Archive for the 'Firearms' Category

First Look: Remington Core-Lokt Lever Gun Ammunition

BY Herschel Smith
7 hours, 36 minutes ago

Shooting Illustrated.

Remington Ammunition is expanding its Core-Lokt Tipped ammunition line to cover lever-action rifles and carbines with the new Remington Core-Lokt Tipped Lever Gun product line.

“Big Green is excited to be bringing the Core-Lokt Tipped family into the world of lever guns,” said Jon Langenfeld, research and development engineer at Remington Ammunition. “The resurgence of the lever gun was a welcome sight within Remington. We knew it would only be right to allow every lever-gun shooter, whether novice or expert, the ability to utilize the trusted performance of Remington’s Core-Lokt Tipped in a variety of lever-gun calibers.”

Most lever-action firearms use a tubular magazine, which places cartridges in front and behind each other in the magazine. For safety reasons, lever gun calibers are not loaded with pointed, spitzer-type bullets due to potential danger of a bullet’s point sitting right behind the next round’s primer, which may result in an accidental discharge. Blunt-nosed bullets are used in these magazines to prevent this, but the trade-off has always been less efficient ballistic performance, especially at longer distances.

All Remington Core-Lokt Tipped Lever Gun bullets use a green polymer ballistic tip which reduces each bullet’s “blunt” profile to boost its ballistic performance in a way that’s safe for the inside a lever-action firearm’s tubular magazine. However, the Core-Lokt bullets still expand into their classic “mushroom” shape to stop game.

It’s about time. I’m surprised it took them this long. Here is list of bullet weights and muzzle velocities.

  • .360 Buckhammer, 180 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,400 fps
  • .30-30 Win., 150 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,390 fps
  • .35 Rem., 200 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,080 fps
  • .45-70 Gov’t, 300 grain: Muzzle velocity 1,900 fps
  • .444 Marlin, 240 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,350 fps
  • .32 Win. Special, 170 grain: Muzzle velocity 2,250 fps

This is a little disappointing. To be quite honest, I’m not sure why they’re not loading them hotter than this. Picking up a box of .444 Marlin jacketed flat nose by Hornady, I see it has a bullet weight of 265 grains with a muzzle velocity of 2400 FPS. That’s a heavier bullet moving slightly faster than the Remington bullet. But then, the Core-Lokt cartridges have always been a bit slower than the competition. It’s the expansion guys love, and too much velocity can actually hurt the ballistics by “penciling” through the game. We’d have to see a gel test to quantify the difference between these manufacturers.

There’s also the issue of sighting in your rifle. The sight-in procedure is good for only a single bullet weight, and so if you’re testing ammunition from a different manufacturer, while the point of impact during testing won’t matter, the final ammunition choice will require sighting in the rifle with whatever you choose.

As to the issue brought up a few days ago by a reader, I still see very high usefulness and viability of the lever action rifle. As I’ve said, this .444 Marlin round will easily put down hogs with a single shot without any movement at all after impact (I’ve seen lesser rounds take longer to accomplish the job).

Also, there’s the issue of cool factor. Lever action guns are just cool to own and shoot, and a .444 Marlin or 45-70 doesn’t exactly go into an AR pattern rifle (it’s short action, including the AR-10s).

I think the lever gun will be around long after I’m gone, as it should be. Every American boy should own a lever gun, or several.

Use a Flashlight to Level Your Scope

BY Herschel Smith
7 hours, 56 minutes ago

Good procedure. I wasn’t aware of it.

Also, very meticulous torquing passes he made in the scope mounting procedure.

Child shoots, kills 2 home invaders in ‘self-defense’

BY Herschel Smith
1 week, 5 days ago


MANCHESTER, Ky. (WJW) — Two men were shot and killed after they reportedly attempted to rob a Kentucky home over the weekend, and according to police, the shooter was a child.

Around 4 a.m. Saturday morning, Kentucky State Police and Manchester police were called to a home in Manchester where the two men had been reported shot.

Upon arrival, investigators learned the men had entered the home with intentions of raiding its firearms safe. The shooting reportedly occurred when the juvenile (whose age was not released) came upon the men holding firearms.

“The juvenile, acting in self-defense, retrieved a handgun and shot both men before escaping through a bedroom window,” Public Affairs Officer Scottie Pennington said in an online statement.

One of the men, a 51-year-old, was reported dead at the scene, while the other, a 44-year-old, was taken to the hospital before he died from his injuries, state police said.

I love stories with a happy ending.

What? You mean this “juvenile” had not attended those expensive self defense courses with former SpecOps instructors to learn how to be tacticool? You mean he just saw the threat and did what he had to in order to preserve life?

Via David Codrea.

450 SMC: The 10mm Killer

BY Herschel Smith
2 weeks ago

Well, maybe it’s not quite the 10mm killer, since they’re about equal in energy delivered to target (based purely on computations, absent a gel test). But in this article I hope to explain what the 450 SMC is and why I choose to carry it for dangerous game.

I’ve written about the 450 SMC before about five years ago and also here (that’s how long I’ve been shooting it). There’s a Wikipedia page on the .45 Super, but not the 450 SMC. The 450 SMC is loaded hotter than the .45 Super and thus has a higher muzzle velocity. I will comment that the first time I shot this load, I put two rounds within a couple of inches at 30 feet in less than one second.

For the .45 Super, Wikipedia tells us that “The layout of most M1911 pistols’ chambers presents yet another challenge in that the case head is not fully supported in the cartridge feed ramp area; pushing the envelope in this critical area with too much pressure risks a catastrophic failure, resulting in a case bursting in the chamber. To rule out such a dangerous possibility, Grennell chose to use brass formed from the stronger and more modern .451 Detonics, shortened to the overall length of the .45 ACP design.”

The 450 SMC isn’t too different in design philosophy, in that it uses a thicker case.

The good folks over at Double Tap are always pushing the envelope on power. They might have out-done themselves with the new 450 SMC. This new round is meant to be fired through any firearm that is chambered for 45 ACP +P. It pushes a 185 gr JHP to 1350 fps, a 230 gr JHP to 1200 and a 255 gr hardcast to 1100.

Did you catch that? It came pretty fast. A 185 grain jacketed hollow point, from a 1911, running at 1,350 feet per second. For those of you keeping score at home, that is fast.

How can they do this in a chamber designed for 45 ACP you ask? They use a special cartridge case. The case is essentially a cut down .308. This gives it thicker walls to hold up to the charge.

At the moment Double Tap are the only folks who offer this cartridge. Neither the 450 SMC nor the .45 Super are SAAMI spec cartridges. In order to push the bullets so fast, the primer is changed over from a typical pistol primer to a rifle primer, leaving more room in the case for powder. So the advertised muzzle velocity of the 450 SMC for a 230 grain bullet is 1130 FPS. But also at the moment, Double Tap doesn’t have what I carry for dangerous game in stock, i.e., jacketed flat nose. In my experience they make several runs of this ammunition every year, so you have to watch for it to come in stock.

American Hunter has a nice featured article on the history of the 450 SMC.

Among the best-known and longest-serving military and civilian defensive pistol calibers in the United States is the .45 ACP. Many enthusiasts still praise this member of John Moses Browning’s Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) cartridge family, which was developed in 1905. It was eventually paired with Browning’s 1911A1 semi-automatic pistol to form one of the most successful gun and ammunition combinations in this country’s shooting-sports history.

But when it comes to more recent online conversations regarding defensive handguns for use on the trail, the .45 ACP often gets short shrift. Polymer-framed 10mm Auto pistols are taking up more holster space in bear country these days. So much so, that even long-time trail-gun favorites, including double-action revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum, are taking a back seat.

But despite the 10mm Auto’s popularity, I was not quite ready to write off the .45 ACP cartridge, and the many popular pistols chambered in it, as trail gun options just yet. Recently I found myself in possession of a pair of Taurus TH series pistols, one chambered in .45 ACP and the other in 10mm Auto. I did my best to line up comparable loads in both calibers and shot them side-by-side to compare the performance numbers. But it came as no surprise that even when using +P-rated .45 ACP ammunition, the 10mm was the superior performer.

As an editorial remark, I wouldn’t ever brush aside the 45 ACP as a dangerous game cartridge, and I especially wouldn’t brush aside the .44 magnum. But more on that later. For jacketed ball .45 ACP, I have found that Browning has some they claim will achieve nearly 1000 FPS. I would never carry hollow point for dangerous game defense.

Simply stated, the 10mm Auto can hit harder than a .45 ACP. This is due in no small part to differences in cartridge case pressure tolerance levels. Remember, the 10mm Auto, as envisioned by Colonel Jeff Cooper, was developed to stretch the 1911 pistol’s effective range out to 50-yards. This was done by launching .40-caliber bullets from cartridges operating at a maximum average pressure (MAP) of 37,500 psi. Standard pressure .45 ACP ammunition operates at a maximum of 21,000 psi with the +P loads topping out at 23,000 psi. No matter how you slice it, the 10mm Auto cartridge has the bullet energy potential edge for semi-automatic pistols. Or does it?

Efforts to develop a more powerful, but still .45 ACP-compatible, pistol cartridge can be traced back to the mid 1980s. Gun writer Dean Grennell took the .451 Detonics Magnum cartridge case (which in turn is based on the .45 Winchester Magnum case) and trimmed the length down to match that of the .45 ACP. Operating at up to 28,000 psi, early loads were capable of launching 185-grain bullets at 1,300 fps. which represented an impressive boost in performance. Working in conjunction with Ace Hindman of Ace Custom 45s, the .45 Super cartridge was born.

Unfortunately, the .45 Super would become encumbered by an unusual business choice made by the late Ace Hindman’s son, Garey Hindman. He trademarked the cartridge name “.45 Super.” This meant that any cartridge case, ammunition or firearm manufacturer who stamped .45 Super on their products would have to pay royalties to Hindman. Even though he kept the offering alive, none of the big players in the industry would promote the cartridge which, in turn, resulted in no reliable source for .45 Super brass.

In 1994 the owner of Triton Cartridge, Fernando Coelho, reached out to Garey Hindman to offer his services on behalf of the .45 Super. However, Coelho ran into issues which inspired him to develop his own potent .45 ACP pistol-compatible cartridge starting in 2001. It was dubbed the .450 SMC (Short Magnum Cartridge) so as to not be bound by the .45 Super trademark. Coelho would also modify his cartridge to use a small rifle primer in place of a large pistol primer. This solved the problem of primer flow (the primer flattening out when fired) and made room for additional metal to reinforce the cartridge base.

Triton Cartridge soon began shipping factory-made .450 SMC rounds loaded to 32,000 psi. Although this is not as high of a pressure potential as the 10 mm Auto (37,500 psi), it launches larger bullets. This levels the playing field, especially when compared to standard .45 ACP, .45 ACP +P and .45 Super bullet energy levels. But the .450 SMC would run into some setbacks of its own.

In 2003, Triton Cartridge went out of business. As a result, it looked like this souped-up .45-caliber pistol round was going to slip into obscurity along with it. However, Mike McNett, founder of DoubleTap Ammunition, would swoop in to save the day. In business since 2002, McNett had launched DoubleTap by offering full-power 10mm Auto loads not available from other manufacturers at that time. Recognizing the .450 SMC’s potential, he purchased the rights and tooling to the cartridge and spent a few years tweaking it to get it just right before adding it to the company’s now expansive catalog of pistol and rifle calibers.

Today DoubleTap offers six different loads topped with bullet weighing between 160-grains to 255-grains, with bullet styles including jacketed hollow points, full-metal jacket and hard-cast lead flat nose. Although DoubleTap has offered .450 SMC for some time, it has yet to be officially recognized by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI), and thus remains a wildcat cartridge. This ‘unofficial’ cartridge status, along with the lack of pistols built specifically for this round, keeps the .450 SMC flying relatively low on the trail-gun caliber scene.

I’ve mentioned before that I carry my 450 SMC in a modified 1911. The modification is simple. I replaced the 18# recoil spring with a 22# recoil spring from Wolff Gunsprings. American Hunter does bring up the need to pay attention to the spring.

DoubleTap maintains in their literature that the .450 SMC cartridge can be safely fired in any .45 ACP pistol, revolver or carbine which is rated for .45 ACP +P ammunition, no modifications required. Although this statement is technically correct, it’s also incomplete. If you spend any time researching the .45 Super or similar cartridges, the one thing that gets mentioned time and again is the benefit of using a heavier recoil spring weight.

There is much more about the testing at American Hunter. But the money is here in the table of results.

G21 shooting results

And then finally, in this table.

Table 2

It’s just not true that 10mm is a better option than 45, if you assume that the ammunition of choice is 450 SMC.

There are handguns that will shoot 450 SMC which are larger frame polymer pistols if that’s your choice, but I choose to use a 1911. This is for several reasons. My arthritis has swollen the knuckles on my right hand almost beyond recognition (I can still pull a trigger with ease), but I like the 1911 for its narrow frame. Also, I don’t shoot striker-fired handguns. I only have hammer fired handguns, and I very much like the tactile trigger.

As for magazine capacity, it’s true that the most you will find with the usual 1911 magazines is eight rounds (or maybe seven). But if you desire, both Wilson Combat and Chip McCormick sell 10-round magazines (although they’re slightly longer). The single stack design doesn’t bother me – again, I like it and choose to shoot the 1911 exactly for this reason.

Shooting Illustrated claims that the 450 SMC generates 78% more recoil than the .45 ACP. As I’ve said, I cannot confirm that from shooting the cartridge, although I’ve never measured it. My experience with the cartridge just doesn’t bear that out. I find it about as easy to shoot as .45 ACP.

If you want more, there’s always the .44 magnum in a wheel gun, or for semi-auto design, you can do a conversion to 460 Rowland. I have hiked out West and carried a .44 magnum and a 1911 with 450 SMC. I’ve never felt under-gunned with either firearm, although if I spent more time out West, I would probably lean towards the .44 magnum.

In the East, for dangerous game defense, we would primarily face black bear, Coyotes and feral hogs (if they’re “runners” they turn and try to get away – though I’ve seen the opposite before, and with the tusks the males sport, your femoral artery is in danger). For the West, brown and grizzly bears are a different story. For the record, while in Colorado, according to conversations with folks who had been where I was headed, Moose were the most dangerous threat (they will stomp you). Without any hesitation, I carried the 450 SMC and never felt vulnerable.

In the end what you carry is up to you. But don’t believe the hype that the only choice in a semiautomatic handgun is the 10mm. That cartridge is a viable choice, but it’s not the only one. There is 450 SMC, and then there is 460 Rowland for a slight step up. I’ve carried 450 SMC hiking in dangerous game territory, and may carry it while hunting, but for hunting it depends on how accessible I intend to keep my rifle. If my hunting is near a deer stand, I may carry a smaller caliber.

Firearms,Guns Tags:

Lever Action Rifles at Shot Show

BY Herschel Smith
2 weeks, 3 days ago

If someone had asked 20 years ago what type of firearm would make the biggest waves at SHOT Show 2025, few – if any – people would’ve said it would be the lever-action guns. Yet, here we are, finding more lever-driven long guns and handguns than ever before.

Except none of them are in 460 or 500 S&W magnum or any big bore cartridges. I want to see a lever action rifle in 500 S&W magnum. Oh, except Rossi, which to my great delight is offering .444 Marlin. I am an advocate of the .444 Marlin cartridge. It’s nearly 45-70, but greater muzzle velocity. It can put down large hogs easily. Ask me how I know. If I had a spare $820 I would spring for this even though I already have a Marlin .444.


The Revolver Lock Nobody Asked For

BY Herschel Smith
2 weeks, 4 days ago

Chris Baker does a good job with this video.

Twice he has to say, “But look, I’m not a lawyer.” He should have said, “I’m not a lawyer, my parents were married and I have never eaten puppy meat.”

Anyway, I have S&W wheel guns that do have the lock, but probably wouldn’t have any others. Like Chris, it’s beyond me why S&W would continue to do this in spite of the legal requirement going away.

Chris failed to mention that while S&W was having a hard time financially before this ill fated decision, their choice to include a lock almost killed the company.

And yes, I can ignore the hole (although I’ll probably remove the locks at some point), but it’s wrong to say that wheel gun aficionados mostly ignore it. I can tell you they don’t. Or actually, Chris said regular shooters mostly ignore it – which may be true.

But aesthetics matters. And as for malfunctions, you bet that matters (although I suspect that comes primarily from limp-wristing the gun).

Finally, I’ll remark that it’s duplicitous for the NRA to have done this while at the same time supporting the Clinton era AWB, and before that the NFA and GCA, and the Hughes amendment, and after that the bump stock ban.

Shotgun Slugs for Deer Hunting and Bush Defense

BY Herschel Smith
3 weeks ago

He does a good job in this video of answering the obvious questions concerning what happens in a shotgun when a Sabot slug is shot through a smooth bore barrel, what happens when a rifled slug is shot through a smooth barrel, and what happens when a rifled slug is shot through a rifled barrel.

I found the results less than impressive. I’m embedding another video below concerning the use of a rifled choke which are quite impressive.

Frankly I find this whole conversation a bit awkward and oddball. First, it seems to me that shotgun-only deer hunting states, by encouraging the use of a less than accurate weapon, are actually encouraging unethical shots and potential pain and suffering of the game animal. To me, that’s an awful outcome. I think the regulators in those states should grow up and do the right thing.

Then again, this also makes me wonder why someone would take a shotgun shooting slugs into the bush as personal defense against dangerous game. Why not just carry a 45-70? The bullets begin at over 300 grains and go up to 400 grains. Why would it be better to shot shotgun slugs than a round from a 45-70? The rifle will be more accurate.

Perhaps loyal readers like TheAlaskan who live the life of dangerous game defense can educate us. I respect his views.

First, the generalized video on different kinds of slugs from different shotguns.

Second, the video on use of the rifled choke. Once again, his results are extremely impressive.

Out of Battery Detonation

BY Herschel Smith
3 weeks ago

Telling us what we all know to be true, but it’s a great reminder from someone who’s seen it.

Removing Suppressors From the NFA

BY Herschel Smith
3 weeks, 6 days ago

A Republican bill filed on Capitol Hill last week would deregulate suppressors as firearms under both the National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act.

The Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing, or SHUSH, Act was introduced on Jan. 30 by U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, and has four co-sponsors, all from the GOP. The language of the five-page bill deletes all federal regulations– including taxes, fees, and registration requirements– of suppressors. Those who paid a transfer tax for such safety accessories in the two years before the bill’s enactment would get a refund.

“Despite what Hollywood may lead you to believe, silencers aren’t silent, and they aren’t just for secret agents,” said Lee in a statement. “They are a vital tool for hearing protection for countless marksmen and gun enthusiasts across America, and making them prohibitively difficult to obtain is an assault on the 2nd Amendment. The SHUSH Act eliminates federal regulation of silencers and treats them as the non-lethal accessory that they are.”

U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas) will spearhead the bill in the House, where it will join a stack of suppressor reform legislation that includes the Hearing Protection Act. 

“Suppressors are a vital tool for responsible gun owners that protect hearing, enhance safety, and reduce firearm noise—but thanks to Hollywood and federal overreach, they’ve been unfairly vilified,” said Cloud. “Law-abiding Americans shouldn’t have to endure months of red tape and pay an additional tax just to access a safety accessory. The SHUSH Act puts an end to this unnecessary bureaucratic red tape, eliminates the federal tax, and prevents state overreach by treating suppressors like any other firearm accessory.”

More than 4 million suppressors are in circulation, a figure that has more than quadrupled in less than a decade.

According to a joint release from Cloud and Lee, the measure has the support of the National Association for Gun Rights, Gun Owners of America, the National Rifle Association and the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

The SHUSH Act in the Senate is filed as S.345 and has been referred to the Committee on Finance.

If I don’t get anything else out of this administration, I want suppressors removed from the NFA.

There is no excuse for not doing this bill and pushing it through quickly. There is no excuse for suppressors to have ever been in the NFA to begin with. This is about hearing protection, something OSHA claims to care about.

In fact, there is no excuse for the NFA.

The M-16 is a Good Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
4 weeks ago

This is an oldie from American Rifleman (via WiscoDave).

From the time I came to Vietnam in May 1967 to date, I have been on 82 patrols as an infantry unit com­mander and have been shot at on 38 separate occasions. From this experi­ence I have several observations which may interest readers of THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN, especially those who may be slated for combat duty in this area. The standard U.S. infantry rifle in Vietnam is the M16. There have been stories of men getting killed because their M16s jammed in battle. My ad­vice is to ignore these tales. I have carried at different times two M16s as well as two of the stubby little CAR-15s. The CAR-15 is simply an M16 with a short, carbine-length barrel and tele­scoping stock. With these four arms I have never experienced a jam in 18 months of combat. If given the same care as a .22 rimfire semi-automatic rifle, the M16 will not fail.

[ … ]

I have knocked out Communists at ranges from 50 feet to 750 meters and have yet to use full-automatic fire. There are two reasons why I stress semi-auto­matic fire. First of all, it is just waste­ful of ammunition. The average G.I. carries from 10 to 20 18-round maga­zines (21 rounds can be squeezed into the M16 magazine, but overfilling can cause jams. One can fire off 20 maga­zines of ammunition in from 5 to 10 minutes, but then there are likely to be problems.

You can read the rest at American Rifleman.

Of course the M-16 / M4 and AR-15 variants today are good rifles, the current suite of AR-15s even better (in most cases, assuming you don’t buy a “rack” or budget AR).

Here is another image that’s helpful.

Inline image

All of the initial changes were made by the Army against the advice of Eugene Stoner, and all of the changes you see in the image above were made back to what Eugene Stoner had originally designed.

It remains today an awesome weapon. Personally, I don’t think the DoD should ever have gone with the new ceramic cartridge design. The only change that should have been considered is a re-barrel to 6 mm ARC. It is a awesome cartridge – I know from hunting with it.

John Moses Browing and Eugene Stoner are the greatest weapons designers America ever produced.

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