waiting for it to affect pork as well as the “Beef” issues recently. KO Meats, eggs, and now it looks like wheat or potatoes here….
Got lots of long term food put away? Got a garden and such? Got trusted friends?
On June 10, 2024 at 6:52 am, The Old Freedom Fighter said:
As one who has vacationed in Idaho, I’m very surprised at this! Then again, there is a movement on to destroy the American Redoubt. What was to be a safe haven for freedom loving, self sufficient men & women is now turning into what they originally escaped from several years ago. If Idaho goes, then it really is the FUSA.
On June 10, 2024 at 9:32 am, george 1 said:
The entities in charge are destroying everything. That has been perfectly obvious for a long time. It is a feature not a bug. There is no political solution for this.
On June 10, 2024 at 12:15 pm, Georgiaboy said:
@Herschel Smith
I note that this entry is classified under “war/warfare,” and it ought to be, for attacking someone’s food/water supply is the same as attacking them with any other means. One historical example of many was that Britain used a naval blockade against Imperial Germany during the Great War. At the time, under international law, it was rightly considered an act of war.
Food/water deprivation may take longer to kill than kinetic means such as guns, bombs and bullets, but the end result is the same.
The real question is ~ now that you know, what are you going to do about it?
On June 10, 2024 at 1:07 pm, scott s. said:
Not just Germany. Starvation was also useful against Hungary (no pun).
On June 10, 2024 at 1:15 pm, Scott said:
I find the timing of this action questionable. After the crops have been planted and the farmer has invested his money for the season.
On June 10, 2024 at 6:43 pm, Beast5 said:
If you think you’re safe in a “red state” think again. I still agree with Bracken, get out of blue hives and into rural red areas. Don’t blame the Californian’s moving to your state for turning it blue, that happened through unchecked illegal immigration and in the government school system to your children. In every state, people might call themselves “conservative” but they still want their welfare (including farm bill), social security, bloated military, “free” K-12 government daycare, and school bonds on property taxes.
Re: the water grab, this happened in California in 2014 with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, just a good old fashioned ground water grab. At the time, the state hydrologist said, “groundwater has not been regulated so that gives us the right to regulate it.” It presently looks like the central valley is going to see massive ag land fallowing in a few years as they don’t have a way to get “sustainable”. The states are using a tragedy of the manmade commons to seize control of the means of agricultural production. The obvious solution being to build more water infrastructure but we know that will never happen, it just gets dangled out there like a carrot every four years.