Kamala Harris It is
BY Herschel Smith
Harris is the pick. Everyone with any sense knows that if he wins, Biden won’t make it six months into a presidency. Thus, a vote for Biden is a vote for president Kamala Harris.
As if you didn’t need to know anything else about her, she coupled up on the Amici Curiae against Dick Heller, and while I’ve pointed out how incredibly weak the Heller ruling was, she doesn’t believe you have a right to self defense at all.
She also believes in the admissibility of false confessions in court, contrary to the Holy Writ which doesn’t allow self incrimination but rather opts for two or more witnesses. Here see R. J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law.
Because she is evil.
See also a JIT post by David Codrea.
On August 12, 2020 at 4:08 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Yes, she is right from the pits of Hell. And she hates Whitey, and that will show. This could be a very good thing for Trump’s campaign. Red pills for Whitey, let’s have ’em.
On August 12, 2020 at 7:14 am, June J said:
Her campaign slogan “I started on my knees and that’s taken me to where I am today. As your President I will get up off my knees and bend all of you over.”
On August 12, 2020 at 9:14 am, Fred said:
Yes, it all seems to be magically lining up to keep drumpf in office. Imagine my surprise. Pfft. Why, oh why, would the new order remove him? He’s gold to them. “Conservatives” keep thinking he’s on their side while the global agenda is ramping up to full blown communist centralized control. The latest medical tyranny under drumpf is just the tip of the iceberg that the new order will bring, him included, if he’s re-elected.
Drumpfs own words: “They are talking about shutting everything down, but I probably shouldn’t talk about that.” A week later he killed the economy.
Oh no, it’s all fauci and gates, the new york city liberal controller drumpf loves you and is fighting tooth and nail to keep you free. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA
On August 12, 2020 at 10:38 am, John said:
I hear the left news saying “she is a strong candidate” when she couldn’t carry her own
state in the primary. Also Axlerod of CNN wrote a column that clearlysay she was the
3rd choice of Biden but the 1st two were white and so were excluded.
On August 12, 2020 at 5:23 pm, Fr. John+ said:
Fred- Sorry to disagree, but while DJT is a fool, better an incompotent fool than a whore warmonger (because Kabala Ha’aretz would be de facto Prez in less than a year, if she and Slow Joe were to win) b*tch.
I’m still voting for Trump. And looking into expat living. What else can anyone do? NO ONE is auguring for Secession, to form a White Christian homeland, now, are they?
On August 12, 2020 at 8:02 pm, Fred said:
So you’ll vote for trump and then run away? Impressive.
On August 13, 2020 at 4:17 am, Hudson H Luce said:
Kamala Devi Harris isn’t African-American, her father comes from a family that owned a plantation in Jamaica. He’s as white as some of Sally Hemings’ descendants (www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/328ad80/2147483647/thumbnail/970×647/quality/85/), straight hair, very light brown skin. If he’s black, he’s Louisiana black – the law 50 years ago there classified as black anyone with 1/32 black ancestry – a single great-great-great-grandparent would be enough. I’ll bet that he’s in that category. Her mother is from India – her name, Kamala, which is another name for goddess Lakshmi, and a derivative of the Sanskrit word for lotus, is Indian, and not American black. Unfortunately, people from India don’t have the same cachet for the undemocratic Democratic Party as African-American, so she’s falsely billed as such. She’s about as African-American as Pocahontas Warren is a Native American.
On August 13, 2020 at 4:30 am, Hudson H Luce said:
As a prosecutor, she was pretty unethical: “Once in office as a prosecutor, Harris clearly failed to pursue social and economic justice for the broader public which should be the true aim of anyone in the people’s service, including law enforcement. Instead, she favored corporate criminals like Steven Mnuchin (now Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury), who raked in millions as the CEO of OneWest Bank from 2009-2015. Investigations of home foreclosures by prosecutors in Harris’s own office of the California State Attorney General in 2013 found that OneWest had illegally backdated massive numbers of key documents, violated notice and waiting periods, as well as gamed foreclosure auctions to deprive tens of thousands of California’s homeowners of their property. All this to the benefit of Mnuchin and OneWest. The violations were in the thousands, summed up as “widespread misconduct” by leaders of the Attorney General’s own Consumer Law Section. They recommended a civil enforcement action against the bank, even writing up a sample legal complaint, but, despite their urgings, Harris refused to prosecute the case. Mnuchin and billionaire George Soros, an investor in OneWest, both evidentially appreciated what Harris did: each of them made a generous campaign contribution to Harris’s 2016 Senate campaign.
In sharp contrast to the kid-glove treatment of corporations and the rich, Kamala Harris was harsh and unrelenting toward rank-and-file people accused of crimes even when there was clearly false testimony and evidence tampering used to convict. The story is a long one, studied and recounted in depth by San Francisco School of Law Professor Lara Bazelon and published January 17, 2019 in The New York Times. Bazelon concluded that Kamala Harris was not a “progressive prosecutor,” writing that “time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms as a district attorney and then the state’s attorney general, Ms. Harris opposed them or remained silent. Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.” Harris even refused to investigate officer-involved shootings when called upon by the California State Legislature and appealed a ruling by a federal judge in Orange County that the death penalty was unconstitutional, bizarrely arguing that the ruling undermined defendant protections!” https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/09/06/kamala-harris-another-establishment-candidate/
and, surprise, she’s a big friend of Hillary: “Kamala Harris’s other staff members represent a combination of people connected to the Bay Area Democratic Party political machine, former Barack Obama operatives, and former Hillary Clinton staff members. The connection with Clinton appears especially close. Besides Maya Harris at least four other top staff members for Kamala played similar roles in Clinton’s 2016 campaign. General counsel Mark Elias was general counsel for Clinton in 2016; communications director Lily Adams was Iowa communications director for Clinton in 2016; media consultant Jim Margolis served in the same role for Clinton in 2016; and advance director Joyce Kazadi served in an identical role for Hillary in 2016.” Ibid.
Counterpunch may be a leftist source, but they can do a thorough job, enough to get me kicked off Facebook for “bullying, harassment, and hate speech” for using their reporting in a comment. Truth is speech that Democrats hate…
On August 13, 2020 at 5:34 am, Tom said:
“Because she is evil.” And she was picked to help DJT win so as to facilitate the post election TET
On August 13, 2020 at 9:09 am, Fred said:
@Tom, I have zero evidence but also zero doubt that this is the case. Although the use of the word TET, or reference to any other war in history is a mistake. Every war is different. The coming war won’t be like anything but what it became, in hindsight. Stay flexible.