Feral Hog Population is Surging in the City of Kyle, Texas
BY Herschel Smith1 month ago
Another Texas city is feeling the wrath of an invasive and highly destructive species. The City of Kyle, located just about 20 miles south of downtown Austin is dealing with an “increased presence” of feral hogs. On Tuesday, officials said the Kyle Parks and Recreation Department is actively working within its feral hog trapping contract to devise the best strategy for the removal of the wild pigs. “The city is also exploring additional proactive solutions to mitigate the impact of feral hogs on public land as well as our local ecosystems,” officials said in a statement.
How nice. They are under a contract for trapping. Using this.
So here’s yet another prediction for you. I am a hog hunter and I have studied the hog problem for a long time now. Sounders don’t stay together like the wildlife biologists say they do. You can’t trap them all – I don’t care what the university-trained wildlife biologists are telling you. Boars often run alone because they fight each other when they are together. Sows may be with a lot of other sows, or they may run with one or two. Feral hogs are not like human family units. Please don’t anthropomorphize them. You’re making a mistake and also showing how ignorant you are of hog behavior. This isn’t like Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web. Even the sows fight each other from time to time.
The city won’t fix this problem by trying to trap them. There aren’t enough traps. The trappers are too expensive. You don’t have the money for all of this. If you do this, it must be combined with lethal removal, i.e., hunting. No, not hunting by paid police shooters. There aren’t enough of them. Besides, they need to be locking down the border anyway.
I mean getting hunters after them. $5 per head won’t be enough to get the right amount of interest. You may have to wait for children to get gored by boars with tusks. And your city council is going to have to revisit that whole issue of firearms being discharged within city limits. I know you have such an ordinance because all cities do.
This problem will get fixed, but only when enough people get hurt, enough ranches get destroyed, and city council gets replaced with new members.
On December 30, 2024 at 1:08 am, TheAlaskan said:
Have the state issue every boy AND girl an AR-15. Train them, then have a year long contest on the most hogs taken for retention of the AR-15.
After that year, see where your hog population is. Have another year if there’s even one hog left.
On December 30, 2024 at 1:15 am, TheAlaskan said:
They must be 18 years or older, United States Citizens, and a resident of Texas.
Now go have some fun.
On December 30, 2024 at 1:19 am, TheAlaskan said:
You can solve your hog problem. Shoot the bastards….always.
Up here, we use small aircraft to shoot bastards. R
On December 30, 2024 at 5:52 am, Mark Matis said:
If they are smart, they might be able to trap some of the Communists who are infiltrating Texas from the coastal urban hives. THEY tend to cluster.
Oh happy days!
On December 30, 2024 at 10:55 am, Ken said:
Nothing is going to help simply because that area is urban to either Austin or San Antonio. Filled to the brim with liberals/yankees/califruit and nuts and finally dumbed down “too cool” city slickers. Nothing they will do will fix this problem. Back in the day (when democraps controlled the state) they had the same problem with whitetail deer. Over populated. Hunt them? No too cruel. Let them be. They did and so many starved to death it was sickening. From Dallas/Ft Worth down I-35 to Austin to San Antonia then to Houston is no longer Texas.
On December 30, 2024 at 11:14 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “The city won’t fix this problem by trying to trap them. There aren’t enough traps. The trappers are too expensive.”
Perfect non-problem-solving “solution” offered by the government, in this case local. Looks good, costs tax money, but doesn’t solve the problem. It only appears to solve the problem, thereby supplying a built-in rationale for more funding and yet more expansion of government power.
In other words, a bit of wildlife management theater for the masses, and nothing more…
Call me cynical, but no government can solve problems and get budgeted for next fiscal year at the same time, let alone ask for and get a budget increase. Government’s “business model,” if we can call it that, depends on not solving problems in perpetuity, but instead making only enough apparent progress that the population doesn’t wake up to the grift.
And it is only by not solving problems that the bean-counters can – straight-faced no less – ask for budget increases year after year. Just give us more funding, and this time we’ll fix it, we promise!!
Well, how’s that approach been working out for you?
On December 30, 2024 at 11:16 am, Wylie1 said:
Provide ARs to everyone willing to hunt feral hogs. Reward those who harvest. Just having the gummit pay for ammo is enough to motivate me.
On December 31, 2024 at 6:52 am, jrg said:
Inside town, trapping or poisoning becomes the only option I think. City insurers would be terrified if anyone were to be accidentally struck with a bullet or their pet be poisoned. Out side the confines of the city, buckshot inside thickets might be safely used.
Hog are intelligent creatures, I think smarter than deer. Like deer, they go noctournal and are far harder to find for a clear shot. I think sporatic hunting (one weekend a month in several city zones) would lessen this tendency but then again, maybe not.
Non hunters and PETA type personnel would likely do all they can to scare the hogs away or interfere in these activities.
On December 31, 2024 at 12:47 pm, IA Brooks said:
No sympathy. 15 years ago ranchers and farmers would pay you (not well) to hunt the damned things. Then they learned to game the system, and between insurance payments for hog damage and fools willing to pay big bucks to shoot them from helos and other ‘sports’, they’re doing better than ever: the hogs in the field and the hogs in boots and hats…
On January 5, 2025 at 9:15 am, Don Curton said:
IA Brooks – exactly. I’ll hear property owners complaining about hog damage, I’ll offer to help hunt them, and all of a sudden they’re talking leases and payments and thousands of dollars (from me) to help them control a nuisance animal. I’m willing to shoot a few for free, I’m not paying thousands for a hunting lease.