Lazy Dummy

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

A dog is a reflection of its owner. She didn’t spend time to train the dog.

Simple problems allow for simple solutions.


  1. On May 2, 2024 at 10:38 pm, Rick said:

    A dog may be a reflection of it’s owner but there is more to it. It is woefully ignorant to think every dog can be obedient at all times. Even when countless hours of teaching obedience, including socialization, a dog may decide otherwise.

    I say this with my own experience with multiple dogs of different breeds and temperaments or history of abuse by former owners. Maybe st are remarkable success stories. A very few go rogue. Too often I have seen or heard from rancher friends that a dog had to be put down. Even a beloved dog showered with affection and companionship may turn.

  2. On May 2, 2024 at 11:28 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Oh horseshit.

    She wanted a dog for pheasant hunting, the dog was 14 months old, she tells us nothing about how much time she spent with the dog, and the dog got “carried away with excitement.” Yeah, like all puppies do. What did she want? A pheasant hunting dog while being the governor of a state and spending no time with the dog?

    One of the best quail hunting dogs I’ve ever seen was a mut picked up by a guide in lower state SC beside a dumpster who had been abandoned.

    A great dog that was too! Because the trainer spent time with the dog.


  3. On May 3, 2024 at 8:33 am, george 1 said:

    She could have had a great career as a cop.

  4. On May 3, 2024 at 8:43 am, Grunt said:

    Wasn’t she the one that recently made her pledge to Israel? To whom do your loyalties lie.

  5. On May 3, 2024 at 8:52 am, Chris Mallory said:

    If I had caught the dog killing my chickens, she would have gotten a phone call to come dispose of the carcass.

  6. On May 3, 2024 at 9:30 am, Ken said:

    I don’t know if the lack of training or poor selection is the problem here. No data on the dog. However, it certainly shows a lack of good judgement of the owner, bringing a dog that is either not properly selected and/or trained for the job (as demonstrated by the results) on a hunt and expecting him/her to perform under the stress of a hunt. That is not the dog’s fault, but hers.
    From what I understand, she got mad and shot the dog. Perhaps she should NOT be touted as a good VP pick for Trump……… We need good judgement, not emotion. Personally, I would never be around her again if I was on that hunt. I don’t like people that behave that way to lesser biologic animals. She could have made the dog a porch puppy for some kid needing a friend for life.

  7. On May 3, 2024 at 9:57 am, Chief Acid Rain said:

    I wonder if she realizes that her political career is over.

  8. On May 3, 2024 at 10:40 am, Herschel Smith said:


    That’s my main point. You don’t take a dog out into the bush to hunt birds without already knowing what the dog is going to do and already have spent time training the dog. And if you grab them and they turn, that just shows you haven’t spent the time to train the dog. Again proving my point.

    Not every dog is a hunting dog. Not every dog can even be around gun fire. I had one that was scared to death of gun fire. Okay. Fine. I didn’t have her as a hunting dog. I had her as a companion, and spent the time and effort to train her.

    You just don’t throw a dog into the bush and then get pissed off when they don’t perform. That’s stupid. And irresponsible.

  9. On May 4, 2024 at 7:44 am, Don't mind me. said:

    Women shouldn’t be in politics.

  10. On May 4, 2024 at 9:09 am, Ken said:

    The last paragraph highlights my point. She showed poor judgement taking the dog and then compounded that poor judgement by shooting the dog. Though the dog was her property and she could do as she wished, there were better options. Poor judgement is hard to overcome when that is what you have to work with. So again NOT Presidential material or even to a position of power in the DC sewer. I still have not read any data on if or how the dog was trained. I would doubt she had any part in training a hunting dog. People that become governors are usually quite busy making career moves. Those people usually have “other” people do their “labor” task.

  11. On May 4, 2024 at 9:13 am, Ken said:

    Irritation. Why do my paragraphs disappear? Wife just says too old and a creaking brain…..Never happened on my IBM Selectric….

  12. On May 4, 2024 at 5:58 pm, Mike said:

    Ken, she had already been in the ‘DC sewer’ as a U.S. representative (2011-2019) prior to returning home and running for governor. I don’t trust her.

  13. On May 4, 2024 at 8:05 pm, Bradley Graham said:

    Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog.

  14. On May 14, 2024 at 3:49 am, streamfortyseven said:

    It e just plain dumb, and nothing to brag about. The dog was an immature hunting dog, so it had that instinct. Putting such a dog in range of a flock of chickens would have pretty predictable results. Shooting the dog is just way overboard, a shock collar would be much more appropriate, and the behavior could have been trained out of it. It strikes me that she just doesn’t have very good judgment, either to do what she did, or to talk about it – it’s like doubling down on a dumb mistake.

    The fact that she said that she *hated* the dog, and then shot it, needlessly, suggests to me that she ought to be brought up on animal cruelty charges. I’ve worked with hunting dogs – hound packs – since I was six years old. That’s 60 years now. I figure that I’m pretty good at it by now, and I know a few things about hunting dogs, and what she did was outrageous, and it doesn’t matter that her dog was her property. She should be on probation or in jail, not running for political office.

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