I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
I’ve run across several professional (former) SpecOps who caution against this approach. For example, there is this example, and then this example with Andy Stumpf and Mike Glover.
So in brief, here is what I think. The gangs appear to me to be toothless when faced with ICE and DEA agents. I understand that the more professional cartel fighters in Mexico are much worse, but as long as SpecOps has means of ingress and egress (insertion and extraction), and strictly follows their protocols, I think the cartel fighters will fold like a cheap suit.
I think if we do this, it should be MARSOC and Delta (“The Unit”). The SEALs will have their hands full with other things: Panama.
I think it’s a fine option, but David Codrea has some cautions. “Good luck getting business licenses and insurance, and then navigating your way through the government contracting/procurement process. And lawyers– don’t forget lots of lawyers.”
I’d go further than that. What are the rules for the use of force that must be followed? Rules of engagement? Will U.S. prosecutors come after men who take these actions? What if a U.S. citizen gets shot in the process? And on and on the questions could go.
I do have one remark concerning model availability. They should give us a slide cut model for an optic. Otherwise, you have to remove the slide and send it out to be milled.
I’m not saying that all models should come that way, just that they should give us the choice of purchasing a model with a slide cut from the factory.
Then again, it doesn’t seem like any firearms manufacturer has ever listened to me when I write them or post remarks like this. S&W has summarily ignored my request for a lever gun shooting S&W500. They never even responded to my notes. I guess I’m not an “influencer.”
But I find these models to be very attractive, and you know how I like 1911s.
But then, that’s what they do. It’s magic! Just retitle the individual and there you go – now you have a diversity officer who has a more formal title.
You might be confused as to why agencies would fight so hard to keep DEI officers in place.
It’s totally understandable if you haven’t accepted the fact that DEI officers are actually communist political commissars. https://t.co/BpXxA6PUoG
It looks like there’s still an awful lot of work left to do.
Since this is in California, I am guessing that they didn’t go armed. For that reason alone I wouldn’t be in California. I don’t enter non-permissive states.