Good video. This is why generally speaking, I don’t like the idea of shooting rifles inside homes or in neighborhoods.
A pistol or pistol caliber pistol carbine (PDW) seems preferred to me based on the risk of shooting high velocity rounds. And in the pistol or carbine, use personal defense rounds (hollow point), with proven ballistic tests for expansion. Lucky Gunner has good tests online.
And there is a corollary point. +P rounds aren’t necessarily the best home defense rounds for this reason. I shoot 45 ACP, and there are some very hot +P loads for that caliber, including 450 SMC (which is way too hot for something like home defense – I carry for that bear defense in the bush with a 22# recoil spring).
Buffalo Bore and Double Tap make some of the hottest loads, including in PD ammunition. It isn’t at all apparent to me that these loads would be a better choice. The homeowner must be the judge given circumstances.
This video and those like it make the pistol caliber carbine a worthy investment for home defense.
Tim answers a question I’ve always had about these Echo Trigger systems. What happens if you fire one shot, and don’t want to fire the second shot on trigger release? Good demonstration.
He’s in the Weaver stance because it is the most natural and logical way to shoot a handgun when the one-hand stuff is not mandatory. Shooters just fall into this position when they are allowed to use the other arm and hand, rather than stick it in a left side pocket or in the waistband.
As far as requiring a one-hand grip, it’s a cultural matter. I have long believed that using a single hand is an outgrowth of Civil War tactics, where the repeating revolver was a decisive weapon but couldn’t be helped by a left hand. That hand was working the reins of a horse.
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Jack Weaver, a Los Angeles County deputy sheriff, started drawing his S&W revolver, raising it to eye level and shooting with two hands. Almost immediately, he started beating the daylights out of just about everybody else. They all started using it, and the rest is history.
Because it was so successful and so identified with the first guy to use it in these first competitions, the technique was acclaimed as the “Weaver Stance.” It was the evolved doctrine when Cooper opened the first combat shooting school at Gunsite Ranch in the late ’70s. Hundreds of thousands of civilian, military and police handgunners have been trained in the technique.
I know some folks love it, but I don’t find anything at all natural about it. I use the Isosceles Stance. Still, the takeaway is to use whatever feels comfortable and natural to you.
In the bush, I’ll stick with .45 ACP or .450 SMC. In big bear country, I suspect most of them are committed to something larger and faster like the .454 Casull or .44 Magnum. I’ll have to say that while I’ve heard that 10mm is becoming a popular round in big bear country, I don’t think it’s going to do what it is purported to do.
Mr. Guns ‘n Gear reviews the new Strealight models. For reference, 1 Candela emitted over a 4π solid angle = 12.566 lumens. Lumens is the total amount of light emitted. Candela is the light sent in a direction of a particular solid angle, so he’s referring to the tightness of the light pattern.
Ammoland has a review up of five different types of prismatic optics.
I don’t know anything about prismatic optics or how they compare / contrast with LPVO or HPVO. It would be nice if readers weigh in who have them, or not.