Venezuelan Gangs
BY Herschel Smith
Gosh, it’s sort of like a foreign invasion by armed enemies, huh?
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 4, 2024
🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building⁰⁰📌#Chicago | #Illinois ⁰⁰Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building,…
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) September 3, 2024
On September 6, 2024 at 3:29 am, WiscoDave said:
And the oil fields.
Interesting that while the danger of this has been talked about for years, suddenly, as if by magic, we are seeing story after story all in a short period of time. I do not believe that this just happened now. I believe it is being reported now. The question is why. Who benefits?
On September 6, 2024 at 8:18 am, Alex Lund said:
Maybe they want this in the open so that we feel terrorized and asked them for security in exchange for our rights.
On September 6, 2024 at 9:37 am, george 1 said:
Note that the police are happy to arrive at your doorstep on one of the many pretexts they use and kill you if they see a gun. This even if the gun is held at your side. However in this case with criminals armed with long guns rampaging through private property they don’t seem to want to engage. I wonder why that is.
I guess their SWAT teams are only for use against people who can’t fight back.
On September 6, 2024 at 12:18 pm, WiscoDave said:
ANNDDD it’s been over a year in Colorado…
Also again, why report now?
On September 6, 2024 at 6:59 pm, PGF said:
@Wisco, the sea eye a doesn’t like their action getting cut in on.
On September 8, 2024 at 3:53 am, Nosmo said:
The Daily Mail story WiscoDave linked to reports the police chief says “police chief Heather Morris said gang members had not taken over and weren’t collecting rent,” but the mayor “slams feds for sending Venezuelan gangs to Aurora.”
The videos everyone has seen by now show what appear to be non-native males with guns in the hallways, but when they enter an apartment it appears to be a friendly visit.
So, citizens say they are being terrorized by Venezuelan gangs, there are media reports of residents vacating their apartments in something of a rush, but the cops say “no problemo.”
It’s caused enough of a ruckus that some media reports say the Hell’s Angels are mounting a rescue mission to Aurora. No pictures of beefy bearded guys on motorcycles in the parking lot yet, though.
Makes me wonder about the observational powers and intelligence gathering abilities of small-town police officers, question how much money is flowing to where and whom, and ponder the same questions about American media. Que bono?
Maybe the one verifiable fact in all this may be “in America, you’re now on your own” (which has been the case for, well, ever, but seems deserving of some additional emphasis because it appears a lot of people have not understood it).
On September 8, 2024 at 5:30 am, Wes said:
Down the river south of me: A few days ago a TdA specimen was hooked up by police in Prairie du Chien, WI. Subject was also on the lam from People’s Enclave of Madison on some violent felony warrants from months back. Attempted sexual assault of a woman and assault of a minor daughter who tried to protect Mom. Disturbance called in and PD was down there rikki-tik.
There is no sanctuary horsehockey around here. He’s in slammer on no bail and an ICE detainer. They make their way inland and all over as the wind blows them.