Ninth Circuit Judge Van Dyke Dissents
BY Herschel Smith
This is his video explaining his dissent. I won’t like all of the articles where “legal experts” were aghast that he would do such a thing. I found it all quite amusing, but I won’t give them traffic for their stupidity.
What I did find most interesting is that the judge called out the ignorance of his fellow judges over video. He rocks. His fellow judges are jammed, and he comes out looking like the one who knows what he’s talking about.
But it simply could be that the other judges aren’t really that stupid and know what they’re doing. They’re just controllers at heart. Judge Van Dyke’s dissent video is still good medicine for this malfeasance.
I wouldn’t have been as nice and amiable as Judge Van Dyke. I would have engaged in name calling.
On March 23, 2025 at 11:05 pm, Archer said:
It could be both. It could be that the other judges aren’t that stupid, and indeed are smart enough to have kept themselves willfully ignorant of basic firearm functionality and terminology, so they can feasibly and “reasonably” rule the way they do.
Or they’re just lying about their pretended unfamiliarity, which would be my bet. There’s very little chance that someone with the knowledge Judge Van Dyke has wouldn’t attempt to explain the basics to his colleagues in chambers during discussion and deliberation.
But they chose to not listen to him or take anything he said into consideration.
As I’ve grown fond of saying: When someone who is honestly mistaken is given correction, one (and only one) of two things will happen — he will cease to be mistaken, or he will cease to be honest.
If I were a betting man, I know where I’d place my wager on which of those is happening.
On March 25, 2025 at 10:05 am, Michael (from Utah) said:
Well, this was an awesome video to watch.