FBI/NICS Authority Over Ammunition Purchases
BY Herschel Smith
In June, instead of producing what was asked for, the FBI returned copies of two nonresponsive Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sections anyone can pull off the internet. Neither even remotely address the scope of the request.
“It’s clear that the FBI has no intention of responding, which makes fair another question,” I observed. “Why?”
The final straw came this Tuesday, when my attorney Stephen Stamboulieh, received a response from DOJ’s Administrative Appeals Staff Chief Christina Troiani in which she told him, “After carefully considering your appeal, I am affirming the FBI’s action on your client’s request… I have determined that the FBI’s response was correct and that it conducted an adequate, reasonable search for responsive records subject to the FOIA.”
To paraphrase, we’re not going to tell you. Deal with it.
The Congress could get involved, but honestly, there is a way to conclusively and decisively deal with this. Defund the FBI. Remove all funds for operation and salaries forthwith.
That would stop the infringements, but since they fear the FBI, just like they fear the CIA, they won’t do it.
So the problem will continue.
This is not what the founders intended, and not what the covenant and contract with America called the BoR says.
On September 18, 2024 at 4:57 am, Mark Matis said:
What do you think that Alex Soros has been telling them, since he runs the show these days?
On September 18, 2024 at 7:10 am, X said:
States do not use NICS for ammo. New York has a database far more restrictive than the federal one. People get approved for the firearm but delayed on the separate ammo check all the time.
On September 20, 2024 at 4:36 am, Joe Blow said:
The founders knew this was a likely possibility, and enshrined the right to overthrow corrupt regimes and defend our liberty in the 1st and 2nd Amendments in the Bill of Rights.
Days like this are why those were written. The men that wrote them knew what would be required of it’s citizens, if we are to keep this country. You don’t get to vote fascists and communists out of power. It just doesn’t happen that way. This is the stage we are at. Grok it, quick.