Kill Switches

BY Herschel Smith
11 months, 1 week ago

David Codrea points out that this will soon come to American gun owners if we lose the fight for our God-given rights.

If you want another vehicle, make sure to get it before this goes into effect.


  1. On November 12, 2023 at 11:55 pm, Dan said:

    I doubt they can engineer this functionality in a way that can’t be blocked. You may have to give up your satellite radio, your OnStar and other conveniences to block this intrusive abuse but I am sure there will be ways to prevent this technology from actually working.

  2. On November 12, 2023 at 11:57 pm, Chris said:

    This Control Freak Legislation is becoming extremely tiresome.
    I notice, they Never Vote to Control Themselves.

  3. On November 13, 2023 at 1:04 am, Berserk ICBM Barrage said:

    It always starts with muh convenience and when will mommygov do something stain of mind.
    Controversial post detected with wrongthink facecrime, you vehicle is disabled for the good of the collective, comrade.

  4. On November 13, 2023 at 6:25 am, Bill Buppert said:

    No communist government can exist without informants and the ability to leverage the information to directly control human behavior, this is simply an extension of that sentiment. In this case, the technology is the informant.

  5. On November 13, 2023 at 7:32 am, Jaque said:

    A car interior filled with cameras, gps, and accelerometers that use AI to monitor your eyes and body motion, your cars speed stability and ability to maintain a straight motion. Perhaps a breath analyzer in the steering wheel. A 5G transceiver reporting home your driving stability, speed variability and other data to the automaker, insurance companies, and federal DOT.
    I can think of many failure modes of such a system that puts one in
    in harm, such as dirty or failed sensors, driving on a flat tire, illness, and evading potholes, a crises trying to evade car jackers This mandate and giving LEO the ability to remotely disable ones vehicle is one more step into Communist Tyranny.

    I intend to help anyone interested in hacking such systems to disable them once they show up in the homeland. Its Tyranny. And we must defeat it.

  6. On November 13, 2023 at 8:35 am, Frank said:

    BMWs already void your warranty if you disable their spyware. Uh, “telematics”. It’s not much of a stretch to have the car simply not crank if you disable the cameras, antennas, breathalyzer, ID scanner, etc.

    And don’t think you’ll be able to get an inspection sticker with those items not working, either. So no tag, in a lot of locales.

    It’s coming.

    There are obviously safety issues with such systems, but the makers will be liability shielded, just like they must be for the “auto crank” feature at red lights. Car won’t go when you press the gas… I wonder how many this has killed already, but the kind of idiots that would use such a feature probably are slowpokes anyway (like 95% of Prius and Tesla drivers). Hey, at least your battery/starter/engine will wear out much faster, keeping the carmakers in business.

    In the newer cars, you can’t even permanently disable that “feature”. Chevy has something even worse… a flashing red light, and the car auto-brakes if you get too close to a car in front of you. I nearly got killed when the rental car klaxon and strobe light went off the first time. Couldn’t disable that one, either. And since you cannot change music while in gear… well, I won’t be renting another one of those, ever.

    But it’s coming.

  7. On November 13, 2023 at 9:43 am, Greg said:

    The wife’s 2017 Outback randomly auto-brakes backing into or out of the garage. Love that “safety” feature.

  8. On November 13, 2023 at 9:52 am, Jaque said:

    We will experiment and innovate and learn ways to defeat such technology. If DOD can be easily hacked whatever Detroit comes up with can be hacked too.

    Im old, and have zero tolerence for such bullshit by government. I am also knowledgable of CAN systems in automobiles. Just as companies sold performance enhancing computers that plug into the CAN Bus to modify various control and sensor algorithms with the goal in increasing horsepower the same can be done to defeat such Communist driven technology. Of course the Feds will ban the sale of such technology they cannot ban what the citizen can make at home. I see the comming fight over such federal mandates to be equal to the fight to retain our Second Amendment and the right to make firearms at home. Civil Disobedience can force change. I will not buy a vehicle containing such technology, and will work to assist others to defeat it. Who is forcing this spyware into our vehicles ? Insurance Industry and Law Enforcement I would say. They lobbied the Communist lawmakers and bribed them with cash. There will be many deaths and great harm as a result of this. But as long as we remain weak and malfeasant, we will be run over by the Communist Regime.

    An example of CAN Bus controllers being defeated.

  9. On November 13, 2023 at 12:30 pm, Grunt said:

    How come all the so called good guys in the R party like MTG, Higgins, Donalds, Biggs, Gaetz, Scalise, Stuebe, and oh my, the guy that brought it up and complaining it passed, Massie his own self.

  10. On November 13, 2023 at 1:13 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Grunt

    Re: “How come all the so called good guys in the R party like MTG, Higgins, Donalds, Biggs, Gaetz, Scalise, Stuebe, and oh my, the guy that brought it up and complaining it passed, Massie his own self.”

    Whether it is blue (D) or red (R), a boot on your neck is still a boot on your neck. The reason those clowns don’t do things in your interests and mine, is that they don’t work for us despite the political theater to the contrary. They work for the billionaire oligarchs and the rest of that crowd. There are exceptions, of course, but not enough to turn the tide.

    To them, ordinary people are little better than sheep to be sheared.

    And quite apart from ideology, the legislative process is so broken and dysfunctional, that few legislators in the House or the Senate even read the measures and bills they are passing. Their staffers and lobbyists are the people putting the proposals together, and if those people don’t report the contents honestly or accurately to their bosses, the actual legislators will never know, or at least not until after the fact.

    By some estimates, this nation is now more communistic than the old USSR was during the 1970s-1980s…

  11. On November 13, 2023 at 1:55 pm, PGF said:

    @greg, rented a car for work once and pulling out of the avis parking lot it slammed on it’s own breaks. Turned right around and demanded a normal car!

  12. On November 13, 2023 at 9:42 pm, Retired said:

    Anyone here been offered a discount from your automobile insurer if you agree to place a device in your vehicle that monitors your “driving habits” for the company? I rejected it two years in a row.

    On the same theme, a cop sent me a video of him demonstrating an AR-15 with a cell phone kill switch “in case your rifle gets lost or stolen.”

    He said the NRA has endorsed it. I like the guy but told him no thanks. See

  13. On November 13, 2023 at 10:06 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Some automotive manufacturers are already licensing the software to run the various computers in new vehicles. Saab and Volvo in Sweden, if memory serves, have at least discussed doing this: When you buy a new car you’d think it was yours, free and clear…. but not so fast under the new scheme. As soon as the SW expires (perhaps along with the original factory warranty), you’ll have to re-up to continue to use the advanced digital features of your vehicle, whatever they may be. No fee, no satellite radio or whatever.

    Nickel-and-diming folks to death, in other words… what a scam…

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