Good Advice
BY Herschel Smith
We can safely assume that gun sales in calendar year 2021 will be just as strong as 2020, and possibly much stronger. Given Joe Biden’s age and frail health, I expect to see Harris succeed Biden within 18 months. Plan on at least four years of a Democrat in the White House, and possibly much longer, given their proven skill at vote-rigging. That will mean 4+ years of gun, magazine, and ammunition shortages. Sort supplies always lead to higher prices. So we can safely anticipate those prices to exceed the prevailing consumer price inflation. Plan (and invest), accordingly.
As of this writing, the big unanswered question is whether or not the two Republican U.S. Senate candidates will prevail in the January 5th runoff election, in Georgia. If those two seats instead go to Democrats, then that will result in a 50/50 split in the Senate, with the tie votes broken by the President of the Senate: The Vice President of the United States. And odds are, that will be none other than the extreme leftist Democrat Kamala Harris. Needless to say, she has a horrendously anti-gun record.
So here is my advice: If on January 5th the two Senate seats in Georgia go to the Democrats, then you should immediately take any extra cash and buy magazines. Buy lots of 20+ round magazines! This is because one of the top legislative priorities for the Democrats will be a ban on new production for civilian sale of any magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. That will drive the price of “high capacity” magazines through the roof. Specifically, I recommend buying the following magazines as an investment, even if you do not yet own the corresponding guns …
This is on the tail end of telling you how important it is to own guns and ammunition, and keep buying them if you can.
Guns, ammunition and accessories (such as magazines) will be the new gold standard in the coming weeks, months and years.
I don’t see this getting any better. The days of 50 cents per round 5.56mm are gone forever, and Magpul magazines will not go for $12 one of these days very soon. They will cost much, much more than that.
Even pistol ammunition is now 60 – 70 cents per round, and that’s if you buy in bulk.