Christians Targeted by Muslims in Syria
BY Herschel Smith
Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure it will never happen here. Diversity is our strength.
Remember Herschel’s Dictum. “There aren’t too many human interaction problems that can’t be fixed with a .45 ACP 230-grain fat-boy.”
More here.
The answer to this is easy, quick and simple. Put a .45 ACP fat boy in their brain and it will stop.
— CaptainsJournal (@BrutusMaximus50) March 10, 2025
On March 9, 2025 at 11:41 pm, Dan said:
Not sure why anyone would be surprised by this. Islam and the Koran COMMANDS that it’s adherents kill or enslave EVERYONE who isn’t muslim. And unless opposed by effective physical force that is exactly what you can count on them to do.
On March 10, 2025 at 2:20 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Islam is portrayed in most mainstream media sources as one of the world’s great monotheistic religions, but decades of Cultural Marxism and educational rot and decay have buried a once widely-known truth: Islam is the oldest and most-determined enemy of the West and of what used to be known as Christendom. It is likewise the enemy of all non-Muslim civilizations and peoples.
There have been several dozen serious attempts by Muslims to invade and conquer Europe over the last 1,400 years, and literally too many to count smaller raids, attacks and acts of jihad. The Moors invaded the Iberian peninsula in the period c. 712-720, and it took until 1492, and the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to repel the Mohammedans from what they call “al-Andalus,” a period of nearly eight centuries. The rest of Europe was spared only because the Christian armies of King Charles “The Hammer” Martel triumphed against superior odds at the Battle of Tours in 732, a victory which most historians regard as pivotal in assuring that the West would remain Christian.
The greatest mass murderers in history have been the soldiers of Allah, who have slain an estimated 800 million people, mostly non-Muslims (kafirs) since Mohammed rode out of the Arabia desert 1,400 years ago. That is the estimate reached by esteemed historians Will and Ariel Durant in their multipart “The Story of Civilization.”
The largest single act of genocide was also committed by the sons of Allah. During the mid-1500s under the Mughal empire’s conquest of the Indian subcontinent, an estimated fifty million Hindus and other infidels were slain over a period of years – the largest act of mass murder in human history.
The Muslims complete this trifecta of violence by being the most-prolific slavers in history. By a wide margin, the Muslim world has been responsible for more slavery and human bondage than any other in human history. Muslims have not only been the most-prolific takers and owners of slaves in history, they have also been the most-prolific traders.
How deeply is slavery embedded in the Islamic world? Most westerners are utterly unaware of the fact that slavery is still widely practiced across the Islamic world, and that it is only in the 21st century that the last holdouts in which the practice was legal have finally passed laws making slavery illegal. Muritania, Sudan and a number of other African nations had practiced it up until only a decade or so ago. The Sunni Arab states had only outlawed it a few decades ago.
Even today, the taking of slaves is rampant across the Islamic world, wherever it comes into contact with non-Muslim societies. The fierce Janjaweed tribesmen of the Sudan raided Christian and other settlements so frequently and so violently that non-Muslims had to split off and form their own nation, the South Sudan, to gain a measure of peace and tranquility. They had to take arms, as well – for the Jamjaweed were not dissuaded by peaceful requests to stop.
Slavery has not gone away in the Islamic world; it has simply moved under ground and out of sight of newspapers and TV. Ads in places like the Philippines speak of glamorous high-paying jobs for nannies and governesses for young women in the Arab world; when the applicants arrive, they are taken captive as slaves before they can do anything to stop it.
Many of the readers of this website are undoubtedly familiar with the notorious grooming gangs who have terrorized Europeans from the U.K. to Sweden to Italy. These young men either strong-arm children and young women into their reach or lure them with money, sweets and other gifts. Once under their control, the captives are addicted to narcotics and made slaves and prostitutes. Most are never seen again by their families.
Islamic doctrine divides the world into two and only two spheres: Dar al-Islam, which means “The House of Islam/House of Submission,” and Dar al-Harb, which means “The House of War.” All infidel lands and infidels/non-Muslims/kafirs are considered the enemy, regardless of where they reside. It is only when the whole of the world lies inside Dar al-Islam and all are believers that the mujahadeen (holy warriors) may lay down their swords.
In other words, Islam is a creed of perpetual warfare of the believers against the unbelievers. Most acts of violence which non-Muslims consider to be “terrorism” are actually considered lawful under sharia law as valid acts of jihad, “holy war” in the name of the faith.
On March 10, 2025 at 2:35 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel Smith
Perhaps you know the storied history of the M1911 pistol in 45 ACP/Auto, namely that its potent 230-grain FMJ “hardball” round came about directly because of the need for a handgun potent-enough to stop charging Islamic Moro tribesmen during the Philippine Insurrection 1898-1913.
The rifles and shotguns arming American soldiers, sailors and Marines were potent-enough to do the job, but the .38 caliber revolvers then in use proved to be anemic, and not enough to do the job. The Moros, many of whom drugged themselves and also wrapped their extremities tightly using cloth strips to slow bleeding from gunshot and other wounds, proved to be fanatical and committed enemies – and the 38 just wasn’t getting the job done.
There is evidence to suggest that the M1911 pistol made into U.S. hands in the Philippines for the final campaigns and battles of the insurrection, before the “Juramentados” (“Believers”) were put down for good. The Battle of Bud Bagsak in 1913 is one example.
During the interval while the M1911 was being developed, many of the old Colt “Peacemakers” were brought out of mothballs and put to their intended use. Since these were in hard-hitting cartridges such as the 45 Colt and 44-40, they probably did the job for the men in the Philippines.
The famous Texas Ranger Joacquin Jackson, whose career began in 1966, was once asked why he carried a Colt 45 M1911. His reply became legend: “Because they don’t make a Colt 46!”
Back in the old days between the world wars, the saying was “They all fall to hardball!” They were talking about the 230-grain “hardball” round….
On March 10, 2025 at 3:43 am, dave in pa. said:
I always liked the 185 grain soft nose myself. but 230 grain lead flat nose works really well too. as for the rag heads, this is what they always have done. if they have the numbers, they will make life for anyone not like them hell on earth.
we used to get into fights with the “turks” back in West Berlin back in the day.
funny the German cops never gave us any grief about it either. I guessing the way it is now over there, they would like to see G.I.’s pounding the “Turk” bastards again
then again, maybe not as they did invite them in a few years ago.
On March 10, 2025 at 4:10 am, Mark Matis said:
Europe (including Britain) s owned by the Rothshchilds, and Europe does whatever their owners want done.
On March 10, 2025 at 5:20 am, Joe Blow said:
Its so heartbreaking watching that video, you know those men were driven into the desert and shot dead moments afterwards.
Which begs the question… and I’ve seen video’s like this before, especially with the cartel and various isis propaganda videos. No doubt the people know they aren’t going to survive this encounter. Why not fight back? Why not resist? Why die on your knee’s begging instead of fighting to take back what is rightfully yours – your life? I’d rather lose it fighting than give it up begging? I don’t understand that. What, you think they’re just going to slap you around in the back of the truck then let you go?