Why only half of Americans say they would get a COVID-19 vaccine
BY Herschel Smith
Of those who say they wouldn’t get a coronavirus vaccine, more than 40 percent said they would be concerned about getting COVID-19 from the vaccine itself, which is scientifically not a possibility. Modern vaccines don’t contain live viruses that are able to infect humans, and there’s no reason to think that a coronavirus vaccine would be any different. Nearly a third of people said they just didn’t think vaccines worked very well. It’s true that some vaccines do not work very well—the flu vaccine is a great example. Often it has around a 40 percent efficacy rate, and the influenza virus mutates so quickly that we have to make a new vaccine every year. But even setting aside the fact that the vast majority of other vaccines work extremely well—to the point that we’ve used vaccines to eradicate one disease (smallpox) and nearly eradicate another (polio)—we have to remember that even relatively ineffective vaccines help us combat a virus. People who get the flu vaccine are less likely to get seriously ill from the flu, even if they still get some symptoms. The same may be true for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Oh bull. There are many different types of vaccines, dead viruses, live but attenuated viruses, etc. An idiot wrote this article.
But how about the best reason not to get a Covid vaccine. It will have been sent through the brains of mice about 35 times to attenuate to a non-lethal form for most people, thereby reducing its effectiveness, and picking up hundreds of other retroviruses along the way, with the Covid virus as the carrier for it all. Thus it will introduce your body to hundreds of other viruses that lay dormant until the one virus you get weakens your body enough to cause these other viruses to attack your body, inducing a cytokine storm in your immune system.
How’s that? Did I do okay?
On June 2, 2020 at 10:31 pm, George 1 said:
I don’t know a lot about Vaccines but I do know that Bill Gates can keep his.
On June 2, 2020 at 10:40 pm, Herschel Smith said:
@George 1,
What Bill Gates did in India.
This is true and not in dispute.
On June 2, 2020 at 10:55 pm, George 1 said:
Herschel. Yes. He is not a nice man. He, at least his company, hired that Satan worshiping woman who enjoys the “Spirit Cooking”, then he got rid of her when a lot of people objected.
We know who his god is.
On June 3, 2020 at 1:30 am, Hudson H Luce said:
By the time a vaccine is developed and tested, it won’t be needed. You’ve seen all of the big crowds of protesters everyplace, a few but not many wearing masks. If people in the crowd have the WuFlu, they’re spreading it like crazy, potentially everybody there. People get a nose full of OC – or just a sniff of it – and they’re coughing and sneezing – and if they have WuFlu, anyone within 27 feet will be exposed – and those crowds are shoulder to shoulder. Most of the people in those crowds are below 40 years old, so there’s a 99% chance they won’t get anything stronger than a mild case of the flu – and they’ll develop antibodies, which means they’ll be immune. What these huge protests are doing is to develop herd immunity, and that will be the end of Dr Anthony Fauci’s coronavirus experiment. No vaccine will be needed when herd immunity is developed. No need for immunity passports or lockdowns or any of the rest of that crap, either.
On June 3, 2020 at 4:04 am, penses said:
There are 300 trillion virus’ in the human body, most involved in vital chemical reactions that keep people alive and healthy. That is why vaccines kill more people than the flu. The vaccine could attack one of the vital chemical reactions keeping you alive. Bang, you are dead.
Virus’ mutate constantly. Bill Gates knows this. The ultimate goal of the 1% is to eliminate seven billion people and have one billion left for their plantations.
And the masks are just as lethal. It is like having a petri dish on your face full of bacteria. And the virus’ can pass through the mask with ease. The main reason for the mask is the psychological separation and isolation it creates. Fear is the deep states best weapon and from what I see out in public it is working. People with masks on stares at me like I am the freak. I wonder if they look at themselves in the mirror and see the real freak.
The sheep are being herded for the slaughter.
On June 3, 2020 at 6:24 am, Todd said:
Another vaccine is always good, according to the government and big pharma, and these half of Americans Saying they don’t want it – hard to believe half have woken up, but maybe some good has come of Kung flu.
I’ve wondered about those getting sick from Kung flu; do they get their annual flu shot? Are they fully vaccinated? Is there some commonality between those who get very sick or die, besides age being one determining factor?
I wonder if the statists are regretting overblowing annual flu deaths by conflating that number with pneumonia deaths, along with reporting without testing. That 30k or 40k annual flu deaths they trot out to get the sheep to get their “free” flu shot backfired methinks.
On June 3, 2020 at 8:41 am, Herschel Smith said:
I didn’t say ‘Coronaviruses are … retroviruses’. You just made that up.
We’ll have to see how they make the vaccine, and then we’ll discuss it more.
I and my readers will. You can discuss it too if you’re not a smart ass and learn to be nice over these pages. I don’t pay for bandwidth for you to insult me.
No more chances.
On June 3, 2020 at 8:44 am, Ned said:
“Did you go through life without getting vaccinated? Did you not vaccinate your children?” Who TF cares – herd immunity and all from vaccines.
“Compensation for a death resulting from vaccination is capped at $250,000. As of December 1, 2011, the program had awarded $2.35 billion in 2,810 separate claims, including compensation for 390 deaths.”
Vaccines are so “safe” that manufacturers require an extra level of government protection from liability. That seems fair.
On June 4, 2020 at 5:17 pm, penses said:
Liberty University, once criticized for choosing to reopen during the kungflu planneddemic, finished its spring semester without a single confirmed case