Archive for the 'Gun Control' Category

Wake County Sheriff Takes Over Gun Range Originally Chartered For Public Use

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea.

“The Wake County Range (the Firearms Education and Training Center), built for use by Wake County citizens is now being closed to the public, effective January 15, 2020,” Grassroots North Carolina alerted its members Friday. “This comes as a huge surprise as Sheriff Baker, who manages the range through contractors he hires, gave no advanced warning of this decision. There was no public discussion, no prior announcement—not a thing.”

Per The News & Observer, “The Wake County Sheriff’s Office ended its contract with Range Safety Management (RSM) LLC.” The sheriff’s state reasoning, a “lack of profitability and a review that fees and funds collected … were not accounted for accurately,” speaks more to mismanagement than anything else. If there are issues, why is it not in the public interest to openly discuss them and to consider temporary and long-term solutions?

The county commission’s response was initially tepid and noncommittal, even though GRNC asserted a letter it issued “makes it clear that they were not involved in the Sheriff’s decision, and suggested his decision may have been rash.” now reports “County Manager David Ellis informed the sheriff that the county would take over control of the facility.” What Ellis means by “find[ing] a balance between public and law enforcement use” remains to be defined.

It is Wake County, after all, one of the two centers of progressive thought in North Carolina (Charlotte being the other one).  Without Wake and Mecklenburg counties, North Carolina would be solidly red and an easy win for conservative and libertarian candidates.

But this one hits hard, as it was originally chartered for public use.  Now, the Sheriff has claimed sole ownership and use of it.

Brock Townsend has written a letter to the Wake County Commissioners.

The citizenry must be allowed access their own facility, which was originally chartered for public use. I’m demanding that this be rectified as soon as possible, and that a full explanation of how this happened in the first place be provided.
I will be monitoring your actions on this important matter through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.

So this is how it’s going to be.  Attacks against our God-given rights nationally and locally, with a new attack virtually every breath we take.

Very well.  Queue up the war.  Politicians and peace officers serve at the behest of the people, and the people can throw them out.  Or do you not see yourself as a peace officer, Sheriff Baker?  Let’s start there.  Are you a constitutional Sheriff and a peace officer, or are you a law enforcement officer?  Your answer to that question will tell us everything we need to know about you.

Which is it?  We’re waiting.

21 State Attorneys General Ask Supreme Court to Void Maryland Gun Law

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Epoch Times.

A coalition of 21 state attorneys general is asking the Supreme Court to strike down a Maryland law that denies concealed carry permits unless applicants can convince local officials they have a “good and substantial reason” to be granted one by local authorities.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, a Republican, and the other state officials filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Supreme Court Dec. 18 in a case cited as Malpasso v. Pallozzi. Morrisey and the others want to expand the scope of protection afforded to gun-ownership rights after the high court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller (2010), that the right to possess a firearm is an individual right, and in McDonald v. Chicago (2012), that the right of an individual to “keep and bear arms” applies to the states.

Apart from West Virginia, the other states that participated in the brief are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Utah.

The question former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, a veteran of Second Amendment battles, put before the court in the petition for certiorari filed Sept. 26, is, “Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit typical, law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self defense in any manner.”

This is a good case in light of the machinations New York just went through to avoid Supreme Court review.  This is an excellent case.

Here’s a prediction.  Roberts will prevent this from ever reaching the SCOTUS.  Good job, W.  That’s a valueless man you’ve got there, just like you.

Second Amendment Sanctuaries Are A Legal Fiction That Jeopardize Public Safety

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

So says Chelsea Parsons, vice president for Gun Violence Prevention at the Center for American Progress in Washington.

There is no such thing as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” This concept is a legal fiction adopted by a small minority of local leaders to undermine normal democratic processes and override the will of a majority of a state’s voters.

Any resolution enacted by a local governing body that attempts to pick and choose which state laws apply in a particular jurisdiction is at best a symbolic gesture akin to a protest sign. At worst, these resolutions undermine duly enacted state laws and jeopardize public safety.

Although declarations by local legislative bodies that certain gun laws do not apply have no legal effect, they still have the potential to jeopardize community safety. The kinds of gun laws targeted by these resolutions — laws such as universal background checks, safe storage requirements and extreme risk protection orders — are designed to prevent shootings by addressing different aspects of the gun violence problem.

So-called “Second Amendment sanctuary” resolutions undermine these crucial laws by tacitly (or in some cases explicitly) encouraging residents to violate them. This impedes the implementation of these laws and prevents them from having their full protective effect.

For example, state laws requiring universal background checks for all gun sales are designed to prevent people who are prohibited from gun possession from having an easy channel to buy guns. If a county resolution explicitly states or implicitly suggests that a universal background check law does not apply in a particular county, residents may rely on that resolution to sell guns without a background check in violation of that law.

Notice the hysterical verbiage.  I still think the controllers are deeply conflicted.  On the one hand, they are null and void, to no effect, irrelevant, will do nothing at all to stop the implementation of the law, but are also chilling, dangerous, and will jeopardize public safety.

They are conflicted because they simply cannot imagine ordinary folks defying unconstitutional laws.  Creatures of the state, they are, and as long as a black robed tyrant declares an edict, or a bad law gets passed, they are perfectly willing to obey and demand fealty from others.

But ordinary folk often have morals and scruples that are not malleable to fad of the day, unlike this woman.  She is scared of what may come, as are the politicians in Virginia.  There is no other reason to get opinions issued by the state AG, write ridiculous missives like this one, and bow their chest out about using the national guard.

They ought to be scared.  Via WRSA, Aesop drops a wet blanket on their plans.

Tell us how many divisions the Nazis needed to garrison unarmed populations, and then tell us what the numbers would be against a population that bought more guns than the U.S., Russian, Chinese, and NATO armies have, combined, in just last year alone, and every year since they’ve kept stats?

If I’m a betting man, I like the odds in favor of Team Partisan.

It’s worse than that, really.  The statists cannot count on law enforcement or the NG.  This report today from Law Enforcement Today is a remarkable catalog of just where we were and where we’ve come.

Law Enforcement Today received many military member responses to this threat, saying they, too, would not enforce these proposed unconstitutional laws.  It boils down to this:  Politicians insisting on law enforcement and military to strip people of their rights for political gain are asking for civil war.

[ … ]

Law Enforcement Today has found itself unexpectedly in the middle of this battle – and we’re proudly on the side of Sheriff Jenkins.

[ … ]

That’s why we’ve covered the growing number of people who tell us they’re joining the militia.  Because they aren’t just the traditional “three percenters”.  They are cops – both active and retired.  They are veterans …

[ … ]

The first article we dropped about the growing militias was on Monday.  Within two hours, we were hit with several massive cyber attacks.  The same happened following articles on Tuesday and on Wednesday.

[ … ]

While Virginia is turning into a whole different kind of “battleground state”, we’re receiving messages from people in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, and California saying their own militias are exploding in numbers.

And at the same time, lawmakers are looking into what they can do to stop it… and they’re starting to receive media backing.

[ … ]

Thus, if anyone from the state tries to remove the Sheriff from their elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens within the state.

The county is taking their militia element very seriously as the new ordinance calls for concealed weapons training for any resident of the county that can lawfully own a gun.

There is much more at the link.  Read it all.  This is exactly what scares the controllers, and there is valid reason for that fear.

In spite of the fact that the controllers are calling for CWII, they persist, and yet will be surprised and appalled at the war they have fomented.

But if there is to be war because they demand that there be so, then the warriors must be resolved, well armed and prepared.

To the controllers: there is still time to back out of this, if you’re smart.  You will not win this, and it will be awful.

Teaching Children To Be Thieves And Snitches For The State

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via Wirecutter.

Just like in Nazi Germany in the Hitler youth and in communist Soviet Union under the Bolsheviks.

This is a dated video, but it goes to show exactly the thinking of the controllers even a few years ago.  It hasn’t gotten better since then.

Virginia Firearms Checkpoints

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Matt Bracken.

“So today I am announcing that the highways of Virginia will no longer provide a safe avenue for terrorists to transport their illegal firearms and explosives.”  Sanderson pounded his own fist on the podium for effect.  “Starting today, mobile FIST units will be in operation around the Commonwealth of Virginia, and they will soon be adopted by other states as well, beginning next week with Maryland.  These FIST units will provide much-needed security to all of us, by preventing terrorists from getting a free ride on our freeways.

“Now I am asking all of the decent, law-abiding citizens of Virginia to assist our law enforcement officers by cooperating fully when you come upon a mobile FIST unit.  Courtesy will be returned to our cooperative citizens, and only a few moments of your time will be required if you are asked to pull over for a brief inspection.  I’m confident that the good people of Virginia will consider showing this cooperation to be an opportunity for them to play their own part in our ‘war on terrorism.’

“Additionally, I wish to assure those of you in our immigrant community that FIST units are not intended to harass or intimidate you in any way.  The Commonwealth of Virginia respects and welcomes all of our hardworking immigrant population, regardless of their technical documentation status.  FIST units will only be looking for illegal firearms, and not for immigration papers.

“I would like to remind my fellow Virginians that all semi-automatic rifles are now illegal, and should have been turned in for destruction already.  Also, I would like to remind the hunters of Virginia, and I am proud to say that I am one of that group, that tomorrow, Saturday at midnight, the transportation of sniper rifles will also be forbidden.  This is according to President Gilmore’s last executive order, which he made under the provisions of the Patriot Act based upon an ‘imminent terrorist threat.’  A sniper rifle is now legally defined as any rifle with a magnified telescopic sight.  After midnight tomorrow, it will be a felony punishable by five years in federal prison to transport a sniper rifle on the highways of the United States.

It looks like it could have been taken from the front pages of the Virginia newspapers in about two or three months, yes?

Biased And Jumping To Conclusions

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea points out an ironic inconsistency.

“We can only conclude that you’re guilty,’” Rep. Eric Swalwell told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Tuesday, Fox News reports.  “In America, innocent men do not hide and conceal evidence,” Swalwell pressed on. “They are forthcoming and they want to cooperate and the president is acting like a very guilty person right now.”

But Trump, who doubtless objects, as would I, is the champion of “take the guns first, due process second.”

As 2A Sanctuaries Spread, Gun Control Groups Warn Of Consequences

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

News from Virginia.

ROANOKE, Va (WDBJ7) From Bedford to Botetourt, Second Amendment Sanctuaries have been popping up across Virginia. The resolutions are largely symbolic, designed to send a message to state government.

But Eric Tirschwell worries the Sanctuaries could do some real world harm.

“These resolutions are nothing more than an attempt to short-circuit the Democratic process,” he said.

Tirschwell is Managing Director of Litigation and National Enforcement Policy at Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control advocacy group. He says he’s sounding the alarm now because of the rapid spread of the sanctuaries across Virginia and beyond.

“If these folks actually follow through on what at this point is really just a threat to not enforce laws, that’s where I think the real danger will reveal itself,” he said.

Tirschwell argues the resolutions are problematic for a number of reasons, most importantly, he says, because they put lives at risk.

“These resolutions could have, and threaten to have, a chilling effect on people who might otherwise use, or take advantage of gun safety laws to try to prevent harm, like a suicide, a homicide or even a mass shooting,” he said.

However, gun rights organizers say Tirshwell and other critics are missing the message.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement continues to grow

In statements to city and county governments across our region, citizens have argued that the resolutions are about making the Governor and House of Delegates pay attention. “Because we don’t have a voice at the state level. We only have a voice at the local level,” said one man at a Pulaski Board of Supervisors meeting.

Supporters also say the movement is chiefly about standing up for Constitutional rights.

“Don’t let Botetourt County be culpable in the death of liberties and freedoms,” said another man to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors.

Tirschwell takes issue with that, noting laws frequently decried by gun rights activists, like expanded background checks and so-called red flag laws, have been upheld in the courts.

“These officials aren’t quote-unquote defending the Constitution, as they like to say. They’re really threatening to defy it, and to substitute their own personal views of what’s constitutional,” he said.

Tirschwell says, for now, any threat posed by the resolutions is purely theoretical. However, he warns any officials who try to use the resolutions to defy state gun control laws could have a rude wakening.

“I wouldn’t suggest betting on them,” he said.

Everytown also had a hissy fit in a recent press release, saying “the gun lobby is hypocritically encouraging law enforcement to ignore the rule of law in defense of their extreme and dangerous interpretation of the Constitution.”

“Chilling.”  “Dangerous.”  But to listen to the Virginia AG, also a controller, and his interpretive legions in academia, these county laws have no effect and are irrelevant.

So which is it?  Are they chilling and dangerous, or are they completely ineffectual?

They can’t make their mind up because they fear CWII.  They know it, and we know it.  You can blame it all on them.  Any blood spilled will be on their hands.  All the controllers had to do to ensure peace and stability was leave people alone.

That … a controller cannot do.  Can a Leopard change its spots?  Neither are they able to do good, being accustomed to doing evil (Jeremiah 13:23).  They know enough to warn of the consequences, but are unable to change their own behavior.  But those consequences may not work out the way they had planned.

More Creative ATF Rulemaking

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, courtesy of Len Savage, the ATF is involved in more creative rulemaking.

No mechanism currently exists for ATF to authorize a request from an FFL to transfer a GCA/SBS, such as the Reformation, to a non-licensee. Therefore, until ATF is able to promulgate a procedure for processing and appr.oving such requests, an FFL may not lawfully transfer a Reformation configured as a GCA/SBS to a non-licensee.

I don’t personally care since I don’t want one.  But I do care because if someone else wants one, they should be able to have one.  Fudds are not honorable men.

Because.  Liberty.  I don’t have a bump stock either, but if I wanted one I should be able to have one.  Because.  Liberty.

Because.  Shall not be infringed.  All gun control is wickedness.

$150 Million Lawsuit Filed Against Smith & Wesson By Danforth Shooting Victims

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Global News.

Two of the victims who were injured during a mass shooting in Toronto’s Danforth neighbourhood in 2018 are looking to proceed with a $150-million class-action lawsuit against United States gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson Corp.

Lawyers for Samantha Price and Skye McLeod, along with their family members, filed a statement of claim with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Monday.

“The handgun is an ‘ultra-hazardous product specifically designed to injure or kill people. The handgun was negligently designed and manufactured in that Smith & Wesson failed to incorporate ‘authorized user’ (or ‘smart gun’) technology into the weapon,” the claim said, noting “smart gun” technology “prevents unauthorized users … from firing the weapon.”

I don’t have a feel for whether a judgment in Canada would actually affect S&W here in America, but when the supreme tyrants decided to let the Remington lawsuit go forward, they doomed the legal process to ridiculous claims like this.

Congratulations to the tyrants.  I guess you won this round.  And S&W will doubtless have to look for ways to cut costs because of the legal fees coming their way.  I’m sure this won’t affect the customer.

North Carolina “Assault Weapons” Registration Bill

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

I was watching this video and they got a bit long winded, so I bailed out.  But not before learning about a bill to require registration of so-called “assault weapons” in North Carolina.

You see, we get a routine influx of New Yorkers, Californians and others into N.C. that tilts our politics left, and this sort of thing comes up often.

But this might be a bit different given the proclivities of the current person who lives in the governor’s mansion.  I think I’ve located it here.  It does exactly that as I read it.  But if some other reader knows something else please let me know.  Also, I assume that GRNC knows more about this than I do, so I’ll try to check with them on this.

So there’s a fight right in my own yard to deal with.  It’s not just happening in Virginia.

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