The History of the ATF
BY Herschel Smith
This is a very well-researched and very well-done video series. Thankfully, there is at least one more to come.
I do have a few nits with what he says in the second video along with some other observations. I do think that the individual agents in the ATF are culpable for the sins and crimes of the ATF. While the laws may not lend themselves to enforcement by any means but tyranny, that sort of organization only invites tyrants to work there.
As for Ruby Ridge, Lon Horiuchi was and is a murderer. Never forget that Bill Barr, Trump’s AG, got a list of former U.S. AGs together and petitioned the court on behalf of Horiuchi. The U.S. government, you see, can never be put in the position of not being able to enforce tyrannical laws.
And also never forget his points in the first half of the first video. It was moralistic do-gooders who pressed the whole temperance movement (and eventually, illegality of booze with prohibition). It was all a terrific failure as one might expect, and only made criminality worse.
Note the totalitarian and tyrannical nature of FDR, who was a communist and also a great admirer of Stalin. His AG wrote the NFA (you thought that Congress was supposed to write laws, didn’t you?).
Finally, I appreciate his personal recollections in the wake of Ruby Ridge.
On January 6, 2025 at 2:27 am, Stefan v. said:
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should dedicate itself to promoting the quality and accessibility of these goods in accordance with the nation’s Constitution…..or disband.
On January 7, 2025 at 11:56 pm, Grunt said:
After I read that Troy industries hired scum Horiuchi for whatever reason I never made a purchase from them again. It didn’t hurt them at all, but not much else a law abiding individual can do but vote with their $$. That and spread the word. I bet you all wouldn’t be surprised that no one I spoke with cared. Sad!
On January 7, 2025 at 11:58 pm, Grunt said:
After I read that Troy industries hired scum Horiuchi for whatever reason I never made a purchase from them again. It didn’t hurt them at all, but not much else a law abiding individual can do but vote with their $$. That and spread the word. I bet you all wouldn’t be surprised that no one I spoke with about this cared. Sad!