Archive for the 'Gun Control' Category

“We Will Not Comply!”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

News from Virginia.

Video at the link as the Virginia House passes their version of the AWB.  Shouts of “We will not comply!”

I told them in an email I wrote to every member of the Virginia House, but they don’t care.  They’re putting their stamp of authenticity on the loss of all legitimacy of the Virginia legislators.

Seems about right to me.

How’s That Gun Control Thing Working Out In Thailand?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

David Codrea.

So we find that “In Thailand, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law.” We find “In Thailand, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic and semi-automatic rifles,” that is, weapons the mall killer, being part of the government, reportedly had no problem getting his hands on.

If you want a handgun, a rifle or a shotgun, citizens have to overcome several prior restraints, including satisfying the government that they have a “genuine reason” for the license need to obtain a firearm and its ammunition (one license per gun). They need to pass a “universal background check” that includes “income” among its considerations (like “gun control” here, poorer citizens are most affected). And there are “red flag” disqualifiers like “domestic violence … Where a past history or apprehended likelihood of family violence exists, the law in Thailand stipulates that a gun license should be denied or revoked.”

“In Thailand, the law requires that a record of the acquisition, possession, and transfer of each privately held firearm be retained in an official register,” continues. We also find that in Thailand they have storage laws and transit laws. Open carry is banned, and if a citizen wants to carry concealed, they must “apply for permission to carry a firearm … to the officials who are competent to issue such license.”

I guess not too well.  If he hadn’t stolen it, or bought it, he could have built it.  Because humans are innovative.

This reminds me – how’s that gun control thing working out in Chicago?

Status Of Virginia AWB Legislation

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Via David Codrea, this news from Virginia.

Instead of criminalizing specific types of rifles, shotguns and pistols altogether, the amended bill makes it illegal to import, purchase, sell, transfer or manufacture an assault firearm, with some exceptions for gifts, guns handed down through family estates and temporary transfers to allow weapon rentals at shooting ranges. As originally drafted, the bill would have required people who already own assault firearms to register them with the state for a $50 fee. That provision has been stricken from the bill, allowing those weapons to be lawfully kept without registration.

“No one has to give up a weapon,” Del. Mark Levine, D-Alexandria, said at the committee hearing.

If you’ll recall, Levine is infamous for his stupidity, but he isn’t embarrassed at all.

So that’s the strategy in order to get something to pass the House.  It is to ensure that MSRs do not proliferate further than those who already own them, and beyond that, I’d suspect that they have tricks up their sleeves for how weapons are transferred to your family in wills (although for me, that would be “Son, empty my safe as soon as I’m gone”).

I do have a suggestion for Virginians though.  Although MSR builds will be illegal if this passes, I’d find a friend on the other side of the border, get some armorer’s tools, and learn to make my own.  Get your parts – all of them – from a friend, bring them back, and build your own in the future.

Am I suggesting that you ignore this new law?  Why yes, yes I am.  Because it’s unconstitutional and runs afoul of God’s laws.  The real loss here is FFLs and what they’re able to sell.  I’m truly sorry for the state they will be left in.

And no, I don’t want to hear one more word about TINVOWOOT.  I’m going to pound the guts out of the next person I hear say that.  We are where we are because we’ve failed to teach, train, and raise young men who believe in God, we failed to vote, we failed to engage in politics, and we failed to ensure a Godly republic.  American men opted instead for football games, stupid jerseys, couch sitting and television.  Politics is war.  Failure to see it that way leads to disaster.

I’ve said before that I am a Christian Reconstructionist.  God has something to say about how men live together, whether that be in art, science, politics or law.  It’s all His domain and since we are made in His image, we are to take dominion over it for His glory.  I have no sympathy for those who claim they’re going to go all tactical when so-and-so happens, while they fail to engage before so-and-so happens.  Here’s my answer: no you’re not.

Besides, if you are too frightened to use your name, engage your local LEOs and politicians and ensure a Godly republic, you deserve what you get.

Kentucky Sen. Morgan McGarvey To File Bill Banning Guns And Masks In State Capitol

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

News from Kentucky.

FRANKFORT – State Sen. Morgan McGarvey, D-Louisville, has drafted a bill to prohibit deadly weapons and masks in the state Capitol, responding to an incident in the building last week that made national headlines.

Following a gun rights rally outside the Capitol on Friday, roughly a dozen men with rifles entered the building and gathered in the rotunda, many posing for photos while wearing masks and with guns raised above their heads.

McGarvey told The Courier Journal on Wednesday he has already drafted a bill to prohibit anyone from wearing a mask or bringing a deadly weapon into the Capitol, including guns, and expects to file it by the end of the week.

“There’s no reason to have people with masks walking around the Capitol with assault rifles when we’re confiscating nail clippers from teachers,” said McGarvey, referring to accounts of teachers who say such items were taken by Capitol security in recent years.

Then don’t confiscate nail clipper from teachers, idiot.

What he really doesn’t like is the optics of armed citizens to whom he has to report, all of whom had good muzzle and trigger discipline while they were in the building.

It goes against the narrative.  You know, the narrative that the pols are kings, and that gun owners are bumbling morons who have NDs.  He’s confusing us with the cops.

As they say, this is a solution in search of a problem.

Reminder: Bloomberg Targets North Carolina Next

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Raleigh News & Observer.

A group that spent millions of dollars in Virginia to help flip the legislature is planning to spend money in North Carolina aimed at the General Assembly and gun laws.

All 170 seats in the state House and Senate are up for election this year.

The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, is spending $250,000 on a digital ad campaign to pressure the General Assembly to pass gun safety legislation like a red flag bill proposed in the 2019 session by Democratic state lawmakers.

Everytown for Gun Safety PACs spent $2.5 million on campaigns in Virginia in 2019. The group is affiliated with Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg. Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which was co-founded by Bloomberg, is also part of Everytown, as is Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Students Demand Action.

The first ad, called “North Carolina: On Notice,” will run on Facebook and be targeted to suburban women and African African women voters. It notes that 1,300 people die by gun violence each year in the state.

The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control showed that there were 1,430 firearms deaths in 2017 in North Carolina. In 2016, it was 1,409 deaths, and in 2015, 1,289 deaths.

Any changes in North Carolina’s gun laws has so far been supported by Democrats and opposed by many Republicans. In January, 50 members of the Republican House Caucus signed a letter supporting counties that declare themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries” and are opposed to any new gun regulations.

Everytown also released poll results from Global Strategy Group that shows majority support for stricter gun laws. The poll of 602 likely voters found that 79% supported red flag laws and 54% supported stronger gun laws. The poll also showed that 64% of respondents agreed it is “possible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous people while also protecting the rights of gun owners.”

An N&O fact-check showed that most Americans support stricter gun laws, including an increasing number of Republicans. In North Carolina, a poll by the conservative policy group Civitas Institute showed 58% of likely voters said laws around gun sales were not strict enough.

Everytown and Moms Demand Action criticized state lawmakers who went to Virginia for a gun rights rally in January in their announcement Monday.

“Everytown, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action volunteers are now calling on the legislature to act by passing gun safety measures, including extreme risk legislation,” the groups said in a news release.

Democrats proposed two gun regulation bills in the 2019 session, but they did not make it out of committee in the Republican-led General Assembly. House Bill 454, a “red flag” bill, would allow family members or law enforcement to petition a judge for what is known as an extreme risk protection order, which would restrict a person’s access to firearms if there was evidence of them posing danger to themselves or others.

With the wrong mix of people in power, Bloomberg and Everytown will bring everything they brought to Virginia further South, including whatever they don’t manage to get passed in Virginia.

Here’s a note about North Carolina.  Mecklenburg and Wake counties control the state.  They are the behemoths, and if we don’t stand strong, we’ll be run over by them.  I fear that North Carolina is actually more fertile ground for Bloomberg’s plans than Virginia.

The controllers never stop, are well resourced, and are tireless.  We must match them.  If you’re a North Carolina reader, please don’t focus on football jerseys, stupid games and parties.  You must be in the fight.  I expect to be involved in the same armed rallies in North Carolina that we saw in Virginia.

If you’re not a North Carolina reader, we’ll soon need your prayers and participation in rallies.

Can we count on you?

With Friends Like This, Who Needs Gun Controllers?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Via David Codrea, this ridiculous report.

MARION (WSIL) — A proposed bill in Springfield aims to curb gun violence in Illinois with a new tax.

The Assault Weapon Retailers Tax Act, or Senate Bill 2468, proposes a 10% tax on assault weapons and magazines with more than 10 rounds. The bill defines assault weapons as “guns that accept large capacity ammunition feeding devices.”

Randall Gustafson, a salesman a Pro Gun & Indoor Range in Marion, says all guns have the potential to be labeled assault weapons under the proposed bill. “Just about every gun out there is going to have the capability to hold more than 10 rounds.”

Some lawmakers think the tax could lead to an increase in private purchases, but Gustafson believes gun owners are going to pay the tax eventually.

“As [guns] become worn or used, you want to refresh it and make it new. So you’re going to hit up a store,” Gustafson said. “You’re going to end up having to pay this tax one way or the other.”

The revenue will go into a Firearms Tax Fund to boost programs preventing gun violence in state-owned buildings and schools. Gustafson says he’d support the bill if he knew which programs are being funded.

“What are these programs actually going to spout off about?” Gustafson asked. “Are they actually going to teach children what firearms are used for?”

You’ll support the tax?  So you believe that government has a right to hold the RKBA hostage to the king’s ransom?

He ends with a tip of the hat to teaching the children.  So this is all “for the children.”  At the buyer’s expense, not the taxpayer, or the parents of the student being taught.

That doesn’t make it okay with me.


Australian Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago


Similar to the United States, firearms laws are set at the State level, with an additional layer of laws at the Federal level. With the States in Australia generally working closely together, there is only a small range of differences in laws between States, compared to the US.

To own any firearm in Australia you are required to apply for a firearms licence. Licences are broken up into several classes which you can qualify (each State has slightly different variations for names/categories), which are segmented into types of firearms – rimfire, centrefire, semi-automatic/pump action shotguns etc. A separate and more onerous class of licence is required for pistols which requires proof of ongoing membership within clubs, attendance of events and restrictions on the number of calibres of pistols owned at a time.

The application process is intentionally drawn out, with paperwork taking several months to be ‘processed’ (read: sit in a tray indefinitely). Should you pass the relevant background checks, training courses complete and fees paid, you can then apply to buy your first firearm. Each firearm purchase also requires approval and registration with the police – with the owner having to provide a justification of why they need to own the firearm. (and no, self-defence is explicitly noted as not a legal justification) You will be restricted with your options for firearms depending on what State you live in, with huge restrictions and effective bans for most of the population on many types of firearms including semi-automatics, automatic rifles, pump action shotguns, smaller framed pistols and a wide range individual firearms which the police have classified as unacceptable. (the common theme being anything scary looking, but can also include such benign things as many types of air rifles and even many childrens toys)

You are required by law to store your firearms with a safe – with laws differing slightly by State but in general you will need to have this mounted to the floor and walls of your home. The police can and will decide to inspect your property at their discretion to check the safe and its contents – but I’ll go into that more later.

In using your firearm you’ll either need to stick to the firing range or if you’re lucky on your or a friends rural property – but don’t upset your neighbours. Laws regarding the usage of firearms here mean that if you ‘scare’ nearby individuals (which can be as little as them hearing a gun firing) can potentially lead to your firearms being seized.

These laws overall are the most benign frustrations for firearms owners in Australia – which may be surprising for US firearms owners who enjoy much more protection of their freedoms. I’ll outline now what I see as the even more insidious part of firearms and laws on defence in Australia at this time which have come hand in hand with gun control.

Every State and Territory in Australia has provisions to allow for self-defence in varying degrees with some States in particular give reasonable protections which allow escalating force if someone is on your property etc. Sounds pretty reasonable? Not exactly. These self-defence provisions are only enforceable if you do not use a firearm (or other banned/restricted self-defence devices). If you use a firearm to defend yourself, your family or your property you’re likely to instead see yourself having your firearms seized, firearms licenced cancelled and a strong likelihood of criminal prosecution put against you.

This isn’t based off speculation either – we’ve had this happen repeatedly to legal firearms owners in Australia. In 2017 is a prime example – where a farmer used an unloaded .22 rifle to defend his young family from an intruder who was under the influence of drugs and wielding a knife. For his efforts to defend his family, his firearms were confiscated by the police and restrictions put on his wife’s licence denying her the ability to keep her own firearms on their property. Thankfully due to strong community push back and lobbying by the industry, David Dunstan was able to have his firearms returned. Unfortunately that end result isn’t the case for everyone however with David being fortunate to have not pointed the firearm at the intruder or firing any rounds making it easier to make the case against criminal prosecution for his efforts – those who have to defend themselves and use their firearms are more likely to potentially see jail time.

This absurdity means that under the gun control environment in Australia, if an armed intruder entered your home whilst you were in the middle of getting ready for a day at the range and firearm in hand, that you would be required to put down said firearm and instead face a significant disadvantage at protecting your life.

This extends to beyond firearms now in Australia, with almost every jurisdiction making it illegal to own pepper spray/mace/stun guns/tasers – leaving our most vulnerable at extreme risk of physical harm.

Of course, this happens when you hate God and thus hate mankind who was made in His image.  It’s a death cult, with the preference being to see men perish, women raped, and children fatherless.  It is the epitome of wickedness.

And again I’ll say it.  People tend to see controllers as merely wanting to control other men for the sake of state safety, or in other words, so that the state has a monopoly on violence and can therefore propagate itself and its progeny.

There is some truth to this, but this truncates the explanation.  The rest of the story is that most lawmakers are vipers and live in a den of sin.  They want to see death and destruction, chaos and anarchy.  They are of their father, the devil.  You should see gun control in the same vein as the desire to see children sacrificed to Molech in modern society, i.e., abortion.

To them, the destruction of God’s image is an act and experience of worship.  They aren’t really interested in anyone’s safety.  They want to see human sacrifice.

Be A Gun Grabber, Get A Job With The NFL

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

David Codrea.

As for the NFL, it’s hostility to the Second Amendment is no secret to Americans who care more for the right of the people to keep and bear arms than they do for bread and circuses. League gutlessness, on the National Anthem and in its “Standard of Conduct” mandating player defenselessness, tells us all we need to know. The hiring of ex-ATF honcho and Fast and Furious cover-up king B. Todd Jones as special counsel for player misconduct tells us a bit more.

I didn’t know that’s where Jones ended up.  The NFL and Jones are a match made in hell.

And as for that matter, NASCAR has gone the way of the NFL.  Good riddance to both of them.  Not that I watched anyway.

Virginia Gun Laws Update

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

News from Virginia.

RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia’s Senate Judiciary Committee passed several gun control bills Monday morning.

Those bills tackle everything from universal background checks (S. B. 70- Background Checks), one gun a month limit, (S.B. 69- One-Gun-a-Month Limit), red flag laws, firearms and ammunition to be controlled by localities (S.B. 35- Local Authority), as well as firearms being restricted at public events.

Each bill was brought before the committee and discussed at length with some amendments included. For five minutes opposers and supporters were able to speak on the bills.

For five minutes.  The best argument against it is that it violates God’s laws.  The simplest argument they can understand is that there isn’t an army big enough to enforce any of it if Virginians are determined in their opposition.

Apparently, the AWB is struggling a bit.

Several Senate Democrats have already said they are unlikely to back the governor’s ban on so-called assault weapons, such as the popular AR-15-style rifles – a key part of Northam’s gun-control package. The House version of the bill has also not advanced.

The assault weapons legislation has drawn the fiercest pushback, as gun-rights advocates accuse Democrats of wanting to confiscate such rifles from current gun owners. Northam has said he has no interest in doing so.

An estimated 8 million AR-style guns have been sold since they were introduced to the public in the 1960s. The weapons are known as easy to use, easy to clean and easy to modify with a variety of scopes, stocks and rails.

Oh my.  Eight million is a very low estimate.  I would guess twice that number.  Anyway, reader Fred makes a good point when he says that the most dangerous thing to come out of the controllers is the red flag laws.

And listen to this statement of one communist from Arlington.

“For too many years this body has put the convenience of gun owners above all else,” said Democratic Del. Patrick Hope.

Change the wording a bit.

“For too many years this body has put the convenience of Christians above all else, allowing them freedom of speech, unmitigated access to worship and their Bibles” said Democratic Del. Patrick Hope.

How does that strike you?  They are both God-given and constitutionally recognized rights, yes?

S.C. Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against City Of Columbia Over Gun Laws

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Via reader Roger and also David Codrea, news from S.C.

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) – Gun laws passed by the City of Columbia are coming under fire from South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson.

On Wednesday, Wilson filed a lawsuit with the South Carolina Supreme Court regarding a number of city ordinances.

The attorney general says the city ordinances violate state law, as well as the Second Amendment.

According to the suit, Wilson believes there are three city ordinances that are unconstitutional or preempt state law. The city ordinances in question include:

  • Allowing the city to take weapons from people with Extreme Risk Protection Orders against them
  • Banning firearms within 1,000 feet of a school
  • Prohibiting homemade firearms (also known as ghost guns)

Wilson sent Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin a letter on Dec. 3, 2019, addressing this issue and asking that the ordinances be repealed. That has not happened.

“We have consistently advised for almost three decades, since 1991, that state law preempts local regulation of firearms. These ordinances clearly violate the state law that prohibits local governments from passing any gun laws or ordinances that regulate the transfer, ownership, or possession of firearms,” Wilson said.

The attorney general said while he supports the right of the city to protect Columbians, the council cannot pass ordinances that run counter to state law.

David says this.  “I don’t like the idea of anyone claiming authority to infringe, but this is a necessary defensive maneuver.”

For me, I would put it a bit differently.  I’m in favor of preemption when it protects liberty and God-given rights, and against it when it infringes upon liberty and God-given rights.  So for example, I will oppose such a move if Virginia does this sort of thing against second amendment sanctuary counties, and I will support it when S.C. does it to the communist mayor of Columbia.  Therefore, I’m consistent.

Here is the paperwork (02195868).  I would have been more impressed if they had just sent the state police to throw him in prison.  And I’ll be happy if the county Sheriffs and local militia arrest Virginia state police if they try to confiscate firearms.

I dare a communist to prove me inconsistent.  Try it.

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