Innocent Man Dead after Cops Raid Wrong House Looking for Judge’s Missing Weedeater
BY Herschel Smith
This is yet another wrong-home SWAT raid. This one is so bad it defies belief.
They originally should have gone to another address (actually, they should have just knocked on the door and asked questions), then they got a warrant for the wrong address, and then finally, they went to yet another residence from the one they should have gone to or the one on the warrant – and shot an innocent man to death.
It’s like the keystone cops with rifles. Ignorant and uneducated goobers with deadly weapons aimed at innocent people.
Again, for the thousandth time: You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. There is never a situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.
Here’s the kicker. They were looking for a weed eater belonging to a judge. So you see, all animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.
I hope his surviving family sues the city out of existence, although that wouldn’t complete justice. The judge who issued the warrant and the officers who executed the warrant should all be in prison today and facing charges tomorrow.
On January 6, 2025 at 10:47 am, george 1 said:
I recently had an conversation with an old friend whom I had not spoken to in quite some time. He is a retired military man who specialized in intelligence analysis.
He told me that he is quite sure that the special forces today are selecting for sociopaths, especially the Green Berets.
My question: Is there reason to believe that this is the case for police today? It seems to me that you could make a good case for that.
On January 6, 2025 at 12:00 pm, Chris Mallory said:
The weed eater, and other equipment, was owned by a person renting storage from the Judge Executive. In KY, the county government is called the “Fiscal Court” and the chief executive is the “Judge Executive”. Neither has anything to do with the justice system, other than approving the budgets for the elected sheriff and elected jailer. The guy who stole the weed eater admitted to stealing it and a small space heater. The thief then said they were trying to pin other items on him as well.
No clue why this required a multiple officer raid on a house in the middle of the night. It had been dark in London, Ky since 5:30 EST. The 6X year old man was probably in bed asleep when the door was knocked on. It was a yard tool probably worth less than $200. Two LEOs in dress uniforms knocking on the door and waiting to be let in would have been the way to handle itl Yes, I am a proponent of putting cops back into dress uniforms and getting them out of the Tactical Tard outfits most seem to wear now. If they just have to go out in the middle of the night for a simple theft case, turn the damn lights on the cruisers on so the occupants of the house have some clue it is the actual cops banging on the door and screaming hysterically and not some meth head.
On January 6, 2025 at 8:03 pm, X said:
“No clue why this required a multiple officer raid on a house in the middle of the night.”
Because when you have all that cool tactical shit and all those tactical toys, you want to play door-kicker and be a “hero” and catch a “terr-rist,” just like Fallujah.
But if you work for shit wages in some little podunk town where nothing ever happens except Bubba gits hisself into a snit with his “wo-man” and then drives his truck home from the bar drunk, you need to start inventing excuses to use that shit.
Any excuse will do — dog pissed on the neighbor’s lawn, missing weedwhacker, whatever. Ya gotta roll that MRAP and get that “assault weapon” in your hands, bro. Otherwise “you might not go home at the end of your shift,” right?
ALL cops everywhere should be required to wear powder-puff blue shirts and be required to carry only .38 revolvers…
On January 6, 2025 at 10:41 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Few years back, Ruger made a run of Sp101 in 38special with a 3″ barrel and a lanyard ring. Was for the French Railway Police. They sold some of the overrun here in the US. That would be the perfect firearm for cops, a 5 shot 38Special. Make them aim instead of spray and pray. No more mag dumps.
On January 17, 2025 at 10:39 pm, Ricky Bobby said:
My daughter’s MIL lives in London, KY and we discussing the incident this my evening. Apparently the town leadership is rotten through and through.