Archive for the 'FBI' Category

The FBI Is Creating A Social Media Red Flag Tool

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 6 months ago

FBI Director Orders US Search For Mass Shooting Threats

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 7 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this.

After three mass shootings left at least 32 people dead in the span of a week, FBI Director Chris Wray has ordered the agency’s offices across the country to conduct a new threat assessment in an effort to thwart future mass attacks, law enforcement sources told CNN.

Field offices will be actively working to identify threats similar to the attacks last week at a local food festival in California, a Walmart in Texas, and an entertainment district in Ohio, the sources said.

A command group at the bureau’s Washington headquarters will oversee the effort, the sources said.

Oh good.  Whew!  I’m glad someone is overseeing this.

The Minority Report, brought to you by the department of pre-crime.

The FBI Has Ignored The GOA’s Concerns Over Use Of Facial Recognition

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago


The FBI still has not assessed whether its facial recognition systems meet privacy and accuracy standards nearly three years after a congressional watchdog—the Government Accountability Office—raised multiple concerns about the bureau’s use of the tech.

Since 2015, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have used the Next Generation Identification-Interstate Photo System, which uses facial recognition software to link potential suspects to crimes, pulling from a database of more than 30 million mugshots and other photos.

In May 2016, the Government Accountability Office recommended the FBI establish checks to ensure the software adhered to the Justice Department’s privacy and accuracy standards, but according to a report published Wednesday, the bureau has yet to implement any of the six proposed policy changes.

And they won’t.  If you have a Facebook account or a federal compliant driver’s license, you’ve already given them your photograph.

On a related note, do you recall this scene from Sicario, where he says, “The CIA can’t operate within U.S. borders without a domestic agency attached?”

So how does the FBI, local law enforcement, state law enforcement, and the CIA all cooperate “within the law?”  This may not be a surprise to my readers, but it’s called the JTTF, and the field implementation involves a network of cameras that would put the U.K. to shame, all managed out of field offices called “Fusion Centers.”

It’s not the stuff of conspiracy theory.  It’s real, today, right now, and they track you everywhere you go.

Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly Listed FBI As Place Of Employment

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

The Free Thought Project:

Las Vegas, NV — A bombshell revelation in regard to the massacre that took place last October in Las Vegas has surfaced this week, suggesting that Stephan Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley could’ve been an FBI asset. According to a credit application, as reported by True PunditDanley listed the FBI as an employer.

This is the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on the ammunition used to murder 58 people on 1 October. The same Danley who admitted to law enforcement that she helped Paddock load the magazines Paddock would use that fateful night.

This is the same Danley who was reportedly visiting family in the Philippines at the time, and set her Facebook account to private at 12:38 a.m. and then deleted it entirely at 2:46 a.m.-nearly one hour before Paddock’s name was publicly released as the suspect in the shooting. The same Danley whose player’s card Paddock was using the night he murdered all those people.

According to the publicly available intelligence obtained from a consumer credit reporting bureau, Danley claimed she previously worked at the FBI. While anyone can certainly claim anyone else as an employer, according to True Pundit, they contacted the FBI who said their “bosses are concerned” over this revelation.

Thirty, or even twenty or ten years ago it would have been difficult for most Americans to believe this sort of thing.  But as Matt Bracken points out concerning the FBI railroading of one FLL who refused to participate in the Fast and Furious arms scandal, they don’t play by the same rules because their world and life view has not even a single point of correspondence with yours.

And remember folks, the constitution says absolutely nothing about the creation of a federal law enforcement agency of any kind.  In fact, I believe the founders had something to say about that.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”

Yes, I’m sure of it.

FBI Tags:

More FBI Secrecy In The Las Vegas Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea:

ATF was “not allowed to physically examine the interior of the weapons” recovered from the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room, a new Freedom of Information Act production by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reveals. The baffling revelation appears on page 335 of a response sent to attorney Stephen Stamboulieh as part of an ongoing production of documents responding to his FOIA request.

[ … ]

“ATF did not disclose that they had not examined the firearms prior to promulgating the rule,” firearms designer and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage notes. “And now that the comment period is closed should they go forward with this rule under the Administrative Procedure Act that information can not be used in a court challenge because it was not submitted prior to closing of comments.

“DOJ is manipulating the APA to make sure that information will NOT be used to shoot down the rule,” Savage concludes.

I’m not a lawyer, but the pretext for this entire rule making was the alleged use of bump stocks in the Las Vegas shooting.  The intentional inclusion of material false information in the federal record is felony perjury.  Government agents should be as liable to that fact as any others.

Continuing with a follow-up.

“Today, we filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation over a Mandalay Bay FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request that the FBI denied,” Stamboulieh Law, PLLC announced in a Thursday media advisory.

Firearms designer and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage is the plaintiff in the complaint that charges “Defendant FBI is unlawfully withholding records requested by Plaintiff pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552.” As reported by this column in April:

The FBI has responded. They claim they have no way of knowing how many “bump stocks” have been used in crimes and the FOIA law doesn’t require them to be responsive.

Do you see what’s happening here?  Agents of the ATF promulgated the rule on bump stocks.  A different federal agency, the FBI, refused them access to the guns in that Las Vegas hotel room, and now claims that none of this is their responsibility.  The finger always points in the other direction, doesn’t it?

It is said that FBI agents are having to record their conversations with potential criminals because juries don’t believe them any more.

They deserve it.  They’ve asked for everything that’s happening to them.  Secrecy is the enemy of good and honest government.  Truth be told, there are very few things that there is any moral reason for holding back from the American people.  Operations security in a time of war is the only example that comes to mind.

FBI Tags:

Peter Strzok Is A Good Reason To Bring Back Public Hanging

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

NY Post:

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?

My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.

The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.

I don’t think it’s as clear as blaming the FBI on folks like Strzok, or blaming Strzok for following the lead of his mentors.  The FBI is wicked, and wicked people gravitate to it.  It’s a symbiotic relationship – the FedGov is an organism, not an organization.

But Strzok is an especially bad case, yes?  He is an emasculated male who hates himself and everyone around him.  Take a look at this brief video of his reactions during the hearing.  I didn’t see the hearing because I don’t watch TV.  It holds no interest for me.

No man acts like that, not around other people, and not when he is alone.  He’s the FBI equivalent of a high school mean girl who hates the other clique and shows them with his facial features.  He’s a drama-queen.  And yet, he has immense power.

He is a good example of why we need to bring back public hanging.  He attempted to use his regulatory influence and powers to obviate the duly constituted processes of our republic as conceived by our founders.  He is a traitor.

School children need to see what we do with traitors.  He should be publicly hanged, with school let out early for all the children to watch.  It would be good and healthy for America.

FBI Tags:

FBI Agent Dances In Denver Night Club, Drops Gun During Back Flip, Tries To Pick It Up, Shoots Innocent Bystander

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 9 months ago

Via reader Ned, Fox31:

DENVER — An FBI agent allegedly dropped his gun at a bar and another patron was shot in the leg early Saturday. Investigators said it appeared to be an accidental shooting.

Denver police said they were called to a report of a shooting at 2201 Lawrence Street at 12:45 a.m.

A woman who said she witnessed and recorded the shooting with her cell phone said it happened at Mile High Spirits Distillery and Tasting Bar.

In the video, a man can be seen doing a back flip, during which a gun falls out of the back of his waistband. The gun appears to fire when the man picks up the weapon.

“It appears an off-duty Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) agent was dancing at a night club when his firearm became dislodged from its waistband holster and fell onto the floor.  When the agent retrieved his handgun an unintended discharge occurred, another patron was struck by a bullet in the lower leg,” a statement from Denver police said.

The woman who recorded the video, who wanted to only be identified as Julie, said she smelled gun powder and saw a person bleeding.

“Everyone was kind of shocked after it happened because [the agent] kind of put his gun back away and then he walked away,” Julie said.

The video is remarkable.

I hate it when that happens to me.  I remember once I was dancing at a bar, all liquored up with a loose, unholstered gun stuck in my drawers, and I was creating a new dance called “Herschel’s Grabastic Getdown.”  Well, as the story goes, I jumped way up in the air to Van Halen’s “Jump,” grabbing my ass on the way down every time.

When I did it the last time I shot some dude.  I say it was the last time because I didn’t dance anymore after that.  I just walked away.

Sadly, the dance never hit it big.

Breach And Entry Video Of Mandalay Bay

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 10 months ago

When it was released yesterday over the objection of law enforcement, I watched it and thought at the time it was a lot of nothing.

It took ZeroHedge pointing out to us that no broken windows were reported.  In fact, it’s really more than that.  It was positively asserted by one team member that there were no broken windows.

Make of this what you will, and fill us in with the comments.

FBI Contract For $19 Million Awarded To Federal Ammunition

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 10 months ago


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has awarded Vista Outdoor a contract to supply FBI and other Federal Government Agencies with a high-performance Federal Premium 9mm handgun training round specifically designed to support their mission.

The IDIQ (indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity) contract, which has four option years, is for up to $19 million in 9mm handgun training rounds.

The FBI employs about 35,000 personnel.  Assuming that 20,000 of them are armed agents, that’s approximately 950 rounds per agent.

Read it all in the context of the FedGov being at war with the American people.

Quick Note To FBI

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 11 months ago

Does this interest you?

Are you interested in prosecuting crimes, or are you too busy running cover for criminals Andrew McCabe and his wife?

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