The Hurricane Helene Hall of Shame

BY Herschel Smith
2 days, 3 hours ago

Following up on my post How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia, there are a number of shameful things that we’re learning about the official response.

Let’s begin with this terrible report of a man who used his own helicopter to rescue stranded people above Asheville, N.C., and who was told if he continued, he would be placed under arrest.

The responsible officials are Dustin Waycaster – Fire Chief, and Chris Melton – Asst. Fire Chief. Congratulations men, you’ve made the hall of shame. It would take an entire article to examine the moral implications of preventing the rescue of men and women in danger, but we’ll leave it at that and cover it later. Suffice it to say that it sounds like you were discomfited by someone showing you up and “interfering with your operation.” Although it’s likely a manifest lie to say that anyone was really interfering with anything.

Next up, let’s go down to Florida where, even though there is state preemption, Chief of Police Donald Hagan believes he knows better.

Before Hurricane Helene made landfall, several cities and municipalities declared local states of emergency to ensure funds would be available for storm-related repairs.

One city’s local state of temporary emergency order has stirred controversy from gun advocates. On Monday, the Okeechobee Police Department admitted to enacting the wrong declaration last week, which mistakenly included a gun ban.

Firearms Policy Coalition, a non-profit gun rights organization headquartered in California, recently posted the notice on X, criticizing the police department for adopting the order, which banned the sale of guns and ammunition and prohibited public firearm possession by anyone other than law enforcement or military members.

[ … ]

“This is something that was mistakenly enacted. Once we learned that the emergency order was not the order that we intended to declare, we immediately terminated it,” Det. Jarret Romanello, Public Information Officer for the Okeechobee City Police Department, told CBS12 News on Monday.

No one believes this was a “mistake,” Jarret. We all believe that you’re a professional liar.

Then there is more on authorities threatening arrest for folks trying to help.

She’s right, of course. Something is very wrong here.

Next up, the hall of shame isn’t limited to the authorities. I wonder who the “activist” groups are who are perpetrating these crimes?

This list of hall of shame members is quite likely to grow in the coming weeks and months.


This is certainly sad. Notice that the cop who enforces what he knows to be an unjust law says “I get it.” But he enforces it anyway, as they will do. The police chief is ultimately to blame for first allowing crack heads into Asheville where the lady had to be worried about it, and second to issue standing orders to prevent this lady from retrieving her property. He (Mike Lamb) deserves to be in the hall of shame.


And perhaps the most egregious actions from the worst of all villains, Pete Buttigieg.


This is disturbing, but expected behavior from the federal bureaucracy. They don’t understand the implications of their decisions, but then they wouldn’t care even if they did. What governors and local authorities (read LE) won’t do is enforce against FEMA. Notice that the local Sheriff is enforcing rules that harm people. Notice that no LE is entering the FEMA dumps to enforce the right to dump. Notice that only the people whose lives will suffer care about this.


Here is an interview with the city manager of Lake Lure, Olivia Stewman. I won’t embed it but will link it. She disgusts me so much, and was deflecting blame to everyone else and defending her actions to the point that I will break that all out into a separate analysis.


The advertised FEMA stipend – $750. The real FEMA stipend – $0.

What? You didn’t really expect FEMA to live up to their word, did you? We’ve sent all of your dollars overseas or housed illegal immigrants with it here. You don’t rate.

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  1. On October 2, 2024 at 4:22 pm, me loqui said:

    The “responsible officials” should be promptly relieved of command, arrested, no bail, and charged with “depraved indifference to human life”.

    In the interim hopefully their wives will file for divorce: “irreconcilable differences”; and their extended family and friends will create permanent distance from them.

    “Petty, ‘Authoritarians'”.

  2. On October 2, 2024 at 6:57 pm, Steady Steve said:

    I hope the retards slashing tires on the trucks bringing in relief get what is coming to them. Hopefully the truckers catch them and drag them down the highway behind their rigs.

  3. On October 2, 2024 at 8:25 pm, Ozark Redneck said:

    @SteadySteve, I agree… They hate us, and they tell you that they hate us. It’s all done on purpose…

  4. On October 3, 2024 at 1:43 am, Plague Monk said:

    One prominent Catholic blogger has a post up implying that Asheville shouldn’t get any aid because of being pro GLPTXYZ+(or whatever). I’m no fan of the “gay rights” crowd, but this is a little over the top as far as I’m concerned.

  5. On October 3, 2024 at 3:19 am, Bill Buppert said:

    The government is telling you who they are everyday, plan accordingly.

    You will not vote your way out of this, plan accordingly.

    They want you dead, plan accordingly.

  6. On October 3, 2024 at 6:02 am, RCW said:

    There is certainly no shortage of villains amongst the power elite, nomenklatura & apparatchiks.

  7. On October 3, 2024 at 10:43 am, Don't mind me. said:

    You don’t hate the government nearly enough.

  8. On October 3, 2024 at 11:42 am, me loqui said:

    Plague Monk,

    I’m guessing you’re referring to Barnhardt. I agree: Far “over the top”.

    She’s full of irrational hate and knows very little of Christ’s teachings – certainly nothing of His “New Commandment”. She has memorized an incredible amount of ecclesiastical dogma and yet knows nothing of “Love”. Which is why she can spew forth such hate toward all she deems beyond God’s forgiveness and grace.

    Yet, she is instructional as she communicates much of what is wrong with those in the “Roman ‘Universal'” ( Church, including thinking Christ’s “Church” is physical structures and a “geo-political”, monarchical governing hierarchy … forgetting Christ’s instruction was so simple yet so hard to do: “Follow me.”

    And, so she is an example of how not to “follow Christ” and “Love one another”.

  9. On October 3, 2024 at 12:03 pm, Michael (from Utah) said:

    Government and its agents are beyond worthless at this point.

  10. On October 3, 2024 at 12:06 pm, Rob Crawford said:

    “me loqui” — your anti-Catholic bigotry is no different than hers.

  11. On October 3, 2024 at 2:07 pm, Plague Monk said:

    Me Loqui,

    I didn’t name her in my original comment because I try not to set up “Let’s you and him fight situations.” That’s not fair to the hosts of the web sites I frequent.

    She’s doubling down, and my wife and I are infuriated with her.

    I suppose I should set up my own web site, but at this time I can’t justify the expense, and I’m still recovering from my foot injury.


  12. On October 3, 2024 at 2:45 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Many more places than Asheville got hit very hard. For a claim to be rational it has to stand up to the test of logic.

    Marshall, Swannanoa, Mt. Mitchell, Hendersonville, Brevard, Lake Lure, Blowing Rock, Boone, the AT, Damascus Va., East Tennesse, Waynesville, and on and on the list goes.

    There are good folks everywhere up there. I know some of them. God didn’t send this to Asheville to punish anything. He’ll reserve His punishment for eternity.

    I don’t see any difference between a claim like that and a claim made by the Pentecostals that God “revealed such and such to me.”

    It’s all a claim to special revelation. Special revelation closed with the completion of the 66 books of the Bible.

    There is no more special revelation. We don’t need any more. We have it all.

  13. On October 3, 2024 at 6:00 pm, me loqui said:

    Rob Crawford,

    There would appear to be many Christians (since Constantine) in the Roman church who have attempted to serve Christ; but, while Christ’s instructions were simple it is impossible to be anything but imperfect in our individual attempts.

    That said, even Martin Luther: never left the Roman church; renounced the “protestant reformation” (a “political revolution” of Germanic Princes tired of paying tribute to the Pope and his (at the time “French”) Emperor); advocated “violence” to suppress the “reformation”; condemned the use of his name as the basis of a “new religion”; and before all that, posted his theses on the “village kiosk” (the church door where all public notices and academic questions were posted) to engage other academics in the monastery. … There are yet written records and it was immediately before the printing press.

    Separately, it is well known the the Roman church since circa ’61 has been in its third “pornocracy”. And, originally all of the non-Biblical doctrine was integrated from among the thousands of pagan sects which Constantine knew were destroying his Empire; thus adopting (and forcing universal practices among) Christian sects was unifying. The Emperor endorsed “catholicism (i.e., ‘universalism’}” and the Roman Church sanctified the Emperor. Hence the “Roman” “Universal” “Church”.

    Q: What is the genesis of the names of each of the days of the week ? … And, why isn’t Saturday (the seventh day) the Sabbath ? … As well

    “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9 (KJV) … How do you address the “priest” in your catholic parish ?

    Don’t confuse Christianity with any organization which calls itself “the Church”. … We all go to “church” to worship … but it is not a building … It is the process of two and more Christians coming together. (see Matthew 18:20 (KJV))

  14. On October 3, 2024 at 7:33 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    John Calvin (whom I follow), Theodore Beza, Francis Turretin, John Knox and the Westminster divines certainly never repudiated anything they taught, and they were the real fathers of the reformation.

    Look, no offense to the readers, but this discussion has gone far enough afield that I will shut it down unless it self-terminates.

    Let’s stick to the topic, and locate more instances that demonstrate the hypothesis and share accordingly.

  15. On October 3, 2024 at 9:07 pm, X said:


    Red-state Appalachia is basically the Israeli-Occupied Territories on the West Bank of the Potomac.

    The people running this shitshow of a country car more about Ukraine and Israel than they do about you. They care more about criminal illegal aliens and 70-IQ Haitians than about you. They tried to shoot your presidential candidate twice in a month. Then they re-indicted him after he won a Supreme Court victory. They are going to cheat and make sure he loses next month, but if he were to win they’d riot every single day.

    Remember how much the homo Buttigieg cared about the Trump-voting rubes and peckerwoods inhaling vinyl chloride from the East Palestine derailment? Not one bit.

    This is Reconstruction Part II. It is deliberate, it is sadistic. You will eat from their hand and their hand only, and if you are not subservient enough then you will not eat.

  16. On October 4, 2024 at 6:49 am, Patrick Carroll said:

    Late to the party, but “NOTAM” means “Notice To Airmen.”

    My time in the USAF proves useful!

  17. On October 4, 2024 at 7:01 am, John M said:

    Mistakes like this always seen to happen one way, hurt ordinary people or conservatives.

  18. On October 4, 2024 at 10:25 am, Paul said:

    The ever so politically correct people in charge of the FAA changed NOTAM recently to “NOTice to Air Missions”.
    Because changing that obviously offensive(/sarc) acronym was more important than actual safety of flight(Boeing,United, etc) and working with SpaceX to move our space flight capability forward.
    I wish I was making this up.,)%20–%20not%20the%20normal%20status.

  19. On October 4, 2024 at 10:46 am, anon said:

    I would hope this is standard “respek muh thoritay!” oafishness rather than a concerted effort.

    But seriously, #1) anyone in authority knows there are times when you need to look the other way to get things done.

    #2) You would think that in a disaster situation, when someone presents you with a piloted helo on a golden invoice free platter, you’d have the bloody sense to put it to use, rather than threaten them for taking initiative. What happened here is just asinine.

  20. On October 4, 2024 at 11:07 am, Earl Anderson said:

    Just a reminder that the early Christian Church disobeyed the law when it came to saving lives.

    The people involved in stopping the saving of lives in the article may have been enforcing the law but they are ethically and morally in error. In fact they are sinning. This is where the Amish Concept of Shunning comes into play. They and their families should be shunned in all ways until they repent of the evil they have committed. Why their families because the families are benefiting from the value the job of their parent or spouse are giving them.

    This way no violence at all is committed against the individual or his/her family. They are just excluded from polite society

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