Intellectually Bankrupt Decision by the Ninth Circuit in Duncan Versus Bonta
BY Herschel Smith
Don’t ask permission. Be a magazine smuggler like Mike Vanderboegh. What they think only matters if you let it.
Don’t ask permission. Be a magazine smuggler like Mike Vanderboegh. What they think only matters if you let it.
Missouri should just ignore federal court rulings. Because. The tenth amendment. Never cooperate with federal gun control laws. Every state and local LEO who does so is a traitor.
For reasons that you can easily guess.
IL State Police modified their ammo background check system to where sellers in the state need to put in the caliber being sold. This is to track people and target them for buying calibers like 5.57/7.62×39 who didn’t register their “assault rifles”…they’re going for it
— President Non_Fudd (@Non_Fudd) October 6, 2023
And why the two constitutional judges on the ninth circuit were so outraged.
I suspect this will all be cleared up at the next level.
As usual, Mark does a great job.
This is an interesting deconstruction of the violent extremism that pervades transgender depravity, and it also attacks Red Flag laws soundly. It is well-researched with some data and footnoted, but it’s not too long.
Genital mutilation is labeled “gender-affirming care,” while the mainstream media constantly reminds attempts to frame anti-trans legislation as a matter of “survival.” From self-harm to self-deception, the transgender community is plagued by depravity and violence. Yet every step of the way, the Biden administration has sought to hamper any laws that would curb this violence.1 For the federal government, downplaying the violence of transgenderism is just as crucial as skewing statistics on firearm deaths. Creating the illusion that transgenderism and violence are separate issues is a task that never ends, resulting in confusion and false impressions. After all, without mountains of rhetoric and manufactured evidence, the average person would be inclined to assume transgenderism is a “red flag” for gun ownership.
Even though the studies are scarce, the association between transgenderism and violent offenses is inescapable. To those who have already made this connection, the shooting at Covenant School was a tragedy, not a surprise.
For the average Christian, attending these churches in good conscience is impossible. How can you sit in a pew and listen to a pastor who would immediately use your death for their own liberal activism? For the majority of Christians, their own death would be used to support the policies they opposed while alive.
The author and I have a shared interest in Christ and firearms. He’s kind enough to speak with me on social media, though his intellect is well above mine. He’s a good man; read the rest it’s worth your time.
Trump took a tour of Palmetto State Armory – yes, the company that wants to arm AS MANY AMERICANS AS POSSIBLE WITH AS MANY ARs and AKs AS POSSIBLE.
And apparently, Trump found himself a new Glock.
Some people are reporting that he bought the hand cannon (not sure if it was a G19 or what – someone said it was a .45, which is boss – but I love that custom threaded barrel and finish).
More important than the photo op was this clip where Trump promised to overturn the ATF pistol brace rule that has made tens of millions of Americans felons …
Did he really do all of that? Must be some sort of superman or something. Honestly, the sycophants and worshipers drive me crazy.
No, he didn’t purchase a gun that day.
Suppose he did talk about the pistol brace rule. So what? He set the whole thing up with his precedent of the bump stock ban. Did he talk about canceling that project? Apparently not. No more than he talked about how he was wrong to shut the country down and march Fauci in front of the public for a year over the flu.
“I never got the credit I deserve on Covid,” said Trump, patting himself on the back for his “tremendous response” that saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
The commenters over Reddit/Firearms are brutal. He lost many gun owners over the bump stock ban. I predict this isn’t a hurdle he can overcome.
Color me unimpressed with all of this. Silly season has begun in earnest.
Everybody is pro-gun until the monied interests influence them. I don’t believe a lick of what people say, especially politicians. The single common denominator in school shootings is…school. It’s the one thing they won’t acknowledge proving they are Statists. Never will they talk about surrendering central power and control to the states and to the people. Get your children and grandchildren out of the government indoctrination centers; do whatever it takes! Read the candidate’s statements for yourself. I won’t bother inserting any because all politicians are professional liars.
The supreme court reversed the vacatur order by Reed O’Connor. Some lawyer is doing some clever thinking. This time they went for an injunction against enforcement of the unconstitutional and immoral ATF frame and receiver rule. They got it. This will eventually be heard by the supreme court. I stand by my original prediction. The women on the court, including Roberts, will side with the FedGov.