Virginians: This Is What Your Rulers Think Of You
BY Herschel Smith
“These people are crazy”, “Yea, they’re like little kids. As long as we don’t reply we’ll get through this.”
Some listeners are claiming that it’s impossible to hear it accurately. I could, especially with the help of the comments which link this cleaned up version. The contact information for this group of vipers is here.
On January 5, 2020 at 10:55 pm, Poshboy said:
“Vile, self-righteous, and extremely conceited Marxists.” That about sums up Arlington County’s thoroughly useless progressive activists and garbage elite.
No, Ms. Filler-Corn: you’re the crazy one. No one sane could be this stupid by poking the wolverine and expect to see the end of the fight.
(She’s the one on the other side of this conversation. The nation will see more of her in the weeks ahead; she’s the probable new VA House Speaker. Think AOC, but more full of herself.)
I’d now be in favor of DC Statehood only if they take back the Virginia section of the original 1800 District boundaries. It’d clean out about 250,000 collectivists from the Virginia voting pool.
The show opens in Richmond this Wednesday, Jan. 8th.
On January 5, 2020 at 11:01 pm, goodhalogen said:
When Virginians finally show up with their weaponry, THEN we’ll see who the adults are in the room. I sincerely hope that these officials continue to escalate their arrogant behavior in such a manner that will incite citizens to totally overthrow this treasonous government. Millions of citizens in other states are watching these “leaders” and all related events carefully.
On January 6, 2020 at 8:20 am, Fred said:
I wouldn’t worry about any of this. The NRA and Republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The NRA is now claiming that it can lead this fight. In case you didn’t know yet, the NRA is the government.
The State will pass some lesser increment, everybody will grumble and go home, and the long march will continue apace. Enjoy your communism.
On January 6, 2020 at 10:04 am, Thomas Madere said:
Can’t understand what is being said. Can anyone post a transcript.
On January 6, 2020 at 1:41 pm, Frank Clarke said:
NRA? Stop me if I get this wrong: Not Relevant Anymore is jumping in to take charge of the effort to Negotiate Rights Away? Hurray! We’re saved! (snork!)
On January 6, 2020 at 4:14 pm, DDS said:
“The State will pass some lesser increment, everybody will grumble and go home, and the long march will continue apace. Enjoy your communism.”
Increment? I believe the word you were looking for is “excrement.”
On January 6, 2020 at 5:10 pm, Fred said:
Heh! Well, yes, the excrement does come in increments, so, um, there’s that.
On January 8, 2020 at 4:30 pm, olranger said:
A citizen is armed, unarmed you become a subject.