Utah man is stalked by a Mountain Lion
A 42-year-old-man was hunting Elk in Idaho when a mountain lion emerged from the wilderness and began stalking him.
Jared Erickson – from Paradise, Utah, just south of the Gem state – was lucky to get away with his life after the encounter with the lion in which he was forced to fire his gun twice.
After the second shot he was able to scare off the mountain lion, which then returned into the wilderness disappointed.
Erickson pulled out his pistol and phone upon noticing the big cat. With his left hand he filmed the lion as it moved menacingly towards him, one slow stride at a time.
In his right hand Erickson holds a Glock pistol pointed at the lion, prepared in case it chose to strike.
During the video Erickson can be heard breathing heavily as he moved backwards with the gun in hand.
‘Get back,’ he can was heard warning the lion firmly.
The lion begins to increase its pace until once about 20 feet away it lurches forward with both front legs extended. At that very moment the Erickson fires a singlehanded shot with the gun in his right hand.
Its unclear whether it was a warning shot or Erickson was aiming for the cat, but it dashes a few meters before turning back to face Erickson once more.
The article concludes that Mountain Lion attacks are rare.
There are photos of the cat at the link. Here’s the video. There’s a lot we could say about the mindset of Mr. Erickson and his use of the weapon. Ugh, that is the word that sums it up best.
The cat is being territorial and not hunting him! It could have kittens, but it’s very late in the season. Perhaps it has a kill nearby.
Via WoG.
On October 18, 2022 at 7:27 am, Latigo Morgan said:
Video recording a lion stalking me would have been the last thing on my mind in that situation.
I’ll agree – it probably had a kill nearby.
On October 18, 2022 at 8:18 am, xtphreak said:
I agree
Unless it was a head mounted GoPro, both hands free to handle the pistol would be my priority!
On October 18, 2022 at 12:17 pm, Paul B said:
Elk hunting? With a Glock? Something smells bad with the whole thing. But I would have put the kitty down hard.
On October 19, 2022 at 7:58 pm, X said:
That thing was CLOSE and clearly about to pounce.
I would have dropped that f–ing cell phone and emptied the mag into that cat with a two-handed grip…
On October 19, 2022 at 10:59 pm, PM said:
Some of the comments from the UK and AUS folks on the Dailymail site were rather telling, and PATHETIC.
And I agree, both on hands on the pistol.
On October 20, 2022 at 3:26 am, Aesop said:
Beng stallked wasn’t “rare” for Mr. Erickson, and he should have moved that cougar to the endangered list, not the YouTube view queue.