Archive for the 'Ammunition' Category

First Look: Remington Core-Lokt Lever Gun Ammunition

BY Herschel Smith
1 week, 3 days ago

Shooting Illustrated.

Remington Ammunition is expanding its Core-Lokt Tipped ammunition line to cover lever-action rifles and carbines with the new Remington Core-Lokt Tipped Lever Gun product line.

“Big Green is excited to be bringing the Core-Lokt Tipped family into the world of lever guns,” said Jon Langenfeld, research and development engineer at Remington Ammunition. “The resurgence of the lever gun was a welcome sight within Remington. We knew it would only be right to allow every lever-gun shooter, whether novice or expert, the ability to utilize the trusted performance of Remington’s Core-Lokt Tipped in a variety of lever-gun calibers.”

Most lever-action firearms use a tubular magazine, which places cartridges in front and behind each other in the magazine. For safety reasons, lever gun calibers are not loaded with pointed, spitzer-type bullets due to potential danger of a bullet’s point sitting right behind the next round’s primer, which may result in an accidental discharge. Blunt-nosed bullets are used in these magazines to prevent this, but the trade-off has always been less efficient ballistic performance, especially at longer distances.

All Remington Core-Lokt Tipped Lever Gun bullets use a green polymer ballistic tip which reduces each bullet’s “blunt” profile to boost its ballistic performance in a way that’s safe for the inside a lever-action firearm’s tubular magazine. However, the Core-Lokt bullets still expand into their classic “mushroom” shape to stop game.

It’s about time. I’m surprised it took them this long. Here is list of bullet weights and muzzle velocities.

  • .360 Buckhammer, 180 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,400 fps
  • .30-30 Win., 150 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,390 fps
  • .35 Rem., 200 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,080 fps
  • .45-70 Gov’t, 300 grain: Muzzle velocity 1,900 fps
  • .444 Marlin, 240 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,350 fps
  • .32 Win. Special, 170 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,250 fps

This is a little disappointing. To be quite honest, I’m not sure why they’re not loading them hotter than this. Picking up a box of .444 Marlin jacketed flat nose by Hornady, I see it has a bullet weight of 265 grains with a muzzle velocity of 2400 FPS. That’s a heavier bullet moving slightly faster than the Remington bullet. But then, the Core-Lokt cartridges have always been a bit slower than the competition. It’s the expansion guys love, and too much velocity can actually hurt the ballistics by “penciling” through the game. We’d have to see a gel test to quantify the difference between these manufacturers.

There’s also the issue of sighting in your rifle. The sight-in procedure is good for only a single bullet weight, and so if you’re testing ammunition from a different manufacturer, while the point of impact during testing won’t matter, the final ammunition choice will require sighting in the rifle with whatever you choose.

As to the issue brought up a few days ago by a reader, I still see very high usefulness and viability of the lever action rifle. As I’ve said, this .444 Marlin round will easily put down hogs with a single shot without any movement at all after impact (I’ve seen lesser rounds take longer to accomplish the job).

Also, there’s the issue of cool factor. Lever action guns are just cool to own and shoot, and a .444 Marlin or 45-70 doesn’t exactly go into an AR pattern rifle (it’s short action, including the AR-10s).

I think the lever gun will be around long after I’m gone, as it should be. Every American boy should own a lever gun, or several.

Shotgun Slugs for Deer Hunting and Bush Defense

BY Herschel Smith
1 month ago

He does a good job in this video of answering the obvious questions concerning what happens in a shotgun when a Sabot slug is shot through a smooth bore barrel, what happens when a rifled slug is shot through a smooth barrel, and what happens when a rifled slug is shot through a rifled barrel.

I found the results less than impressive. I’m embedding another video below concerning the use of a rifled choke which are quite impressive.

Frankly I find this whole conversation a bit awkward and oddball. First, it seems to me that shotgun-only deer hunting states, by encouraging the use of a less than accurate weapon, are actually encouraging unethical shots and potential pain and suffering of the game animal. To me, that’s an awful outcome. I think the regulators in those states should grow up and do the right thing.

Then again, this also makes me wonder why someone would take a shotgun shooting slugs into the bush as personal defense against dangerous game. Why not just carry a 45-70? The bullets begin at over 300 grains and go up to 400 grains. Why would it be better to shot shotgun slugs than a round from a 45-70? The rifle will be more accurate.

Perhaps loyal readers like TheAlaskan who live the life of dangerous game defense can educate us. I respect his views.

First, the generalized video on different kinds of slugs from different shotguns.

Second, the video on use of the rifled choke. Once again, his results are extremely impressive.

Out of Battery Detonation

BY Herschel Smith
1 month ago

Telling us what we all know to be true, but it’s a great reminder from someone who’s seen it.

22LR for Self Defense?

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 4 weeks ago

I’ll have to say that I see 22LR as being fairly weak tea, even against humans, and I’m not a big fan of its use for self defense.

However, I would carry (and have carried) the 22 WMR for self defense, especially in a backup gun.

7mm Backcountry

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

In the interest of being open and honest, I’ll embed some of the videos with links to others. However, I’ll say my piece before I do.

I don’t want to have my mind blown by a new cartridge.

I don’t want to run steel casing in my rifles.

I don’t want 85,000 psi in my barrel or anywhere around me, and certainly not that close to my eyes and face.

I don’t want to have reduced barrel life.

A bullet can only pass through game once and then it’s done. Hit where it counts like the scapula – don’t shoot through with 50% to spare. Generally, I don’t want a new cartridge. I’d rather see Marlin (Ruger) make a lever gun in .454 Casull and .41 magnum, and S&W make a lever gun in 500 S&W. But I guess Federal thinks some folks want a new cartridge, or they wouldn’t have come out with one.


Another YouTube channel.

Ron Spomer

More Ron Spomer


Funny how the influences all come out with this video at about the same time, almost as if on cue. I’m sure they were paid something for it – I would have demanded to keep the rifle rather than send it back. I’m sure it was a custom rifle.

The .41 Rem Mag: Best Revolver Cartridge of All Time?

BY Herschel Smith
2 months, 1 week ago

Boy this got the comments section lit up with complaints that they didn’t go far enough into the cartridge history, differences in loadings, etc. There’s a lot more information in the comments section.

The Ten Best Deer Cartridges

BY Herschel Smith
3 months, 4 weeks ago

The old .270 Winchester ranks near the top, or at the top. His list is interesting, and it would never have occurred to me to choose a small caliber like that to hunt deer.

I will also say that I spent some of the evening studying the 280 Ackley Improved and I like what I see. It’s basically much like the 270 Win except about 20 grains heavier bullet weight.

What’s your favorite, and why?

Testing of the 6mm ARC

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 1 week ago

I think the Vortex boys knock it out of the park with these two videos, and I’ve said before that I could listen to Ryan talk about paint drying and it would be interesting. I still await the invitation to go hunting with him.

Hunter Who Survived Wyoming Grizzly Attack Says “It Felt Like A Freight Train”

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

From a reader, as reported by Cowboy State Daily.

Early Thursday morning, archery hunter Landon Clement was backed up against a rock in the remote Upper Green River Basin, hoping and praying that the three grizzly bears that were 10 yards away would just walk away.

It was the most intense, terrifying moment he’s experienced in his 31 years, he told Cowboy State Daily.

The bears, a female with two large cubs, had come downhill on his left and turned to cross in front of him.

Although he already had his Glock 10mm semiautomatic drawn and leveled at the bears, all he wanted was for things to end peacefully.

“But that’s not what happened,” he said.

Instead, the mother grizzly charged Clement and sank her teeth into his left thigh, and he ended up shooting the bear to death.

“She lunged right at me,” he said. “I saw nothing but her head and her white teeth coming right at me.”

He described the attack was incredibly fast and violent, as the bear locked her jaws down on his leg and started shaking her head.

He was too pumped full of adrenaline to feel any pain, he said. That came later.

What struck him in that awful moment was the sheer force of the grizzly’s jaws.

“I did not feel the pain in the moment,” he said. “I could feel the force that it put on me. It felt like a freight train. I’ve never felt that much force in my life. It’s unbelievable that something could do that to me, and how fast it happened.”

Clement’s ordeal was the third time this hunting season that grizzlies in the region have attacked archery hunters, and the hunters used handguns to kill the bears in self-defense. The two previous incidents were in Idaho and Montana.

Clement said he considers himself lucky.

He suffered four deep puncture wounds to his thigh. Doctors at the Pinedale Clinic “stitched me up really good,” said Clement, who is from Blue Ridge, Georgia, but frequently hunts in the Upper Green River Basin near Pinedale.

They told him that he hadn’t suffered any permanent damage and should recover fully.

[ … ]

The four of them rode to a remote spot in a side-by-side, and then started hiking. Before long they split up. Clement’s father and cousin decided to keep going farther back in to do some scouting.

Quintrell and Clement selected good spots to set up and wait for elk to come within bow range. The two hunters were about 300 yards apart, with Quintrell downhill from Clement.

Clement found what he thought was the perfect spot, a large boulder with some deadfall timber leaning against it.

Then the bears came into full view.

“I knew right away it was grizzlies,” he said. I could see the shapes of their heads, the shoulder humps, everything.”

At first, it looked as if the bears would just keep going downslope, passing him by and leaving him with nothing but a great story to tell.

Then the grizzlies turned, taking a path that would put them right in front of him.

“When those bears cut down that trail and veered toward me, I knew I was probably going to have an issue,” Clement said.

So he drew his pistol.

“I was still backed up against the rock,” he said. “And when I realized that they were coming my way, I just backed up even further against that rock, I was practically glued to it.”

As the bears came up in front of him, his only hope was that they wouldn’t notice him and would keep going.

But they caught his scent.

“They stopped on a dime. All three of them, with their noses going in the air,” he said.

The mother grizzly locked in on him and silent tension exploded into absolute chaos as the bear charged Clement, and he opened fire.

The cubs bolted and ran off when the shooting started, and Clement and his companions never saw them again.

The mother grizzly’s attack was utterly ferocious, he said.

“She just leaped. She just charged right at me with her mouth wide open,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything move that fast, she covered that 10-12 yards in less than a second.

“When it came at me it was making this noise, not really growling, but more like a ‘huff, huff, huff.’”

Clement fired as fast as he could; he’s still not sure how many rounds.

“It bit into my left thigh, and it would not let go,” he continued. “It just bit into my thigh and starting shaking its head.”

It was then Clement he noticed that, although he was still pulling his pistol’s trigger, nothing was happening.

“As the bear was still clamped onto my leg, I was finally able to look down and see that my gun was jammed,” he said.

Clearing a jam in a semiautomatic pistol can be chore even under the best of circumstances on a shooting range.

Clement managed to do it with a 600-pound grizzly clamped on his leg trying to ragdoll him.

“Once I cleared the jam, I put the gun as close to its head as I could and shot a couple of more times,” he said. “It let go and rolled off me. I knew that I had killed that bear.”

Let’s stop right there. You can read the rest of the horrible story at Cowboy State Daily.

While I don’t like or own Glocks, they certainly have a reputation for being a reliable gun. This isn’t the first instance I’ve read about 10mm guns jamming (FTF, FTE) in all sorts of make and models. And then this happened.

As things started to settle down, “I looked down at my pistol, and it was jammed again,” he said.

“It jammed right after the kill shot,” Clement said. “If it had jammed again before then, I don’t know what I would have done. The Lord was looking out for me.”

I’ve also heard it said that you just have to test it out to find what ammo the gun “likes.” Okay, whatever. You know what? My 1911s like everything. Even the 1911 that I modified with the 22# spring to take 450 SMC will shoot lighter loads without complaints or hiccups.

With the possibility of shooting a .44 magnum wheel gun, or a 1911 shooting 450 SMC, or a modified gun shooting 460 Rowland, I don’t see the attraction of 10mm semiautomatic pistols. You know how to unjam a revolver, right? Pull the trigger again (assuming the cylinder isn’t locked for some reason).

I’m sure some readers will rush to the defense of the 10mm semiauto lineup, especially Glocks, but you have now heard this anecdotal evidence that there was something very wrong with this picture.

If you’re going to be in the bush, choose wisely.

Ammunition Availability

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Bad news from the ammo front.

The recent decision by China to halt the export of two critical components —nitrocellulose and antimony— has raised alarms within the U.S. ammunition manufacturing industry and among defense experts. These materials are indispensable in the production of propellant powder and primers, and their restriction threatens to create significant supply chain disruptions. As geopolitical tensions rise and global conflicts, like the war in Ukraine, drive up demand for ammunition, the U.S. faces an uncertain future in maintaining adequate ammunition supplies for both military and civilian markets.

Go read the rest at Ammoland.

And that’s not all. Even if this potential problem didn’t exist, there could be massive logistical problems on the horizon.

Late last week, the CEO of Flexport – one of largest US supply-chain logistics operators – warned that “the biggest wild card in the presidential election that nobody’s talking about? The looming port strike that could shut down all East and Gulf Coast ports just 36 days before the election.”

With just over a week to go until D-Day, authorities are gearing up as a threatened strike by dockworkers at ports along the East Coast and Gulf Coast draws closer.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is “coordinating with partners across the supply chain to prepare for any impacts” from a possible work stoppage by workers represented by the International Longshoremen’s Association as they negotiate with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), a Port Authority spokesperson told CBS MoneyWatch on Friday.

[ … ]

According to the union, a strike would affect ports from Maine to Texas, and cripple supply-chains worse than the immediate aftermath of the covid shutdown. A stoppage – the first since 1977 – could involve up to 45,000 workers at ports that account for roughly 60% of U.S. shipping traffic, leading to a major disruption of shipments, Oxford Economics said in a report.

“Even a two-week strike could disrupt supply chains until 2025,” Grace Zwemmer, associate U.S. economist with Oxford, said in the report.

Then there’s always the potential for more gun control efforts within the White House, and the ever-present issue ammunition shortages right around election time.

You get the point. If you want more ammunition for whatever reason, now is the time to be thinking about it.

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