Archive for the 'Gun Control' Category

Politics Is War: Washington Gun Owners Caught Unaware Of New Gun Control Laws

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

I’ve said it before, many times.  This explains what it means to ignore the war around you.

On July 1, 2019, I-1639 took full effect in the state of Washington. Seven months later, Shoni Pannkuk, co-owner of The Man Cave Outfitters in Downtown Centralia, says the news of I-1639 and the new process that comes with obtaining a firearm still catches some of her customers off-guard. 

“The number of, which was astounding to me, the number of customers we have, who are obviously gun enthusiasts, hunters, concealed carry, whatever, that have absolutely no idea what I-1639 was and the impacts that it now has,” Pannkuk said. “We get often (from customers) like, ‘I didn’t have to do this before, what do you mean I have to do this.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, that passed, it was effective July 1.’”

According to the Washington Attorney General’s Office’s website, buyers have been required to go through, an “Enhanced background check and waiting period requirements for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic assault rifles.” In addition, those looking to purchase a firearm after June 30, 2019 are required to have passed a “recognized firearm safety training program” within the last five years. It’s also the dealer’s responsibility to verify that a buyer has completed a course. 

The law also states that the training “must be sponsored by a federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency, a college or university, a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or a firearms training school with certified instructors.” Pannkuk still feels that verifying the legitimacy of a customer’s training can be ambiguous for the business.

This is via David Codrea.  Listen, I know that there are folks in Washington who live nearer to what is called the Northeastern redoubt, and others still are very busy and hard working people who farm and work all day.  These folks tend to be more isolationist than others.

But you simply can’t withdraw into your own world and forget those among whom you live.  You must see politics as war, and you simply must not let this sort of thing happen to you without having fought it until your last breath.

That there are some in that state who didn’t even know what the new gun laws say is a testimony to laziness, irresponsibility and disengagement.  I’m sorry if this sounds insulting to my Washington readers, some of whom I’m sure fought this new gun control in their state.  But everyone must get engaged.

Go To War, Texans, And Do It Now

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

I’ve often said that Texas was a close to turning from a red state to a blue state as any in the country, and I think the progs know it.

A national gun control advocacy group with financial backing from Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is pumping $8 million into Texas races this election, with the goal of flipping the state House and returning vulnerable Democrats to Congress.

Everytown for Gun Safety unveiled plans Wednesday to use the same strategies it employed last year in Virginia, where Democrats won control of the state house for the first time in two decades. Since then, Virginia lawmakers have advanced proposals to expand background checks and limit handgun purchases, but a bill to ban assault-style weapons stalled this week.

“We believe Texas can be the next emerging battleground, with gun safety as the tipping point,” Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, said during a call announcing the initiative. “The state is becoming younger and increasingly diverse. And after years of failure by leaders to address gun violence, it’s become a top issue for voters, especially in the suburbs.”

Over a third of the group’s state House targets are in North Texas …

When your enemy tells you what he’s going to do, you listen to him.  You have advance warning.  You will end up like Virginians, back on your heels, if you don’t watch it.  Politics is war.  See it that way.

More Chicken Little Propaganda From Virginia Delegate Mark Levine

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

You’ve heard him before.  Old “spray and pray red hot magazine” Mark Levine.  He’s at it again.

The sponsor of an “assault weapons” ban in Virginia said he fears that the rejection of his bill Monday by a state Senate committee will lead to “mass murder.”

In a tweet following the lopsided 10-5 rejection of his legislation, Washington area Del. Mark Levine tweeted, “Senate Committee voted to study assault weapons bill for another year. We already know weapons of war don’t belong on our streets. I fear mass murder with these weapons between now and then, but I am proud of House of Delegates for doing what we could. We will be back.”

Yes, you will be back, because controllers never give up.  You’re a bunch of sociopaths who live to rule others.

And we’ll be back too.  We won’t give up, and our side is the righteous one.

And most of all, it’s likely that you’re wrong, unless of course there’s a false flag event, but even if something does happen in between now and then involving a gun or two, it’s not because of the righteous, liberty-minded people of Virginia.

It will be because of you, you heartless imbecile, for arming SWAT teams with weapons of war, for the ruination of the inner cities and creation of fatherless families with your welfare checks and SNAP payments, for your belief in the witch doctor approach to medicine and the overuse of things like SSRIs on children who don’t need them.

Yours sound like the chicken little hysterics we hear in other states where they claim that open carry will lead to “blood running in the streets” (witness Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina).

And finally for the readers, this was a win, albeit a temporary one.  You know that because the controllers are freaking out.

Rex On The Shelving Of The Virginia AWB

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Virginia Gun Laws Update: No AWB This Year

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Via WiscoDave and WRSA, there will be no AWB in Virginia this year.

Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to study the issue, an outcome that drew cheers from a committee room packed with gun advocates.

Four moderate Democrats joined Republicans in Monday’s committee vote, rejecting legislation that would have prohibited the sale of certain semiautomatic firearms, including popular AR-15 style rifles, and banned the possession of magazines that hold more than 12 rounds.

I strongly suspect that the 2A sanctuary movement across the state, combined with the firm intent to use it and oppose this infringement, factored into the decision.  Combine that with the question I posed to the Virginia legislators, and that should have made for a more studied decision on their part.

I posed the question in a blast email “There will be massive non-compliance.  What does that say about your laws, and how do you intend to enforce them at that point?”  And yes, I did get some responses and a lot of page visits when I sent that email out.

But no so fast.  According to this update from VCDL, there are still problems looming.

We are far from being out of the woods.   Red Flag laws, Universal Background Checks, and destruction of the firearms preemption law are still very much alive this year.

It could be that they want the legalities in place (i.e., state preemption laws) before attempting such a thing.  Also, red flag laws are possibly the greatest infringement of all, and they are still alive.  And universal background checks are just another way of saying “gun registry.”

Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit Reciprocity

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Important news from Virginia.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is preparing to no longer recognize gun permits from Alaska and 24 other states, including Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

A bill introduced this month in the Virginia’s General Assembly would strike those reciprocity agreements with states that don’t meet the stricter standards that the Democrat-run state is rapidly adopting.

The Bill is HB569.  So for visitors to Virginia, we’ll have to know these new requirements and carry non-permissively when we go there.  This may affect how you carry.

South Carolina Open Carry: Enemies In The Camp

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago


I am asking everyone to consider the folly of passing State Law S-139 (Open Carry).

As a gun owner, concealed carry weapons permit holder and a member at a local shooting range. I applaud our state’s concealed carry permitting program and my fellow South Carolinians who have taken advantage of it. It is comforting to know that so many of our residents are responsible and committed gun owners.

The proposed changes to S 139 (with or without a permit) do nothing to ensure gun rights. In fact, they would do more to erode the rights of the majority of our population who do not choose to arm themselves every time they leave home. Instead, they would become vulnerable to a minority of individuals who, for reasons of their own, feel they must display their power on their hip.

Perhaps the armed stranger has had hours of classroom and range time … perhaps not. How would we know?

I have written before that “I don’t want an amateur with a gun anywhere near me. I certainly don’t want to be one.” By passing constitutional carry/open carry, we are not serving our citizens. In fact, it is just the opposite. We allow a portion of our population to endanger themselves and their neighbors.

If we have learned anything from the opioid epidemic, it is that a large number of people simply cannot be trusted to behave. We fail this population and their victims by promoting open carry and the display of firearms with or without a permit.

We have an opportunity in South Carolina to set the bar for gun rights, gun safety and responsible stewardship of the Second Amendment. With or without a permit, constitutional/open carry accomplishes none of this.

Bill Ware, Spartanburg

Well Bill, I think you have psychological problems.

First, as to your remark “Perhaps the armed stranger has had hours of classroom and range time … perhaps not. How would we know?,” you’ve neglected to address the very issue that defeats your argument.  Concealed carry, which you allege to support.

You also don’t know whether a person is carrying concealed, you see?  You’ve stated that the only problem as you see it is that when someone hides a weapon, you don’t have to think about the fact that someone could intend to bring your harm, but when they openly carry, you must think about that fact.

This is entirely a mental problem with you, you see?  This has nothing whatsoever to do with the question can someone be safe with a firearm, can someone bring you harm, can someone be trusted.  It has only to do with your mental state.  I refuse to be part of your twisted mental world where hiding problems makes them go away.  I hope South Carolina residents see this the way I do.

Second, as to your statement that “a large number of people simply cannot be trusted to behave,” you don’t know that.  You just made it up.  You’re in the same category of the chicken little naysayers in Texas, Oklahoma and elsewhere who said “There will be blood running in the streets” if this law passes.

And none of that happened.  In fact, I live in an open carry state, and there isn’t blood running in the streets.  So you see, you made a problem out of something that isn’t.  You fabricated a falsehood.

Finally, since the RKBA is a God-given right, I’m not beholden to your views of making the world a better place for you and other collectivists.  That’s not the purpose of the second amendment.  The second amendment is a right, not a license for you to try to control other people.

You have things exactly backwards.

Virginia Gun Owners Have A Lot Of Work Ahead

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

This is a very important video, and I encourage Virginia gun owners to watch it all. This has only just begun, and you have a LOT of work ahead.

I have a note of clarification out to the author, and I’ll post his reply if and when I receive it.

The Real Bigotry Of Michael Bloomberg

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

David Codrea.

That’s what prospective totalitarian Bloomberg would deny to all minority males under 25, regardless of their worth as individuals. Lumping them all in with that part of the population incapable of self-control is bigotry, and that at its core is collectivist. It’s no surprise that citizen disarmament zealots parrot the same narrative as domestic enemy communists, and accuse Second Amendment advocates of being the ones who are racist — all in the name of “common sense.”

Oppose this dictator at every chance, every venue, every time you enter a voting booth (by opposing pols whom he financially supports), and in your daily discussions with everyone you meet.

He is evil.  He has enough money on the backs of real workers that he can make trouble for us, so make as much trouble for him as you can, any way you can.

You Have 30 Seconds To Leave Or You’re Going To Jail!

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Hey, how’s that whole oath to the constitution thing coming, Virginia Capital State Police?  I noticed that the pols ran like frightened rabbits.  I’m sure they’ll be at the head of the stack when SWAT teams go to confiscate guns.

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