Archive for the 'Britain' Category

British Gun Activist Loses Firearms Licences After Saying French Should Have Been Able To Defend Themselves With Handguns Following Bataclan Massacre

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

News from the UK.

According to The Times, in a message to his 17,000 YouTube subscribers, Mr Long-Collins said: ‘I was told that due to repeated comments from other people on the videos, [the police] felt that the channel was a forum of extremism and it was promoting views that were not in line with legal firearms ownership in the UK.’

He told the paper: ‘The main issue was a video that I made around the Paris attacks where I advocated the French to be able to use handguns for self-defence because of the frequency of attacks that were happening at the time.’

Mr Long-Collins lost an appeal against the decision to revoke his gun licences in 2016 at Portsmouth crown court.

He has been told by police recently that they are unlikely to reinstate the licences in the near future, The Times reports.

The crown won’t allow men to defend themselves.  They won’t even allow men to express opinions at variance with their own.  It’s sort of like a communist country, yes?

Now, contrast that with the words of Jesus.  We’ve discussed it before at length.

… for some evidence, see Digest 48.6.1: collecting weapons ‘beyond those customary for hunting or for a journey by land or sea’ is forbidden; forbids a man ‘of full age’ appearing in public with a weapon (telum) (references and translation are from Mommsen 1985). See also Mommsen 1899: 564 n. 2; 657-58 n. 1; and Linderski 2007: 102-103 (though he cites only Mommsen). Other laws from the same context of the Digest sometimes cited in this regard are not as worthwhile for my purposes because they seem to be forbidding the possession of weapons with criminal intent. But for the outright forbidding of being armed while in public in Rome, see Cicero’s letter to his brother relating an incident in Rome in which a man, who is apparently falsely accused of plotting an assassination, is nonetheless arrested merely for having confessed to having been armed with a dagger while in the city: To Atticus, Letter 44 (II.24). See also Cicero, Philippics 5.6 (§17). Finally we may cite a letter that Synesius of Cyrene wrote to his brother, probably sometime around the year 400 ce. The brother had apparently questioned the legality of Synesius having his household produce weapons to defend themselves against marauding bands. Synesius points out that there are no Roman legions anywhere near for protection, but he seems reluctantly to admit that he is engaged in an illegal act (Letter 107; for English trans., see Fitzgerald 1926).

When Jesus told his disciples to go and purchase swords, debating over how many they got, or whether they used them and for what purpose, completely misses the point.  The point is that by telling them to do so, the Lord of the universe was ordering them to purchase and bear arms in violation of the law.  “This is a fact, and no amount of spiritualizing, Scripture twisting or hermeneutical machinations can get around it.”

I’ll stick with Jesus.  The UK has decided to follow satan.

Vintage Smith & Wesson Handgun Lands Two In Prison In UK

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

News from the UK.

A FATHER and son who were caught with a vintage Smith and Wesson pistol and stored it in a Tranmere storage unit have been sent to prison for a total of three years.

Philip Williams hid the 100-year-old weapon in a lock-up in Oakenholt, Flintshire, Wales and claimed he forgotten about it after unearthing it in a crate he was left to look after by an unknown farm worker.

But Mold Crown Court heard he moved the gun around to another storage unit in Tranmere and painted the handle to prevent it from rusting.

Meanwhile his son, Daniel Williams, posed for a selfie holding the gun on one of the two occasions he came into contact with it.

Possession of a firearm carries a minimum sentence of five years imprisonment, but the Judge Niclas Parry heard arguments for exceptional circumstances in both cases and reduced the men’s jail terms.

He jailed Philip Williams, 64, for two years while Daniel Williams, 34, received a one-year custodial sentence.

He told the pair: “It must be understood that the rationale and reason for what appears to be harsh sentences is due to the need to deter gun culture and the use of guns.”

Williams Snr said he did not own the Smith and Wesson and it fell into his arms after he agreed to look after some crates for a man he knew only as “Patrick” who worked at a farm in Bodfari where he was living at the time.

He claimed it was only after when he learnt that the man had died while on holiday when he discovered the weapon buried in one of the crates given to him by Patrick.

But instead of handing it over to the police, he kept it for two-and-a-half years, storing it in a lock-up in Tranmere before then moving it to the unit at Oakenholt, police paid a visit on March 10 last year.

Barrister Michael Whitty, prosecuting, said police executed a search warrant at a unit at Pandy Garage after receiving information and found the 0.22 calibre gun wrapped in a tea towel hidden under the wheel arch of a caravan.

Since it’s a hundred years old and a .22, I’m guessing it’s a revolver.  So two men went to prison for a total of three years for having a .22 S&W wheel gun.

“It must be understood that the rationale and reason for what appears to be harsh sentences is due to the need to deter gun culture and the use of guns.”

Because, you know, Pakistani child grooming gangs are okay with the crown, but you can’t have guns.  That might be a danger – to the elitists.

The Diminishing Of The Western Militaries

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 1 month ago

Beginning with the UK:

… last year it launched its ‘Belonging’ recruitment campaign, which assured would-be soldiers that the army is an emotionally correct outfit that provides psychological validation to its recruits. One ad showed a tearful soldier in a jungle opening a letter from a loved one, while his comrades offered him a cup of tea.

[ … ]

And yet instead of learning from the failures of the ‘Belonging’ campaign, the army has decided to go even further down the road of presenting itself as a cuddly, non-challenging, soppy institution. Its new PR campaign features posters and TV ads calling on ‘snowflakes’, ‘selfie addicts’, ‘class clowns’, ‘phone zombies’ and ‘me me me millennials’ to sign up. One poster says: ‘Snowflakes – your army needs YOU and your compassion.’

Moving on to the U.S. Marine Corps:

The Corps is the only branch of service that has not fully integrated male and females together at recruit training. Could that be about to change?

ABC News first reported Friday that a female platoon will integrate with male platoons aboard the recruit depot at Parris Island, South Carolina.

“On January 5, 2019, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island will start their training cycle with one female platoon and five male platoons,” the Marine Corps said in a statement.

Then let’s cover two members of Army Green Berets:

A former 7th Special Forces Group soldier and a West Virginia National Guard Special Forces soldier pleaded guilty Dec. 21 and Dec. 17, respectively, to two federal charges each of conspiracy to traffic cocaine, according to court documents and a release from the Justice Department.

Former Master Sgt. Daniel Gould, 36, and Sgt. 1st Class Henry Royer, 35, had planned to smuggle 90 pounds of cocaine ― about $1 million worth ― on a military transport plane from Colombia to Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, according to federal court documents.

“Suspicion was aroused at the United States Embassy when packages were x-rayed, revealing cocaine within gutted out punching bags,” the DoJ release said.

The communist agenda is nearly complete.

The Shame of Britain

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 8 months ago


Fears for the safety of Tommy Robinson are mounting after it was revealed that he has been moved to a heavily Muslim-populated prison in the United Kingdom and has already been on the receiving end of death threats.

Robinson was jailed last month for a “breach of the peace” while live streaming a trial involving a Muslim rape gang outside Leeds Crown Court.

He was initially held in a low security prison with a low Muslim population.

However, today it was revealed by Robinson’s manager Caolan Robertson that the activist has now been moved to another prison that has a large Muslim prison population.

Robertson added that Robinson had been subjected to Muslim prisoners banging on cell walls and threatening to kill him since he arrived at the jail. He is now being held on the main wing of the jail amongst the general population which is “full of people who (don’t) like him,” according to Robertson.

Britain mustn’t have the peasants speaking their mind, can they?  And don’t think this is an accident.  They intend to silence Tommy.

It’s been made clear, Brits.  First, you’re disarmed (as if you were ever really allowed to have them in the first place).  Next, population replacement is enacted.  Then you’re silenced, and if you aren’t silent about your demise, you’re threatened or even killed.

British shame.  There is no choice but to fight or relocate, men.  Overthrow your government.  We did it once.

Are There Signs Of Gun Life In England?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 8 months ago

This video in support of Tommy Robinson is interesting.  At 2:44 you see the Gadsden flag appear.

[Opps!  I saw the video yesterday and today it says the account has been terminated.  The video was of the march for Tommy Robinson in England.  Gone.  Disappeared.  So I cannot embed it.]

But then there is this sorry example of Lordship and peasantry.  Hold on to yourself.  Seriously.  It’s sad.

No.  There aren’t signs of gun life in England.

Masked Gunman Pictured Shooting Victim On Street In Yorkshire

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 8 months ago

News from lost land:

In one of the most appalling images yet as a wave of violent crime sweeps the country, the shooter can be seen taking aim at the victim who cowers on the ground. Police released the image from a neighbour’s security camera in a bid to track down the gunman. It’s believed he fired what appears to be a long-barrelled weapon into his victim’s leg, in Birkby, West Yorkshire.

A masked gunman shoots his victim at point-blank range in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. See Ross Parry copy RPYGUN: A masked gunman shoots his victim at point-blank range at dawn on a quiet residential street in the most shocking image yet from ‘Wild West Britain’. Seconds later the gunman had fled the scene in suburban Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, in a van. Police believe the shooting was a ‘targeted attack’ and yesterday released shocking images from a resident’s CCTV camera as they hunted the gunman.

Impossible.  England has gun control.  It must be a mistake.  On the other hand, there is the undeniable picture, yes?

Prediction: they won’t find him.  He is wearing a Balaclava.  He is unidentifiable.  So his lawyer will argue in court if they ever do catch him.

Meanwhile, guns and knives are illegal for the peasants to have because the government fears the peasants, not the criminals.  Just like in America.

Britain Elitists Softening The Ground For Total Islamic Takeover

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 9 months ago

As if pummeling the ground with artillery, the elitists in Britain are setting the stage for Islamic takeover.

A judge has proposed a nationwide programme to file down the points of kitchen knives as a solution to the country’s soaring knife crime epidemic.

Last week in his valedictory address, retiring Luton Crown Court Judge Nic Madge spoke of his concern that carrying a knife had become routine in some circles and called on the Government to ban the sale of large pointed kitchen knives.

Latest figures show stabbing deaths among teenagers and young adults have reached the highest level for eight years, and knife crime overall rose 22 per cent in 2017.

Judge Madge told the assembled  judges, barristers and court staff: “These offences often seem motiveless – one boy was stabbed because he had an argument a couple of years before at his junior school.”

He said laws designed to reduce the availability of weapons to young would-be offenders had had “almost no effect”, since the vast majority had merely taken knives from a cutlery drawer.

He said: “A few of the blades carried by youths are so called ‘Rambo knives’ or samurai swords. They though are a very small minority.

“The reason why these measures have little effect is that the vast majority of knives carried by youths are ordinary kitchen knives. Every kitchen contains lethal knives which are potential murder weapons.

“Accordingly, it is very easy for any youth who wants to obtain a knife to take it from the kitchen drawer in his home or in the home of one of his friends.”

As a result – said the judge – the most common knife a youth will take out is eight to ten inches, long and pointed, from his mother’s cutlery tray.

He asked: “But why we do need eight-inch or ten-inch kitchen knives with points?

“Butchers and fishmongers do, but how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all.”

“Acknowledging that any blade could cause injury, the judge pointed out “slash wounds are rarely fatal.”

So, he said: “I would urge all those with any role in relation to knives – manufacturers, shops, the police, local authorities, the government – to consider preventing the sale of long pointed knives, except in rare, defined, circumstances, and replacing such knives with rounded ends.

Sounds rather like “But why do you need an AR-15 when you can call the police,” yes?

Remember boys and girls, this is the country that allowed the child sex ring run by Pakistanis to flourish with full knowledge by the authorities.  And here’s a reminder: The British Councillors and police had sex with Rotherham abuse victims.

The way I see it, British men, if there are any left, have two choices: [1] armed rebellion, or [2] leaving immediately for free territory.

Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes In “Gun Free” Britain

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 10 months ago


The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly, sword-like weapons means there is an average of 15 a day in the UK, or one every 90 minutes.

Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests by the Daily Mail show that police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes in the last two months of 2017.

London saw the bulk, with 425 of the attacks. There were 99 in Greater Manchester, 77 in the West Midlands, and 29 each in Merseyside and West Yorkshire.

Just three years earlier, the deadly blades were used in 100 crimes a month over the same period.

As violent crime surges across the country, and even faster in London, the long blades, designed for chopping undergrowth, appear to be a weapon of choice for criminals in the UK, which is governed by strict gun-control laws.

It’s happened with Hispanic gangs in Chicago too.  It isn’t a fair fight no matter how you slice this up (pardon the very bad pun).  That’s why we carry guns.  I want the edge.  If I don’t carry, I give him the edge.

UK “Regents Park Police,” Protecting And Serving

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 10 months ago

Via reddit/r/firearms.

Removing dangerous items from the poor folks in the UK, while they protect Pakistani rape gangs for 20 years.  And doing so without any shame.

London Murder Rate Overtakes New York

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 11 months ago

Evening Standard:

London‘s murder rate has overtaken New York City‘s for the first time ever, according to a new report.

February marked the first month the UK capital saw more murders than New York, with 15 dead (nine aged 30 or younger).

According to the report in the Sunday Times, London also suffered 22 fatal stabbings and shootings in March, higher than the 21 in the Big Apple.

Both cities have similarly sized populations of around 8.5m people. New York City’s murder rate has decreased by around 87 per cent since the 1990s.

Meanwhile, London’s has grown by nearly 40 per cent in just three years, not including deaths caused by terrorist attacks.

On Saturday a murder probe was launched after a 36-year-old woman was killed in what is believed to be the 30th incident of fatal knife crime in the capital this year.

[ … ]

Britain’s most senior police officer recently said social media was partially to blame for the soaring rate of knife crime in the UK.

Met Commissioner Cressida Dick said websites and mobile phone applications such as YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram were partially to blame for the bloodshed.

This seems impossible.  Britain has gun control.  Britain has knife control.  How are all of these guns and knives ending up in the wrong hands?

Hmm … yea, just do away with Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube and everything will be okay.  That’ll fix the problem.  I’m sure of it.

Sheesh.  And the Brits think they’re all that and more, yes?

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