New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested For Drunk Driving
BY Herschel Smith
There are a lot of pregnant quotes in this video worth parsing: “I would love to know who called” … “You can find that out sir, you know you can find that out” … “We don’t want to be put in this position” … “Some way to avoid more headaches …”
On July 1, 2019 at 9:15 am, Longbow said:
Yeah but…
1. Cops have powers and abilities above and beyond those of mortal men, so he was not a danger to himself or anyone else when HE was driving drunk. He has special Cop training to handle situations such as these.
2. Don’t ya think we should give him the benefit of the doubt? Sure he might have screwed up, but don’t ya think he was probably trying to do the right thing when HE was driving drunk?
3. I’m just SURE that the Vast Majority would see to it that every bit of evidence was presented and that he was prosecuted if he was a genuine danger to the community when HE was driving drunk.
Oh, and finally, did ya notice how the cops were all apologetic with the Lieutenant about having to enforce the LAW on HIM? I did not see one instance of humorous banter between the cops, about pinching another DUI, or any willingness to use force to ensure compliance, as there would have been if they had stopped a mere mortal. You See? They’re good guys. They treat their own really well.
On July 1, 2019 at 10:50 am, ambiguousfrog said:
“It’s a club, and you’re not in it” — George Carlin
On July 1, 2019 at 1:00 pm, June J said:
A mere citizen exhibiting such resistance would probably have been tased, taken to the ground by multiple officers, handcuffed and thrown in the back of the patrol car.
On July 1, 2019 at 1:56 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Where were the drawn weapons, screaming, yelling and multiple contradictory commands?
On July 1, 2019 at 4:42 pm, Stones said:
Follow up…
“Chew told The Press of Atlantic City that he retired April 1, 2019. He was placed on administrative leave after his arrest, according to the police report.”
“According to the Press’ report, Capt. Martin Biersbach said an Internal Affairs investigation, which began immediately after the incident, has not been completed pending Chew’s retirement filings.”
“State pension data ( lists Chew as an active pension member with a recorded salary of $127,242.”
On July 3, 2019 at 7:53 am, ExpatNJ said:
New Jersey: Where nearly all weapons are denied to The People (by Their own wishes, ie elections).
What do you call a place were The People are disarmed, and a Standing Army can do as it pleases? A Police State.