I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
Just got off the phone a Pastor in the midst of the flooding in TN/NC. He is in one of the most devastated locations. He verified a few things about the situation: – Almost all help is being done by private citizens, mainly churches. – Private helicopters are flying in the vast… pic.twitter.com/jCAfZT4Klx
I think the Vortex boys knock it out of the park with these two videos, and I’ve said before that I could listen to Ryan talk about paint drying and it would be interesting. I still await the invitation to go hunting with him.
Comments on NRAinDanger were not entirely flattering to Ms. Hammer, reminding readers she was former Executive Vice President Wayne “LaPierre’s most staunch…defender.” However, at least a couple of respondents noted how Hammer “was the tail that wagged the dog for the 2nd Amendment in Florida. And Florida became the tail that wagged the USA to where we now have 29 Constitutional Carry states. What happened in Florida got us to Heller, to McDonald, and to Bruen.”
Later on in the article, this is noted by Hammer.
Hammer explained her role on the Executive Council and said she continues to correspond with board members.
“I can communicate with them,” she said. “I will continue to do that.”
Let’s begin with this terrible report of a man who used his own helicopter to rescue stranded people above Asheville, N.C., and who was told if he continued, he would be placed under arrest.
The responsible officials are Dustin Waycaster – Fire Chief, and Chris Melton – Asst. Fire Chief. Congratulations men, you’ve made the hall of shame. It would take an entire article to examine the moral implications of preventing the rescue of men and women in danger, but we’ll leave it at that and cover it later. Suffice it to say that it sounds like you were discomfited by someone showing you up and “interfering with your operation.” Although it’s likely a manifest lie to say that anyone was really interfering with anything.
OKEECHOBEE, Fla. (CBS12) — Before Hurricane Helene made landfall, several cities and municipalities declared local states of emergency to ensure funds would be available for storm-related repairs.
One city’s local state of temporary emergency order has stirred controversy from gun advocates. On Monday, the Okeechobee Police Department admitted to enacting the wrong declaration last week, which mistakenly included a gun ban.
Firearms Policy Coalition, a non-profit gun rights organization headquartered in California, recently posted the notice on X, criticizing the police department for adopting the order, which banned the sale of guns and ammunition and prohibited public firearm possession by anyone other than law enforcement or military members.
UPDATE: We just spoke with someone in the @RonDeSantis administration. Not only was this local declaration illegal and unconstitutional, we were told that as soon as the Governor’s office was aware they directed the Police Chief to rescind the order. pic.twitter.com/w3yVcqQvw1
“This is something that was mistakenly enacted. Once we learned that the emergency order was not the order that we intended to declare, we immediately terminated it,” Det. Jarret Romanello, Public Information Officer for the Okeechobee City Police Department, told CBS12 News on Monday.
No one believes this was a “mistake,” Jarret. We all believe that you’re a professional liar.
Then there is more on authorities threatening arrest for folks trying to help.
We have medical teams trying to access Burnsville (elevation 2,700ft) and Black Mountain. Authorities are threatening arrest. I’m gonna keep this short & simple; something is very wrong here.
— Kelly DNP Functional/Integrative Medicine (@kacdnp91) October 2, 2024
She’s right, of course. Something is very wrong here.
Next up, the hall of shame isn’t limited to the authorities. I wonder who the “activist” groups are who are perpetrating these crimes?
Tennessee Hurricane Helene Truck Tire Slashing Update From Trucker
This many incidents has to be coordinated
– TA Travel Center Denmark, Tennessee: 50 Trucks tires slashed
– Loves in Dixon, Tennessee: 16 Trucks with tires slashed
– Loves in Holiday, Tennessee: 5 Tires slashed… pic.twitter.com/IIa2mwUY8n
This list of hall of shame members is quite likely to grow in the coming weeks and months.
This is certainly sad. Notice that the cop who enforces what he knows to be an unjust law says “I get it.” But he enforces it anyway, as they will do. The police chief is ultimately to blame for first allowing crack heads into Asheville where the lady had to be worried about it, and second to issue standing orders to prevent this lady from retrieving her property. He (Mike Lamb) deserves to be in the hall of shame.
I’ve been wondering when we’d see some footage of what police interactions are looking like in #asheville North Carolina #helene#ncwx
Well, here we go. City of Asheville Police Department hounds resident about getting their things from their home, “you guys have already gotten… pic.twitter.com/6PV9EqiMqy
— Frank Fighting For Freedom 🇺🇸 (@thinktankfranks) October 3, 2024
And perhaps the most egregious actions from the worst of all villains, Pete Buttigieg.
🚨NEW – Federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has shut down aid flights into Western North Carolina.
A NOTAM has been issued by the FAA that won’t allow anyone not approved by the state to fly aid missions. They said they would give permission but they’re not being…
This is disturbing, but expected behavior from the federal bureaucracy. They don’t understand the implications of their decisions, but then they wouldn’t care even if they did. What governors and local authorities (read LE) won’t do is enforce against FEMA. Notice that the local Sheriff is enforcing rules that harm people. Notice that no LE is entering the FEMA dumps to enforce the right to dump. Notice that only the people whose lives will suffer care about this.
MUST WATCH & MUST SHARE ! If you don’t fear the government yet , you will after watching this 👇 Apply logic to your question WHY ! So they can make life of disaster victims as miserable as possible ; where people give up , leave their homes never to return…. #AbandonedAmericapic.twitter.com/GtdzuTTBqz
What? You didn’t really expect FEMA to live up to their word, did you? We’ve sent all of your dollars overseas or housed illegal immigrants with it here. You don’t rate.