I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
This is yet another instance of cops attacking the wrong people, violating the right to privacy and the right to due process.
On another front, cops shouldn’t have access to dogs. They should wear sky blue collared shirts in full uniform, knock on doors, and be imprisoned for violation of rights.
Finally, any man who can’t control their beasts any better than that doesn’t deserve to have them. There should be a permanent injunction against the handler ever having dogs again, right after he gets out of prison.
Because by design the unorganized militia isn’t under the control of the FedGov (as intended by the founders), and totalitarians and tyrants want everything to be under the control of centralized governments. That’s why. They always have wanted this, and still want it today. The controller mentality hasn’t changed in the entire history of the world.
They fear armed, trained Americans. Therefore, never give up your firearms, and stay trained.
This is a very well-researched and very well-done video series. Thankfully, there is at least one more to come.
I do have a few nits with what he says in the second video along with some other observations. I do think that the individual agents in the ATF are culpable for the sins and crimes of the ATF. While the laws may not lend themselves to enforcement by any means but tyranny, that sort of organization only invites tyrants to work there.
As for Ruby Ridge, Lon Horiuchi was and is a murderer. Never forget that Bill Barr, Trump’s AG, got a list of former U.S. AGs together and petitioned the court on behalf of Horiuchi. The U.S. government, you see, can never be put in the position of not being able to enforce tyrannical laws.
And also never forget his points in the first half of the first video. It was moralistic do-gooders who pressed the whole temperance movement (and eventually, illegality of booze with prohibition). It was all a terrific failure as one might expect, and only made criminality worse.
Note the totalitarian and tyrannical nature of FDR, who was a communist and also a great admirer of Stalin. His AG wrote the NFA (you thought that Congress was supposed to write laws, didn’t you?).
Finally, I appreciate his personal recollections in the wake of Ruby Ridge.
This is yet another wrong-home SWAT raid. This one is so bad it defies belief.
They originally should have gone to another address (actually, they should have just knocked on the door and asked questions), then they got a warrant for the wrong address, and then finally, they went to yet another residence from the one they should have gone to or the one on the warrant – and shot an innocent man to death.
It’s like the keystone cops with rifles. Ignorant and uneducated goobers with deadly weapons aimed at innocent people.
Again, for the thousandth time: You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. There is never a situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.
Here’s the kicker. They were looking for a weed eater belonging to a judge. So you see, all animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.
I hope his surviving family sues the city out of existence, although that wouldn’t complete justice. The judge who issued the warrant and the officers who executed the warrant should all be in prison today and facing charges tomorrow.
I’ve always been fascinated at New Orleans, surrounded on all three sides by water at a higher elevation than it is: The Gulf, the Mississippi River, and Lake Pontchartrain. It’s a city that shouldn’t be there except for being a port city at the mouth of the Mississippi river.
Meanwhile, the FBI remains laser focused on parents in Virginia who complained to school boards about their children being taught transgenderism.
I told you this was coming, @TPASarah told you this was coming, @RooftopLeader told you this was coming, @realLegendAfg told you this was coming, @AhmadMassoud told you this was coming. Congress funded it (you heard this on my show), we warned them, we warned you. Nobody did a… pic.twitter.com/a3iTZ7Iesb
Boy this got the comments section lit up with complaints that they didn’t go far enough into the cartridge history, differences in loadings, etc. There’s a lot more information in the comments section.