Coyote Attacks Teenager In Massachusetts
BY Herschel Smith
Via reader Wynn, Foxnews:
A coyote attacked a teen in the woods of Massachusetts over the weekend, Boston 25 News and other local media reported.
The incident happened in Swampscott, northeast of Boston, on Saturday night and paramedics rushed the 17-year-old victim to a hospital, according to the station. The circumstances surrounding the attack were unclear.
The Swampscott Police Department took to Facebook on Saturday evening.
“This evening in a wooded area between Burpee Rd and the upper Jackson Field, there was an incident involving a coyote bite,” authorities said.
They went on, “We urge residents to use extreme caution in any wooded area in town.”
Swampscott police said that they and environmental police searched the area but didn’t find the animal.
They also listed several precautions people can take when dealing with an approaching coyote.
“Walk with a walking stick, carry a noise maker, walk with a buddy,” they said in part.
Probably not a Coyote – probably a Coywolf.
Yea, I carry a noisemaker. A very loud one. And I walk with a buddy too. His name is 230-gr .45 ACP fat boy. He doesn’t mind it when I call him fat boy.
Say, don’t they have all of that gun control in Massachusetts anyway?
Meanwhile, TCJ correspondent Fred has joined a union and is on strike for better wages.
On June 11, 2018 at 7:10 am, Fred said:
Carry a stick? What, are we living in the stone age?
Actually I’ve been at a fundamental bible camp with 80 children. So you can either whine and piss and moan and vote your way out of this or you can pour the gospel of Christ into young hearts and teach them right living, responsibility, and the value of work. Got to spend some time on the archery range teaching weapons safety and having fun shooting arrows. And yes, the girls are a better shot than most of the boys, heh.
“And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?”
His army is so young. Precious precious souls are at stake. Anything we can do bring them along is well rewarded. It’s only Western Civilization, no biggie. How does CA put it? “Generational Transfer”. If you won’t do it the leftists will.
On June 11, 2018 at 8:43 am, bob sykes said:
I grew up in rural MA northeast of Boston and Swampscott. We called them “coydogs” in the 50’s. They are actually a mix of about 2/3 western coyote, 1/4 Canadian wolf and 1/10 large dog. They have been proposed to be a separate species. The eastern coyote has behaviors not found in its western cousin: it forms packs; it is comfortable around humans; it thrives in urban centers. See Prof. Gehrt at Ohio State for info. The eastern coyotes are also about 50% bigger than the western coyotes, and much more dangerous.
We have a small pack here in rural north central Ohio that visits our neighborhood about every four to six weeks and gives us a short serenade. A week ago, they came within a 100 yds of our house and sang for about 20 to 30 seconds around 2 am on a Saturday morning. I will not go outside our house into our back yard after midnight without a pistol.
On June 11, 2018 at 9:14 am, Lori said:
We have them up here in northern Maine. They don’t like our three Ovcharka bitches (156 lbs each). They are also very susceptible to lead poisoning.
On June 11, 2018 at 7:10 pm, Gryphon said:
Coyotes all over the Virginia Piedmont, and in close to Built-Up areas.. regularly see “Lost Dog” posters, ‘dogs’ are always of the Ankle-Biting kind. One of the weird things is how (depending on the Winds) the Jets landing at the Big Airport 30 Miles away will Drop Out of intermediate Altitude (18-20,000 Feet) by Idling the Engines and putting on the ‘Brakes’. The Spoiler Boards on Boeing Jets make a very Distinctive Howling Sound that changes in Pitch depending on how much Thumb the Pilot puts on the Switch, and almost Instantly, every Coyote is Howling Back at the Jet… and quite often, You can hear Gunfire soon after the Jet passes.
On June 11, 2018 at 8:26 pm, John said:
I’ve heard they are sometimes seen in the larger parks
in the heart of DC. Though if they are wearing a tie they’re
usually just politicians.
On June 11, 2018 at 9:26 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Environmental police??
On June 12, 2018 at 7:13 am, Fred said:
@Alaskan, that caught my eye as well.
On June 12, 2018 at 9:15 am, H said:
Massachusetts has a zillion different armed police forces, for example the last time I got my driver’s licence renewed there (went to college in the Boston area decades ago) the final bit of work was done by a uniformed, armed with a revolver Registry police officer who was doing clerk’s work behind the counter.
On June 12, 2018 at 12:39 pm, Gryphon said:
John – The ones wearing Ties are usually Jackals…
And yeah, a place called Rock Creek Park is full of them.