Most of the reasons he gives in this video amount to one thing: the justices have either sided with the controllers or aren’t happy with the nature of the ruling that would come down if the SCOTUS took the issues up.
Thus, they will allow the lower courts to beat them up over this issue and tell them they are wrong. Quite literally, the lower courts have bullied the supreme court into ignoring a major infringement of constitutionally guaranteed rights. It’s the most shameful thing I have ever witnessed as an American citizen in my entire life.
And here is Mark Smith to explain. But you know, it seems that the conservatives on the court are the only ones that have manners and refuse to consider cases that haven’t been fully decided in the lower courts.
Forty-five Republicans U.S. senators filed a Congressional Review Act resolution to block a Biden administration Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives rule from being enforced that would require anyone who sells firearms to register as federal firearm licensees.
[ … ]
Cornyn, who was booed at a Republican Party of Texas convention after he pushed through the bill, is now saying he will fight “this lawless rule tooth and nail to ensure the God-given right to keep and bear arms is preserved and this flagrant distortion of congressional intent of our landmark mental health and school safety law is struck down.”
Some Texas Republicans oppose Cornyn for any consideration as the next Senate majority leader, citing what they argue is his anti-Second Amendment stance, The Center Square reported.
U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-NC, who did not join the CRA, but was a cosponsor of the bill being cited by the Biden administration to implement the rule, said it was “outrageous that the Biden Administration decided to take a good faith effort to curb the mental health crisis across our country and turn it into an unconstitutional attempt to restrict firearms from law-abiding American citizens. This overreach is exactly why Republicans don’t trust this Administration, and it will setback any attempt on future bipartisan legislation as long as President Biden is in office.”
Yeah right.
He’s a real 2A champion at the moment, isn’t he?
This CRA, whatever that is, can’t even garner the support of all of the republican senators, much less the majority it needs to prevent a presidential veto.
This is all carnival light and action show, fit for nothing more than electioneering. Cornyn and Tillis are both communists and knew this would happen. Now they get to blame the ATF for it in election season.
In this case, we should expect to see The Empire Strike Back.
There is no one decent or good who works for the ATF. Every one of them have sworn an oath the constitution, and every one of them either breaks it directly or enables someone else to break it. They know what they’re doing, and it’s all intentional.
The US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit (TX, LA) has issued a ruling upholding the 2022 federal law requiring additional background checks for 18-20 year olds. They used the so-called “Dicta” from the Bruen decision.
Cornyn and Tillis are to blame. They are both awful humans. We have Tillis for a couple more years. This is what happens when the party is controlled by money.
And the supreme court is to blame. The supreme court said too much, or too little, or not clearly enough. Or believes the wrong things.
I repeat what I’ve said before. The average age of the freedom fighters at the battle of Kings Mountain was 14 years old.
This is just another tax on firearms owners and an infringement upon God-given rights. Insurance won’t ever pay out for felonies committed or intentional acts, and they know it.