My Week With The Baying Antifa Mob
BY Herschel Smith
In recent years this city in the Pacific Northwest has become famous for a variety of reasons — none of them good. As one long-term resident said to me last week: ‘This used to be a very civil town.’ Not any more.
Of course, like every city in the west, the madnesses that already existed here have been exacerbated by the coronavirus and the ensuing decision to lock down the population and shutter the economy. As in cities across the UK, the businesses here are mainly closed, many for good. Some were able to get through one lockdown but very few can get through multiple lockdowns or the depression to come.
As a result, downtown Portland is a desolate, dangerous place, populated by homeless people who flooded into the area over recent decades, incentivised by left-wing administrations that allowed them to pitch their tents wherever they liked. In the main squares, unattended tables of food and drink are set out for them to pick at.
But it isn’t just the virus or the reaction of the authorities that led to this wasteland. The giveaway is the status of the few shops that are still open. Almost all have hardboard affixed to their remaining windows. Some have bullet-holes in them, not fired by the police. The businesses that do still operate do so as in a city under siege.
Portland has been the epicentre of a confusion that has afflicted a smaller number of activists in our own country. That is the taught perception that they live in a patriarchal, unequal, cis-heteronormative, irredeemably racist society. In time this defamation sank in and caused a reaction. For years, the city has seen regular rioting by the far-left group ‘Antifa’. In the name of pursuing non-existent fascists these activists laid waste to their city, dragged passing motorists from their cars, hospitalised journalists whose reporting was disobliging and otherwise turned the city into a first-world slum.
After the killing of George Floyd at the end of May, protests in Portland were among the most violent in the US. They are still going on. The left-wing mayor forbade the police from working with the federal authorities to act meaningfully against the rioters and at the forthcoming mayoral election the only candidate running against him is an open supporter of Antifa.
Recent successful operations carried out by this candidate’s favoured militia include the pulling down of almost every statue and public monument in the city. The weekend before last it was Abraham Lincoln who fell. On another occasion — in a quasi-pagan ceremony — rioters repeatedly set a monument of an elk on fire and then pulled it down. A tour of the sights in Portland now comprises a huge variety of empty plinths. Few tourists will be returning for that. The remaining state and federal buildings are boarded up, graffitied over and abandoned.
Over the summer the President sent in federal guards, against the wishes of the local authorities. Today the remaining federal agents are among the few targets Antifa have left. I joined Antifa-BLM activists for a couple of nights this week.
First there was a ‘Fuck Gentrification’ march (my first). With no policemen in sight, the activists used their own police force, including outriders on motorcycles, to block off roads and then parade through the streets screaming through megaphones at customers in the remaining bars and at the residents of an area which they claimed had once been lived in by black and indigenous families. The people who lived in many of these houses came out and put their fists in the air or waved in solidarity. Most had BLM — or ‘Don’t hurt me’ — posters in their windows. All were accused of living on ‘stolen land’ by the mostly white marchers, whose other chants included ‘Wake up, motherfucker, wake up’.
This is a pregnant bit of prose and deserving of more time than I can give it, but the thing that particularly struck me was bold (by me).
People may think that alignment with Antifa/BLM will keep them out of trouble (the alligator ate me last), but they don’t care.
Antifa/BLM wants them in poverty first, and then dead.
And you too.
On October 23, 2020 at 7:49 am, James said:
I luckily reside in a area where this nonsense is not happening and doubt would last long it came our way.
That said,those who are the puppet masters have all sorts of useful pawns for regions like mine,that could be a issue.
On October 23, 2020 at 8:13 am, Fred said:
Bullet holes in shop windows are just fine if the bullet came from police? What a strange statement.
On October 23, 2020 at 11:49 am, John said:
A good description of what gifts come from the Left:
Fear, devastation and squalor.
On October 24, 2020 at 10:23 am, Bill Buppert said:
If you removed all current or past college students and all drawing the Plandemic unemployment incentive to be shiftless, they’d have very little [wo]manpower (compensating for women of both sexes) to flood the streets.
On October 24, 2020 at 11:13 am, NOG said:
The problem is not what happens to shop windows or even living in a safe area that would not tolerate their activity. The problem is what if they go after power grids, rail lines, interstate highway bridges and random attacks at malls and large companies, including grocery stores and warehouses? They can shut down this country if they have enough people and money. That will affect the safe areas in secondary ways. No trucks delivering food. No gasoline delivered. No coal trains going to power plants. Natural gas pipelines not delivering product. How can you defend against that? Even hitting internet nodes and fiber optic cables or cell towers. How do you do daily business? This has the potential to be much worse that many think. Our society- the way we live daily- is very fragile. How much would it take to break society? Who would benefit destroying our country? Maybe NWO types?
On October 24, 2020 at 4:41 pm, JAMES R HARRIS said:
Why haven’t more of the law abiding shot more rioters??
On October 24, 2020 at 7:17 pm, Jaque said:
As long as these goons stick to a city run by morons and stay away from damaging public utilities causing widespread damage they are not worth the effort to take down. But once they start affecting regions outside their goon zone and blackout a few million people or more things will turn bad for them real fast. And if Law Enforcement doesn’t act the people will, but this time the people will be hunters, marksman, retired soldiers, and generally good guys who want their cold beer back. They will enter outskirts of the city from surrounding areas and start culling the herd. Then they will track those who shoot out the substations and take them too. After a few Antifa corpses hang from bridges or lamp posts I suspect they would reconsider their next move.
Never underestimate the Red Blooded American Patriot.
On October 24, 2020 at 7:21 pm, New Name said:
“The problem is not what happens to shop windows or even living in a safe area that would not tolerate their activity. The problem is what if they go after power grids, rail lines, interstate highway bridges and random attacks at malls and large companies, including grocery stores and warehouses?”
Was it the CIA that identified there were 9 power stations that if sabotaged would take down most of the grid in the US? It’s going to be actual black budget military ops disguised as lesser players if that sort of thing starts happening.
On October 24, 2020 at 8:43 pm, Johno said:
Many people worry about being on a government list, gun owners especially. If you contributed a few dollars to the Trump election campaign, you’re definetely on a dangerous list available to your Marxist enemy. Now they know who you are, and where you sleep at night: It’d be sensible to have several fire extinguishers ready for election night.
On October 24, 2020 at 8:51 pm, Herschel Smith said:
@New Name,
In the future, I require a legitimate email address to post a comment, but I’ll leave this one here because it’s interesting.
I believe it was 8 or 9 transmission stations around high density population centers.
But I don’t have the report to know for sure.
On October 24, 2020 at 11:19 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Vehicles left on the side of the road, whether run into the ditch, (common now because black ice matters), or parked for whatever reason, are being set ablaze in my remote (bush) area. This is very disturbing to say the least. Wonder where the perps are getting this tactic from?
Even in Alaska.
On October 24, 2020 at 11:30 pm, TheAlaskan said:
Being remote is not as safe as concentrated, like-minded areas. I’m starting to feel vulnerable.
On October 26, 2020 at 9:28 am, Randolph Scott said:
Alaskan, take ’em out, use the backhoe for their final service.