NRA Circling The Drain
BY Herschel Smith
Jeff Knox at Ammoland.
Cotton and LaPierre conspired to keep the meeting as sparsely attended as possible, moving the scheduled meeting from Houston to Charlotte, then not promoting it at all, and finally, setting up a ticketing service that reported the event as “sold out” almost as soon as the “tickets” were made available. Nothing about the meeting ever appeared in any of the NRA’s magazines, but they did, in a minimal nod toward technical compliance with New York law, publish two or three small notices in a local Fairfax, Virginia weekly newspaper. Information was belatedly added to the official website, in such a way as to be hard to find, then a few emails were sent out, but apparently only to relatively new Annual Members, who would be the least likely to be concerned about all of the accusations of financial chicanery in the Association, and who can’t even vote on most matters at a meeting.
In the end, the meeting room was only set up for between about 400 and 500 people, but counts by multiple attendees came in at between 120 and 140 people. That’s barely enough to comprise the 100-member quorum needed for a legal meeting. And almost half of those attendees were NRA Directors, many of whom were accompanied by their spouses, easily accounting for close to two-thirds of all attendees. Directors also got advance notice of the meeting and registration requirements, along with encouragement to bring friends and supporters.
With all of that, it was not at all surprising when a complex resolution from the floor by Director candidate Frank Tait, calling for a vote of “no confidence” against Wayne La’Pierre and others, and calling for their resignations, was blocked by a parliamentary move by Director Joel Friedman of California, with the support of 75% of the members present.
Seriously, what’s this guy smoking? Revenues are down dramatically. Membership is down dramatically. Influence on the Hill has all but disappeared. The headquarters building is mortgaged to the hilt and reported to be suffering from serious structural problems, particularly with the roof, which is reportedly leaking so badly that ceilings on the top floors have collapsed, forcing some offices to be relocated. Even Lloyds of London has refused to extend their liability insurance coverage for officers and directors. And the trial phase of the New York Attorney General’s suit against the NRA and its top executives is scheduled to begin in just a few more months.
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I now believe that the NRA is a lost cause. The “leadership” has effectively shut out dissenting voices, ignored valid, serious concerns, promoted corruption and incompetence, and stifled member participation. They’ve blown off documented and self-admitted breaches of NRA policies and basic business practices, as well as clearly criminal activities, yet they continue to claim that they are stronger, healthier, and moving in the right direction, like never before.
Moving deck chairs on the Titanic.
We’ve known that for a long time now, those of use who pay attention to things.
Honestly, the sooner the entire thing collapses, the better off we’ll be. The NRA has done nothing to help gun rights in America, and has done an awful lot to harm them.
Good riddance to the corruption and lies. Be gone.
On October 13, 2021 at 10:10 pm, Factions Speak Louder Than Herds said:
Are they bankrupt or getting out before the CPUSA/CCP shuts them down?
All the smoke and mirrors are revealed now for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
They will still turn over the lists of gun owners if they get pinched but joining was a voluntary decision, be careful what you sign up for.
On October 13, 2021 at 11:20 pm, Ohio Guy said:
Their usefulness to the gun control lobby has run it’s course.
On October 14, 2021 at 4:13 am, Mike Austin said:
I ceased being a member some ten years ago. I still get letters begging me to return. Nope.
On October 14, 2021 at 7:39 am, WiscoDave said:
No need to turn over lists, USPS has had them for decades…
On October 14, 2021 at 8:28 am, Fred said:
Wayne it would seem is the New Orders guy to bring an end to the NRA. It wouldn’t make sense to do this if yet another generation would be duped by the fraudulent and deceitful lie that the NRA is pro gun. I suspect that the fall of the NRA may be a signal that the left is getting all it’s peices in place and no longer sees waiting another generation as necessary to their total takeover. There are a great many indicators pointing to this of which the NRA is only one. Acceleration is now their modus operandi.
On October 14, 2021 at 12:46 pm, DTG said:
Can’t wait until they’re totally gone! They’ve been part of the ‘other guys’ since the 1920’s up to, and including the ’94 AWB and the more recent Bump Stock fiasco.
On October 14, 2021 at 3:47 pm, Frank Clarke said:
No Respiration Anymore…