Archive for the 'FBI' Category

FBI Refuses To Release Documents On Secret Meetings Between Comey And Obama

BY Herschel Smith
7 years ago


FBI is refusing to expedite the release of documents about secret meetings that took place between former FBI Director James Comey and former President Obama. Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell says the matter is of public interest.

But remember folks, the FBI wants to be known as the protector of America, the go-to law enforcement of the country, the exemplar of righteousness and all that is good.

Your tax dollars at work.  Hang them all.  The bad people are being protected by the “good” people who won’t hold anyone accountable.  Hemp rope and lamp posts, or oak trees.

Robert Mueller Requests Postponement Of General Michael Flynn Sentencing

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 1 month ago

The Conservative Treehouse:

Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original Flynn plea judge (Contrereas) was also the approving FISA judge; and that judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing IG Horowitz evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents; and understanding those falsified 302’s were used in the Mueller/Flynn charging document…

…Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing.

Hmm … is it all beginning to unravel for you, deep stater?  Hey, my wish for you is the same as I said for Andrew McCabe.  I hope your arms and legs rot and fall off.  Absent that, we should take you out and hang you from the nearest lamp post or oak tree.

Note To Andrew McCabe

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 1 month ago

From David Codrea, we find out this:

McCabe Threatened To ‘Torch The FBI’ If Forced Out Of Bureau Without Pension [More]

Hey, turnabout’s fair play.

This is of more immediate concern:

“He was unglued,” one FBI source told True Pundit. “Someone should keep an eye on him.”

Hey Andrew, we know all about your involvement in the deep state, about your assistance in trafficking children, gems, money, weapons and oil.  Comey, Mueller, TCF/CGI and The Council on Foreign Relations are all too visible to not know what they’re about.  You thought you were hidden, didn’t you?

It couldn’t happen to a better man.  In hope your arms and legs rot and fall off in retirement.

FBI Shoots Kidnapping Victim In Houston

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 1 month ago


The chief detailed how the FBI SWAT team was at the home on Elbert Street in order to make a rescue to attempt to recover Ulises Valladares.

Valladares had reportedly been kidnapped from his Conroe home.

FBI agents attempted to breach a room in the back of the house where they believed the victim was being held.

Chief Acevedo said the agents were using a tool to break one of the rear windows to gain entry to the house. During that attempt, the agent dropped the tool inside.

The second agent made the decision to use his rifle to gain entry into the room.

According to the HPD, Valladares grabbed the weapon and began pulling on it.

Police say the agent, not knowing who was pulling on his weapon, feared he was going to lose control of his rifle. That agent reportedly made the decision to fire his weapon.

One of the shots hit Valladares. A second shot went into the roof.

The HPD says Valladares was bound in the room. When agents entered the home they immediately requested medical assistance. The victim died at the hospital.

Chief Acevedo says the agents repeatedly yelled “FBI” while attempting to enter the home.

Conditions in the room were described as dark since the FBI made the decision not to use lights during the rescue attempt.

The fail is so thick here that it shouldn’t be necessary to outline it, but I will anyway.

(1) The one breaking the window should have been wearing a lanyard to secure the tool if it was possible to lose the tool, and it was indeed possible since they conducted the raid in the dark (he could also have lost it in the yard approaching the house).

(2) They conducted the raid in the dark, and apparently weren’t wearing any sort of night vision or using tactical lights.

(3) The other SWAT team member shouldn’t have used his rifle as a tool to break the window.  That’s not the function of a rifle.

(4) The shooter shouldn’t have discharged his weapon without having positive ID.

(5) Discharging the weapon was stupid anyway because the shooter didn’t have proper identification of backstop.

(6) The person breaking the window shouldn’t have been part of the house clearing team and should have focused on his one job of breaking the window.  He had one job.  One job.  He couldn’t even do that without screwing up.  The shooter couldn’t do the job either without screwing up.

(7) The FBI is a fuckup.  They always have been.  They shouldn’t have been doing any raid.  Art Acevedo (who believes in forcible blood draws at random car stops and was driven out of the progressive city of Austin) deserves the FBI, and the FBI deserves Art.  Why the FBI was involved isn’t explained, but they are both disgusting.  I detest them both.

Don’t do any of these things.  Ever.  Stay away from law enforcement, as they are the most dangerous people on the road or in neighborhoods.  If you ever have to do anything at all like this, think before you do it, and use your head.

Note To FBI Criminal Justice

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Twice last week I got visits from FBI criminal justice to exactly the same page.

You see that, don’t you?  They are interested in you and what you’re doing.  What they should have been interested in is this.

My words for you, chattering class and politicians, is that you are all a bunch of bitchy, cowardly, whiny, scared little chicken shits who would sell their own mothers, wife and children into slavery if it meant being accepted by the elitists.  You disgust me, one and all.  Furthermore, you DoJ and FBI employees who knew all about this, I feel the same way about you.  You disgust me, one and all.

Not only will this effect this nation’s access to important nuclear material for weapons, it will also effect the supply of fuel for commercial nuclear reactors used for peaceful, clean, reliable energy for your children and children’s children.

The FBI has foolishly squandered its moral authority.  It has none left.  And yet like the pigs in Animal Farm, it wants information on you.  And more of it, and more of it, and all it can get.  They have no interest in rehearsing their own malfeasance, and no particular problem with their moral turpitude.

And if the information we discussed here isn’t enough for you, you can read all about Bill Clinton’s meetings with Vladimir Putin, how Robert Mueller tried to entrap an acquaintance, how a U.S. consulting firm tied to the Clintons lobbied on behalf of Russian companies, about the DoJ blocking an FBI informant from testifying about the Uranium One deal, and how they all conspired to cover it up.

The abscess festers, and the cancer runs deep.  But the DoJ and FBI have lost moral authority, and when they speak now, it is only as the mouthpiece of the evil one.

Las Vegas Shooter Hit Rate Greater Than 50 Percent

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

CBS News:

Undersheriff Kevin McMahill defended the hotel and said the encounter that night between Paddock and the security guard and maintenance man disrupted the gunman’s plans. Paddock fired more than 1,000 bullets and had more than 1,000 rounds left in his room, the undersheriff said.

This is the first time I’ve seen in print that he shot somewhere around 1000 rounds.  Supposedly, somewhere around 500 people were injured (489), and 58 people killed by the Las Vegas shooter.  Even if some of the injured were due to shrapnel, glass and flying debris, this is still around 50% hit rate.  I’ll lay this out there without comment.  Readers can make of it what you will and do the research for wartime fire and hit rate, even with automatic weapons.

Via reader Mack, True Pundit has insider information, publishing information here and here.  I’ll also lay this out there without comment, except to say that Andrew McCabe is the very definition of the deep state.

Administrative Notes On Las Vegas Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

I haven’t weighed in with any detail on the Las Vegas Shooting since this post.  I’m not ignoring the published reports, nor am I ignoring the notes readers send to me.  But I’m waiting until I have clarity and enough information to make a substantial article.  In the mean time, there are a number of things that make you go … hmm …

Like this report telling us that a key witness in the Las Vegas shootings “committed suicide.”

And this report linked by WRSA (and also sent by readers).

Please keep me in the loop and continue to mail important revelations to me.

The Collapse Of The Government Narrative On The Las Vegas Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 5 months ago

The internet is swirling with possible scenarios for things that could have happened.  I’ve seen a lot of them and won’t rehearse them here.  It isn’t necessary to rehearse what might have been, what could have been, what’s possible, and what is feasible, in order to understand that the government narrative is infeasible.

For me there are two pieces of evidence that point conclusively to the fact that this didn’t go down the way the FBI says it went down.  Everyone who has operated guns for a long while, like I have, had to ask themselves the following question: “If God forbid I decided to perpetrate something evil like this, what would that room have looked like when I was finished?”

The answer for most knowledgeable and sensible people is this: “Not like that.”  Not at all like that.  After firing so many rounds from rifles, the curtains, my face, my clothing, the carpet, the bedding, and just about everything else, would have been so covered with carbon and lead deposits that the dominant colors would have been black and grey in any photograph.  I know this from range time, and you do too.

Moreover, I probably would have been wearing eye protection, as I know what it’s like to shoot with brass, lead, carbon and other such things flying around.  That room looked like the maid had just been there and cleaned everything but the body lying on the floor.  No carbon, very little brass (there would have been a mountain of brass, along with spent casings everywhere), and no flesh from the head penetration to the shooter when he was killed.

The second piece of evidence for me is even more convincing.  Watch this video, and listen and watch extra carefully at about the 12:00 mark.

While I don’t agree that the video demonstrates that any of these firearms are belt-fed or crew serve weapons, or suppressed, there is no mistaking one fact.  He points out a moment in the video where two or more shooters must be shooting.  There is no other way to interpret that video.  Many of the suppositions in other posts, entries, discussion forums and threads have multiple explanations or plausible alternative possibilities.  This one doesn’t.  There are at least two shooters at that moment.

This all means one thing.  Fedgov is lying to you about what happened.  I don’t know what happened that night, and as I said I would need to be wrapped into the process to know (autopsy reports, crime scene access, time to study all of the videos, opportunity to interview the eyewitnesses, and so on).  But I don’t have to tell you what happened in order to tell you that the government account didn’t happen.

It didn’t go down the way they said it went down, with one lone shooter firing bump fire stock AR-15s from one vantage point for no reason under the sun except that he lost gambling money (or whatever).  Their story is a lie.  Hopefully the truth will come out, but I’m not holding my breath.

Matt Bracken: There Will Be Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 6 months ago


It occurs to me that the deep state, and all of its actors in the Senate and House, really have no idea how close America is as we speak to dystopia and how difficult this would be for them.

Matt Bracken On The Deep State Coup

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

Via WRSA, Matt Bracken explains it all.

We’ve covered much of this in our discussions on the deep state, but Matt brings it all together in a short, concise and informative format.  It’s worth listening to all of this.  As for Andrew McCabe and James Comey, they have been instigators, ring leaders and strong arms for the deep state virtually their entire careers.

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