Marion Hammer Resigns From NRA Board
BY Herschel Smith3 months, 2 weeks ago
Comments on NRAinDanger were not entirely flattering to Ms. Hammer, reminding readers she was former Executive Vice President Wayne “LaPierre’s most staunch…defender.” However, at least a couple of respondents noted how Hammer “was the tail that wagged the dog for the 2nd Amendment in Florida. And Florida became the tail that wagged the USA to where we now have 29 Constitutional Carry states. What happened in Florida got us to Heller, to McDonald, and to Bruen.”
Later on in the article, this is noted by Hammer.
Hammer explained her role on the Executive Council and said she continues to correspond with board members.
“I can communicate with them,” she said. “I will continue to do that.”
So she’s been put out to pasture, but not really.
Another Ammoland article begs for money for the NRA.
Not on your life. Any organization that portends seriousness in gun rights would have kicked her to the curb long ago.
As for Hammer, good riddance. See you, or better yet, I hope not.
On October 4, 2024 at 7:21 am, Frank said:
“People in a very good structure spend 85% of their time and energy maintaining the structure and only about 15% working towards its stated goals.” ~ Steiger’s Law, formulated by Sam Steiger (1929-2012), former US congressman and Arizona legislator
In other words, people involved in an established structure will eventually spend more time and energy maintaining it than in working toward its stated goals.
See the NAACP, the NRA, etc.
On October 5, 2024 at 10:15 pm, DJMoore said:
Also see Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy: Any organization will become dominated by people dedicated to strengthening the organization, rather than to the organization’s stated goals. [My paraphrase]