From Gab.
1955E 2JUN2020
That Would Be Called An “Indicator”
One of the early goals of all Red revolutions is the seizure or destruction of all information distribution outlets.
There is only one truth to the Communist: that day’s party line.
Woe unto those who do not adhere.
The second iteration of the Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) blog, hosted by WordPress, was nuked today.
While it is a loss, it was a deliberate sacrifice of a player to increase situational awareness.
The Reds are on the move.
The prize is the former United States of America.
The Red cares not about race, except to the extent it can and is used to befog the naive about the Party’s real goals.
WRSA was, first and always, a freedom advocacy site.
It was shot out of the saddle today by an arm of the Communist enemy propaganda machine.
Their attack did not kill WRSA.
Nor did it kill a single one of its followers.
The totalitarian bastards really can’t stop the signal.
Take heart, not just in this tiny skirmish but in the overall struggle to save the West, from WRSA’s final masthead:
“This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”
― Winston Churchill
CA asked me to post this information, but I have no idea and have gotten no information from CA on whether Gab will be the final stop or if there are other plans in the works.
I have a Gab account but haven’t been active on it in a long time. I might need to start.
WordPress can legally do this, as can Blogspot. They see themselves as owning an author’s content, and can ban him at any time for reasons they don’t have to explain.
I have WordPress functionality, but I’m not hosted by WordPress. I’ve done this before, but once again, I plead with all liberty-minded folks who blog on WordPress or Blogspot to get off, now. Back up your content, move it to a new site, and start up on an independent server where ‘they’ can’t get to you. Don’t even tell Blogspot or WordPress what you’re doing. Just do it.