Rachel Maddow: Liking The Lord of the Rings Is ‘Far-Right’
BY Herschel Smith6 months ago
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow thinks it’s very interesting that Republican vice presidential contender J.D. Vance named his venture capital firm after a magical object from the series The Lord of the Rings (LOTR).
“Lord of the Rings is sort of a favorite cosmos for naming things and cultural references for a lot of far-right and alt-right figures both in Europe and the United States,” said Maddow on Wednesday.
She further noted that Peter Thiel, a billionaire venture capitalist and supporter of Vance, also named one of his companies, Palantir, after a LOTR item.
It is absolutely true that Vance and Thiel are fans of The Lord of the Rings, the fantasy series by J.R.R. Tolkien. Many arch-conservative and probably alt-right figures are as well. Moderates also love LOTR. So do liberals, lefties, and the completely apolitical. That’s because LOTR is one of the most popular and best-selling book series of all time. The films, adapted for the screen by Peter Jackson, were among the highest-grossing movies of all time.
Rachel Maddow is an unstable, screaming little girl.
If I could visit one place in fictional history, it would be The Prancing Pony. Imagine the people you would meet?
On July 24, 2024 at 6:23 am, jrg said:
Thet Maddow woman is one crazy froot loop. Claims to hate men and blames them for a lot of the evil in this world, but does her make-up looking like a white teenage boy. Just – weird.
On July 24, 2024 at 7:54 am, Dan said:
She isn’t called “Rachel MadCow” without good reason.
On July 24, 2024 at 9:20 am, ben said:
JRR Tolkien wrote LOTR from a Traditional Catholic worldview – THAT is what frightens them.
On July 24, 2024 at 9:46 am, george 1 said:
Just like the left wing nutcases to criticize an individual for all of the wrong reasons. LOTR is hardly the reason to be suspicious of Thiel. Thiel is always a prominent speaker at the WEF meetings and in fact sometimes their key speaker.
Thiel claims to be a libertarian but, with his company Palantir, is helping the CIA develop “TIA”, Total Information Awareness. That is complete information about everyone in the world and through Palantir software assigning threat scores to them. It is not known what criteria Palantir software uses to assign scores to people in their threat matrix however we can listen to FBI, Military and DHS examples as probable clues. Gun Owners and Christians maybe.
No Ms. Madcow. LOTR is the least of your worries. In fact, if you hand enough intellect you would see that Thiel is on your team. The worst part is that Thiel and people like him are now in control of the probable winner of the coming presidential election.
On July 24, 2024 at 12:34 pm, Georgiaboy said:
Re: “The worst part is that Thiel and people like him are now in control of the probable winner of the coming presidential election.”
There’s more… DJT is rumored to be considering cabinet members in the event that he retakes the White House. Rumors have it that his possible choices for Secretary of the Treasury include globalist oligarchs and fellow billionaires Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink, the former being the head of Bank of America and the latter the head of Blackrock.
Neither of these individuals is any friend to the common person, whether here in the ‘States or elsewhere, and if such swamp creatures are what DJT has in mind, then all I have to say is: Batten down the hatches, there’s a storm coming…
On July 24, 2024 at 12:55 pm, george 1 said:
IMHO if Trump takes office he will take us to war, no matter what he says at the moment. In the first few months of his term it will be discovered that the U.S. Military is even in worse shape than we thought. The democrats covered up its’ true state up you see.
The only way to right the ship, we will be told, is a draft. That process will take one to two years for implementation and training for the cannon fodder. After that we go to war with everyone!!
The democrats would do the same thing as well so no difference.
On July 24, 2024 at 3:35 pm, Roger J said:
If Maddow is right, I went to college back in the early ’70s with a bunch of right wing DVEs. They were ALL reading LOTR. I was reading chemistry and physics. Anyway it’s funny how many of the LOTR readers I knew back then were involved in Vietnam War protests, voted for McGovern and considered Nixon as Satan incarnate. I guess right wing DVEs are just not what they used to be.
On July 24, 2024 at 8:18 pm, Steve Miller said:
Drain the swamp is to laugh. Trump or Turnip as I call him IS the swamp.
On July 26, 2024 at 12:24 am, Georgiaboy said:
Re: “IMHO if Trump takes office he will take us to war, no matter what he says at the moment. In the first few months of his term it will be discovered that the U.S. Military is even in worse shape than we thought. The democrats covered up its’ true state up you see.
The only way to right the ship, we will be told, is a draft. That process will take one to two years for implementation and training for the cannon fodder. After that we go to war with everyone!!”
Stanton Evans, a socialist of the early-mid 20th century once correctly said, “War is the health of the state… ”
Nothing has changed since that time, and the ruling class will drag the country to war rather than relinquish power or agree to critically-needed changes in the way our nation operates and does (or does not do) things.
There is likely to be significant push-back against the draft, especially of women, and the other play the deep-state war machine may make is to establish a sort of American version of the French Foreign Legion, thereby allowing massive numbers of foreigners to gain “citizenship” in return for joining the “American Legion” or whatever they wish to term it.
There were draft riots in various Northern cities during the War Between the States (1861-1865), when Lincoln instituted conscription, which to my knowledge is the last time there was civil unrest and widespread protest against the practice. But with the corruption and venality of the government now being displayed so nakedly, perhaps the American people will stand up against the practice again. I know a few younger people in that age bracket, and not one of them is in favor of the idea.
On July 26, 2024 at 9:49 am, george 1 said:
Yes. I hope the young people of today don’t get fooled like my generation. No more wars for Israel or the bankers. There has been quite enough of that.
On July 26, 2024 at 5:12 pm, Noway2 said:
It’s common to use stuff from pop culture in naming. I don’t make it public facing in stuff, but I frequently use references to locations in The Elder Scrolls universe for things like passwords and computer names.
When I was in grad school at CWRU one of the big computer systems was named Vorlon. Obviously someone was a Babylon 5 fanatic.
On July 30, 2024 at 1:36 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
Frodo Lives!