We’re the only ones accidental enough
BY Herschel Smith
A Florida sheriff’s deputy allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend while he was showing her how to clean the gun, according to reports.
Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy Leslie Boileau, who had been drinking, was showing his girlfriend, Polina Wright, 25, how to clean an AR-style rifle on Thursday when the gun discharged a loaded round into her forehead, according to the Ocala Police Department.
WASHINGTON — A U.S. Secret Service (USSS) agent accidentally shot and injured himself Saturday evening. He is expected to survive.
According to USSS, the agent was on duty during the “negligent discharge” while he was handling his weapon shortly before 8 p.m. in the area of 32nd and Fessenden streets Northwest. His injuries were not life threatening, and the officer was taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment. USSS says no one else was injured in the incident.
Fiddling with your weapons, muzzle flagging people, ammunition in proximity to guns being cleaned instead of another room, no trigger discipline, and on and on the failures go.
It’s a good thing they aren’t really supposed to protect us according to numerous court precedents. With friends like that, who needs enemies?
You’re never in more danger than when you are around police. There is no situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.
On September 23, 2024 at 8:43 pm, X said:
Only cops are trained enough to carry guns… not you stupid peasants. Assault weapons are weapons of war and do not belong on our streets… unless they are in the hands of “law-enforcement professionals keeping us safe from terrorists,” LOL.
On September 23, 2024 at 10:46 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Why was an SS agent fingerbanging his handgun(?) on city streets?
We had a local deputy who shot his mother at a wedding while doing something with his revolver. It had been his 2nd ND. The first one got him fired from one department. This second one got him fired from the agency he was with, of course he ended up at a 3rd.
I had a long running argument with local anti gunners about the safety of modern revolvers. “They are dangerous and it went off when it hit the ground.” No, not unless he was carrying a 100 year old revolver or a Ring of Fire pistol. A modern revolver is not gonna go off from dropping it. A buddy did have a Raven pistol that would fire when you released the slide.
On September 23, 2024 at 11:01 pm, Dan said:
Highly unlikely this was an accident. Almost certainly a murder after an argument. But since he’s an “only one” odds are good he’ll get away with murder. And odds are good he’ll eventually kill again.
On September 24, 2024 at 4:47 am, Joe Blow said:
LOL!! Yeah, what Dan said. Smack dab in the middle of her forehead. “On accident”. Suuuuuure.. Lucky shot I guess. Oh, and it’s all your own department buddies that will handle the official investigation, too?
See, this is why nobody respects the thin blue line. You’re scumbags, and liars, every one of you. The co-workers that cover up your crime are worse than criminals are.
Who are We The People supposed to call to police, the police?
See why you’re all scumbags for hiding the bad apples? You become worse than they are, because we’re all relying on some of you to be honest enough to stand up to them on our behalf. You take my gun’s away, prevent me from using them, then let criminal elements run rouge in your department. But wonder why I say “fry piggies fry”? You have created the environment that people hate you for. Grok that! IT’
On September 25, 2024 at 9:06 am, Matt said:
You know, the late Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper codified 4 simple rules of gun safety…I don’t know about you folks, but I find that they work extraordinarily well.