Archive for the 'Afghanistan' Category

Embassy tells Americans in Afghanistan to “consider” heading to the airport

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 5 months ago

Via Hot Air, communication from what’s left of the U.S. embassy in Kabul.

U.S. government-provided flights are departing. U.S. citizens, LPRs, and their spouses and unmarried children (under age 21) should consider travelling to Hamid Karzai International Airport.   You should plan to enter the airport at Camp Sullivan. From the HKIA Airport South Traffic Circle, head east for 1km and turn right on to Camp Sullivan.   Please note that gates may change frequently and that we will provide updates as necessary.


Please be advised that a significant number of individuals have registered and space on these flights is available on a first come, first serve basis. You may be required to wait at the airport for a significant amount of time until space is available…

Do not call the U.S. Embassy in Kabul for details or updates about the flight. Do not travel to the airport until you have been informed by email that departure options exist. We will continue to provide periodic updates to this message.

Mike McDaniel makes this observation.

The airport in Kabul is surrounded by the city—easy for the Taliban to surround and control—and has a single runway.  The Taliban has surrounded the airport.  They control all access, and up to 40,000 Americans are cut off behind enemy lines, and so are innumerable nationals from allied countries.  Our government has no idea how many Americans are actually there, and they’re telling them not to call, but to go to a website to “register” for permission to be evacuated and/or telling them to go to the airport(?!).

Bagram Air Base, which was everything Kabul’s airport is not—defensible–was evacuated and abandoned, and as throughout the country, all manner of military equipment including armored vehicles, fixed and rotary winged aircraft, munitions and weapons, was left behind.  The Taliban own it, all of it.

I was an enlisted man in the USAF during the cold war, not a field grade officer, not a general.  I run this scruffy little blog, but even I know when withdrawing from a hostile country, you first evacuate all American civilians and allies, then all native civilians and others, allies you promised to protect.  Who could possibly want another hostage crisis?  Then you fly out all our military equipment, everything that could in any way help our enemies, and if you can’t fly it out, you utterly destroy it.  You destroy all our facilities to deny them to the enemy.  Only then do you evacuate every American service member, maintaining sufficient air cover to ensure their safe evacuation.  And you don’t do it all at once.

Apparently, no one inside the beltway getting “woke,” reading Karl Marx and putting on lipstick had time to learn to perform a failure modes and effects analysis, or how to do MORT (Management Oversight and Risk Tree) analysis.  Or even to learn basic planning or logistics skills.

Finally, SedDef Austin says this.  “I don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul.”  While U.S. troops are stateside sitting through gender bender classes, this chaos ensues and the SecDef hasn’t the “capability” to do anything about it.

Ponder that for a while.

A picture says everything about the state of affairs and the fear that grips the area.

Taliban acquires Afghan troop records, going door-to-door ‘seeking retribution’

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 5 months ago

Fox News.

‘America Reports’ host Sandra Smith announces that the Taliban are going house to house in Kabul looking for Afghan Special Forces members who fought alongside the U.S. military

Uh oh.  That’s not good news for them.

I told my wife tonight that if we had been in Kabul, I would have told her months ago to pack a few days of clothes because we’re going to the airport the next morning.  The pace of the Taliban offensive and the corollary collapse of the ANA/ANP doesn’t surprise me one bit.  It’s almost as if I predicted all of this years ago.

Yes, I’m sure I did in my book-length blogging on Afghanistan.  I did indeed.

It sounds like they need to be schooled in prepping.

If the ANA SpecOps boys haven’t already left the country via automobile or some other way long ago, they’re in deep trouble.

Afghanistan Falls To The Taliban

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 6 months ago

Measured in minutes, not hours or days or weeks or months.  Presidential palace has been taken, the airport is surrounded and being hit with artillery.  Panicked residents are fleeing Kabul.

I’ll say again what I’ve said before many times. We should have dropped the Rangers and Marines at the Pakistan border, and let General Dostum round up every last Taliban and kill them. And then put him in charge and left.

Instead, we played nation-building so that Halliburton, KBR, and defense contractors everywhere could get rich. And the CIA too, presumably getting a cut on the opium market.

This is why I called for a complete end to our presence years ago, as did Michael Yon and Tim Lynch.

I know men whose son died in that war. Two $ Trillion and 1000 lives later, here we are.

Taliban parade new weapons seized from Afghan military as U.S. withdraws

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 7 months ago


The weaponry includes 900 guns, 30 light tactical vehicles and 20 army pickup trucks, according to NBC News’ U.K. partner Sky News, which was granted access to the Sultan Khil military base in the Wardak province close to the Afghan capital, Kabul.

District after district has fallen to the Taliban. The militants have seized 120 districts since May 1, according to an ongoing assessment by the Long War Journal. The map is a moving patchwork, but at last count the Taliban controlled 193 districts and contested 130, while 75 were under the control of the government or are undetermined, according to the publication …


More Afghanistan Misadventure

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 7 months ago

Bagram Air Base evacuated.  Without even informing the ANA about their departure, likely because some of the ANA would have shot at them.  In those pictures I saw heavy equipment which doubtless cost a lot of money.

Well, I guess KBR made a fortune on its construction.

ANA runs for cover.

More than 1,000 Afghan soldiers have fled to neighbouring Tajikistan after clashing with Taliban militants, officials have said.

The troops retreated over the border to “save their own lives”, according to a statement by Tajikistan’s border guard.

Violence has risen in Afghanistan, with the Taliban launching attacks and taking more territory in recent weeks.

The surge coincides with the end of Nato’s 20-year military mission in the country.

The vast majority of remaining foreign forces in Afghanistan have been withdrawn ahead of a September deadline, and there are concerns that the Afghan military will collapse.

And collapse they will.

How sad.  It would have been possible to put the Marines and Rangers on the border with Pakistan to prevent the hardened fighters from escaping, kill off those who gave aid and comfort to AQ, and then put General Dostum in charge of the country to kill any additional Taliban – as he surely would have done.

But we wanted to play armed social workers.  Many perished from this misadventure, still others came home without legs, arms or eyesight.

Tim Lynch On What We Should Have Done In Afghanistan

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

Free Range International:

Killing Osama and ending our intervention in Afghanistan then and then would have been worth 10 Mogadishu’s. The only senior player in theater who recognized that was a young Marine general named Jim Mattis who was begging to throw his Marines into the mountains to block bin Laden. That he, as the current Secretary of Defense, is the guy left holding the bag is a bitter irony that is lost on virtually everyone. But not me and now not you either.

I had long ago said that the war should have been comprised of battling the Taliban and AQ out of their positions and then dropping several MAGTF of the U.S. Marines near the Pakistani border (perhaps along with the 82nd or 101st Airborne divisions if necessary, all reporting to the Marines for purposes of ensuring consistency of the task force) and blocking the escape of the worst actors and killing them all – not capturing them or making peace with them, but killing them, even if they surrendered.

But Mr. Bush had to play armed social science, so here we are today with an abject failure on our hands.  My way is vicious and brutal.  Bush’s and Obama’s way lost.  By the way, Tim has a nice video embedded in this post that is worth your time.  Again, no one knows more about Afghanistan and our war there than Tim Lynch.

Tim Lynch On Special Operations And Special Forces

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 9 months ago

Tim Lynch responds to my post on the overuse of special operations and special forces.  His post is entitled Special Forces are not the answer.  Here’s a taste.

What you are looking at is an SF A team commander who is wearing his body armor over a cut off tee shit. He is going into a village he doesn’t know searching for an alleged high value target (HVT) who is known to these soldiers as ‘Red Beard’. He is operating in Khost province where every village elder dies his beard with henna; which is red….are you getting the picture?

The only way you could offend Afghans more than showing up bare chested and forcing your way into their compounds is to walk around naked. The level of cultural tone deafness on display (from an SF guy who is supposed to understand the culture) in the linked video is beyond my ability to explain. If I had showed up in any Afghan village (especially a remote mountain village) without wearing a long sleeved shirt and long trousers I would have never returned. Failure to respect the local culture is the first step in mission failure and SOF guys like this one have a 16 year (and counting) run of mission failure.

[ … ]

Want to know something our ‘elite’ SF guys don’t seem to know? Afghans don’t cuss. To call an Afghan a motherfucker (a word used frequently in every conversation by the American military) is a grave insult that would, in the local context, need to be atoned by blood. I cannot stress this point enough and if, during my frequent forays into the tribal bad lands, I used that word even in jest I would have been killed long ago. One of the secrets that I and my fellow outside the wire expats use in the contested areas is respect for local culture coupled with big confident smiles;  that’s why we are able to do what every USG expert contends cannot be done.

When I said these things it was just me saying these things.  When Tim says these things it means that man who is the longest lasting English speaking man alive in Afghanistan (more than a decade) says these things.  It means it comes with authority – authority I simply cannot give this subject.

After sending this link to a military reader who deployed in Afghanistan, he responded this way.

So imagine an unarmored SUV with a 40mm grenade launder mounted on Pedestal and the gunners chair was a red velvet arm chair, crewed by a bearded buffoon who looked like a bad extra from a Spaghetti western. Furthermore, their fearless leader refused to sync ECMs, so our more advanced systems would negate their “SOF” equipment, so no one had coverage.

After these many years, the U.S. still doesn’t have a clue how to wage small wars or counterinsurgency.  Still.  How sad.  And after all of these years, SO and SF are still an entitled group who thinks that only they are capable of DA raids.  So all of that bluster by gun controller Stanley McChrystal was just bull shit.

As for Tim, he has tried to raise the money to embed back in Afghanistan.  He sent me a note and thought I didn’t know that, but I follow Tim religiously.  I knew it but had not said anything because I don’t want him to go.

Considering his time in the Marine Corps along with his decade in Afghanistan, Tim knows enough to be a five star military reporter, security analyst or consultant to the military or security contractors (please don’t ever work for DynCorps, Tim) without ever going back to Afghanistan.  I don’t want Tim to get killed because I care about him.

Tim Lynch On The Art Of Tactical Listening

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Occasionally one makes dear friends for life, even among men whom he has never met.  That’s the case with Mike Vanderboegh, and it’s also the case with a man named Tim Lynch.  I have more respect and fondness for those two men than they can possibly know.  For my readers who were not with me when I covered the debacle that was/is OEF, and conveyed my utter contempt for the likes of Stanley McChrystal and David Rodriguez, my friendship with and support of Michael Yon when jerk-bloggers attacked him, my problems with the rules of engagement, and so on, Tim Lynch was a contractor who was in theater for nearly a decade.  He has spent more time in Afghanistan than any white man alive.  He knows everything – and I mean everything, about Afghanistan.

Tim had a difficult time decompressing stateside, and he paid a huge price financially and personally for being in theater, but I’ll let him tell you his story.  It’s at the same time enlightening, exciting, troublesome, breathtaking, joyful and sad.  He previously blogged, and is blogging again, at Free Range International.  He recently pointed to a post I made on Operation Red Wings concerning tactics, planning, logistics and execution, here and as a guest blogger on another blog.

In my son Daniel’s assessment he takes a classic Marine view of the operation, but if you can wade through the Marine Corps way of doing things versus other branches of the military, his views are still salient and on-point.  Many of the comments are agreeable, many of them violently disagreeable.  The disagreements come mainly from the notion that we (Daniel and I) just don’t understand the nature of recon missions or the kit carried for said insertions, etc., etc., blah blah blah.  And the whole point of the post was that it should never have been a recon mission of that sort or like that to begin with.  Read it if you wish, but you don’t have to to get the point Tim Lynch makes now.  Tim observes the following in his post on this operation.

On June 28, 2005 a Marine battalion working out of Jalalabad launched Operation Red Wing. They lacked their own helicopters so they went to JSOC to ask for helicopter support.  JSOC was game but only if they could play too so they sent a 4 man SEAL detachment to do the recon piece instead of the 6 man STA platoon unit the Marines had planned to use. With that change came a change in the recon insertion plan; instead of sneaking in on foot like the STA platoon had planned the SEALs opted for a helicopter insert using several dummy landings to fool the AOG as to their true location. The SEALs also ignored the Marine snipers warnings that sat phones and light weight PRC148’s would not work and that they needed to lug a PRC 119 in with them.

In one sentence Tim explains what we all needed to know about the attitudes of the SEALs.  This tidbit could have been in a book, or not, or it could have been said before by someone official, or not, or it could have been tribal knowledge, or not.  It doesn’t really matter to me.  The fact that Tim has said it gives it authority.  Tim will know, and that’s the end of it.

This article isn’t really about communications gear.  It’s about who you are and whether you can “sit at the feet” of someone else and learn.  As for my line of work, I was an average engineer until I learned to listen to others, from technicians to PhDs.  Then I became a really great engineer with the help of others.  The SEALS had the attitude that they were SEALS, and so no one could tell them anything.

If you have the attitude that you have nothing to learn from those around you, then regardless of how much money has been spent on you, regardless of how highly regarded you are, regardless of how good you are, regardless of how much you know and what you can do, you have no business leading other men and you will never excel at your station in life.

“We have individuals that we’ve needed to debrief in Pashto/Dari”

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 4 months ago

Coming soon to a church, school, mall, place of work, or neighborhood near you:

The Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw expressed concern over the possible infiltration of ISIS through the border during a visit to Laredo this week. The comment came during the annual Texas Border Coalition meeting when a member of the audience asked the director if any suspected ISIS members had ever been apprehended on the Texas/Mexico border.

McCraw said: “Individuals that come across the Texas/Mexican border from a countries with a known terrorism presence and the answer to that is yes. We have individuals that we’ve needed to debrief in Pashto/Dari. Not a lot of Pashto and Dari speakers around. But you can’t think about the last attack; you have to think of the next attack and where our vulnerabilities are. So, we’re concerned about that.”

From the heart of the pre-historic world in the Hindu-Kush, where the only functioning machines were sold to them for drug or gem money because they don’t know how to build them, to the Texas border.  That’s quite a trip, yes?

Why?  Why do you suppose someone would do that?

A Middle East Foreign Policy for the 21st Century

BY Glen Tschirgi
12 years, 3 months ago

After watching the third and final presidential debate on Monday night, I was disturbed to hear the two candidates talk about foreign policy with such lack of focus or context.   Admittedly, Obama was intent on baiting Romney into a game-changing gaffe and Romney was intent on not committing any, such error.   Presidential debates, ironically enough, are the last place to hear what a candidate actually thinks about any particular subject.

Both candidates, for example, endorsed the comic notion that the Afghan Army will be able to take over the fight against the Taliban by 2014 as the precursor to an American retreat.  Both candidates vowed that Iran will not be allowed to field a nuclear weapon (Romney actually drew the line at “nuclear capability” which is better), but neither one mentioned that the deeper problem with Iran is its current, Islamist government and not their pursuit of nuclear weapons per se.    So, for instance, Romney seemed to accept the continuation of the Iranian Regime so long as it did not have nukes.

Reflecting on this event further I am reminded of  a post by Walter Russel Mead which is an excellent springboard, summarizing all that is wrong with the current American approach to the Middle East:

The anti-American riots that have been rocking the Muslim world since 9/11 have shaken the establishment out of its complacency. Increasingly, even those who sympathize with the basic elements of the administration’s Middle East policy are connecting the dots. What they are seeing isn’t pretty. It’s not just that the US remains widely disliked and distrusted in the region. It’s not just that the radicals and the jihadis have demonstrated more political sophistication and a greater ability to organize and strike than expected and that the struggle against radical terror looks longer lasting and more dangerous than thought; it’s that the strategic underpinnings of the administration’s Middle East policy seem to be falling apart. A series of crises is sweeping through the region, and the US does not—at least not yet—seem to have a clue what to do.


The Israeli-Palestinian problem, for example, cannot be settled quickly; the consequence of the region’s lack of democratic traditions and liberal institutions cannot be overcome in four or eight years; the underdevelopment and mass unemployment afflicting so many countries has no known cure; the ethnic and sectarian hatreds that poison the region will not soon be tamed; the deep sense of grievance and injustice that shapes the attitudes of so many toward the Christian or post-Christian West will not soon fade away; the radical and terror groups now roaming the region cannot be easily stopped or mollified; the resource curse will continue to corrupt and poison large parts of the region; the resurgence of Islam, even in less radical forms, inevitably heightens a sense of confrontation with the US and its western allies; and Iran’s ambitions are hard to tame and impossible to accept.

Mr. Mead challenged both Obama and Mitt Romney to articulate a policy or at least initiatives that might address these problems.  Neither has done so.

At the risk of being what Mr. Mead terms “an armchair strategist” offering simple solutions, I believe that the U.S. needs to fundamentally reconsider its approach to foreign policy and the methods and tools used to pursue that policy.

First, it is not enough, unfortunately, for the United States to be in favor of “democracy” or “freedom” for those around the world.  These terms are simply too amorphous and chameleon to be useful in building a coherent foreign policy.   Instead, the U.S. should be an ardent advocate for the foundations of civil society:  respect for individual rights;  free exercise of religion; freedom of speech; respect for the rule of law rather than resort to rioting and violence; the orderly transition of political power free from intimidation.   This is a sampling of the bedrock, Anglo-American traditions that are prerequisites  for a democratic republic.    As Mark Levin argues in his latest book, Ameritopia, you cannot hope to have a real democracy without the foundations of a civil society.

The Middle East is bereft of genuine democracies (with the notable exception of Israel) because it is bereft of the foundational traditions of a civil society.   That is why it was unforgivably foolish of George W. Bush to insist on the hasty installation of a “democracy” in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Neither of these societies had the foundations needed for democracy to take root.   Yes, Iraq and Afghanistan may have the outer trappings of democracy with parliaments and elections, but form is not substance.  Iraq is headed back towards civil war as the ethnic and sectarian factions escalate violence against one another.   Afghanistan is a cardboard cut-out of democracy propped up with billions of dollars of U.S. aid and military assistance.   Once the props are removed in 2014 (or sooner), the facade will collapse.

So then, it is a tragic and self-defeating mistake for the U.S. to blindly push for elections.   In Gaza, for example, such elections mean nothing.    They mean less than nothing since they serve to legitimate blood-thirsty ideologues, putting the U.S. in the untenable position of undermining what we previously declared to be a “freely elected” government.    No matter that said government throws its political opponents off of rooftops.

Rather, the U.S. must be very specific, unapologetic and insistent about the type of democracy and “freedom” we are talking about– an Anglo-American civil society that can support the pressures of representative government and tolerate religious diversity and dissenting opinions.

Furthermore, the U.S. must take a hard look at the nations as they are and not how we wish them to be.   It took hundreds of years for civil traditions to develop in the West.   It may take much longer in the Middle East, burdened as it is with Islamic notions of subjugation, subservience and nihilism.

As an example of this, consider this piece by Robert Kagan in The Washington Post.   Kagan argues in favor of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt mainly because it was “democratically” elected:

The Obama administration has not been wrong to reach out to the popularly elected government in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood won that election, and no one doubts that it did so fairly. We either support democracy or we don’t. But the administration has not been forthright enough in making clear, publicly as well as privately, what it expects of that government.  (Emphasis added)

First, it is not beyond dispute that the Muslim Brotherhood won the election “fairly” when it is essentially the only, organized political party in the country.   There is evidence that a sizable number of Egyptians do not support the Muslim Brotherhood but no, unified opposition party could be organized in the relatively short time allowed before the vote.    In any event, to say that an Islamist party received the most number of votes in an election does not lead ineluctably to the conclusion that it is a “democracy” that we are obligated to support.   In fact, Kagan goes on to point out that the U.S. must make it clear what a “democracy” entails:

Out of fear of making the United States the issue in Egyptian politics, the Obama administration, like past administrations, has been too reticent about stating clearly the expectations that we and the democratic world have for Egyptian democracy: a sound constitution that protects the rights of all individuals, an open press, a free and vital opposition, an independent judiciary and a thriving civil society. President Obama owes it to the Egyptian people to stand up for these principles. Congress needs to support democracy in Egypt by providing aid that ensures it advances those principles and, therefore, U.S. interests.

I would differ with Kagan to the extent that U.S. aid money is provided directly and up front to an Egyptian government that is showing every indication that it intends to implement its Islamist beliefs.  Egyptians must see that voting in an Islamist government will have certain and severe consequences.   In any event, the United States cannot be in the business of funding our enemies and, regardless of Kagan’s view that the Muslim Brotherhood is not clearly against us, a weak or failing Islamist regime in Egypt is better than one that is buying up the latest weapons systems (e.g., German submarines for example) with U.S. tax dollars.   Kagan and those like him are desperate to see a civil society where none exists and, so, are easily taken in by democratic happy talk that Egyptian President Morsi (and other Islamists in the region) are all too adept at feeding to willing dupes.

The second, radical change to U.S. foreign policy must be to view everything in terms of U.S. national interests and the tactics and lines of effort that best advance those interests.

For example, for the better part of four years, the Obama Administration has confused the agenda of the United Nations with that of the United States of America.   While it would be hoped that the international body that the U.S. founded at the end of World War II and funds disproportionately would be at least sympathetic to U.S. national interests, this is decidedly not the case.  The U.N. has largely been subverted and overrun by authoritarian member states with interests that directly conflict with those of the U.S.   In an ideal world, the U.S. would explicitly repudiate the U.N., evict it from its expensive quarters in Manhattan and rent out the space to a new organization made up of democratic U.S. allies.   Alas, the best we can hope for is to limit the damage of the U.N. by ignoring it, working around it and forging coalitions of allies to negate the U.N.’s malign influence in the world.

In the Middle East and around the globe, the U.S. needs to re-evaluate its position in the light of our national interest.  We must, for example, reconsider our relationship with Saudi Arabia in light of their unrelenting funding of Salafist and Wahhabist ideologies directly hostile to the U.S. and the West in general.   We cannot elevate the Saudis to the high status of ally or even “friend” when they are bankrolling our enemies.   This need not mean open conflict with them, but it surely must mean a reduction in relations.  (The fact that the U.S. is set to soon surpass the Saudis as the world’s largest oil producer should translate into tangible, state leverage).

Syria is another example where the U.S. must evaluate the opportunities and risks for involvement based primarily upon national interest rather than the threat of a “humanitarian crisis” or “instability.”  Even a Syria riven by civil war and instability will stalemate Iran’s ability to fund and support Hezbollah and bring greater opportunities for U.S. influence in the region as a whole.   The U.S. has been at war with Iran since 1979 and rarely have we had an opportunity to deal the regime in Tehran such a critical blow as exists in Syria.

Throughout the Middle East U.S. policy is plagued by a lack of a driving force.  The U.S. intervened in Libya under the pretext of potential civilian casualties but recoils from Syria with actual casualties.    The U.S. dithers over supporting former President Mubarak in Egypt while supporting the  no-less tyrannical Saudi royal family.   The U.S. spends tens of billions of dollars on a corrupt government in Kabul but argues whether to pull funding from Israel if it does not halt new housing settlements or show enough “flexibility” on Arab demands for land.   It is high time to clarify who our friends and enemies are and why.  Israel is not merely a kindred democracy, for example.   They are a vital ally because they directly serve U.S. interests in the region as a bulwark against Islamists.  There is, perhaps, no greater return on U.S. investments than Israel given the plethora of hostile, Islamist states in the region.   But here again, the U.S. policy is to adopt the hectoring, self-righteous tone of the international community, treating Israel and the Palestinians on equal terms for no good reason.

It is my hope that Mitt Romney wins the election and does so in convincing fashion.   The next four years could be pivotal as a showdown with Iran cannot be delayed beyond the next term in office.  War is everywhere in the Middle East and the next President will need to have a clear-eyed view of what America’s interests are and how to achieve them.   The last 11 years have certainly taught us that “nation building” and “elections” are not effective tools of American power.   May President Romney absorb the lessons and chart a better course in 2013.

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