When Will Ammo Logistics Recover?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 5 months ago
More perspectives on the ammo shortage.
“We’ve already been told from the manufacturers mostly like, it’s looking like maybe late third quarter, maybe late fall, and it could be pushed into winter or 2021 until we get a lot of the product,” he said.
While Farhat said his store does have ammo in stock, but it’s costing more right now because he’s not able to buy it wholesale.
“We’ve had to go out and purchase through outside distributors that are able to sell us limited quantities here and there, and we just have to make do with what we can get,” he said.
That’s a lot of slush in his estimate. Of course, I wouldn’t expect the supply chain ever to catch up with demand depending on the election cycle.
On July 29, 2020 at 11:33 pm, Reader said:
Which component of boolit making is most easily disrupted and which has the least manufacturers available?
On July 30, 2020 at 8:10 am, 41mag said:
Maybe Leland Yee can help businesses procure new stock?
On July 30, 2020 at 3:17 pm, Arthur Sido said:
Fiocchi is building a new plant in Arkansas, I have no idea how much that factory can produce but hopefully other ammo manufacturers are following their lead. On the other hand, with Biden promising to ban online ammo sales it is possible that ammo manufacturers are holding back on major investments to see what happens in the election.
On July 31, 2020 at 8:06 am, tired dog said:
Supply chain improvements and investments in same become irrelevant on Jan. 20, 2021 as ‘president’ Biden beats feet from inauguration site to oval office to begin marathon signing session implementing restrictions and bans already passed by the 117th CONgress which will have opened for business on Jan. 3.
Worst case? Yep. Possible? Haven’t seen the Vegas line but would not expect odds to favor liberty.