I already told you I have about as much respect and use for the Fourth Circuit as toe jam. Remember they are the ones who found against the carry of weapons in the parking lots of national parks in U.S. versus Masciandaro, and this was even after the law had been changed in 2010 allowing guns in national parks. Yes, that’s right. They found it illegal even though it was expressly legal and had been declared a year before.
Oh, I don’t think they’re insane. They’re just communists and this is what communists do. And lest you think that there must be some good people left in FedGov law enforcement, no, they’re all for this. They will enforce this without so much as one ounce of remorse, as well as any other law, rule or regulation their superiors tell them to. They have already sold their souls.
I won’t go into the details now because it’s not obvious to me that it’s a serious threat. I suspect it will be filibustered in the senate and as long as the GOP owns the House it has no chance at all of passing. After the next election cycle all bets are off because as you know, rigged machines will do the counting and fake ballots will be shipped to voting polls.
But it’s an amazing thing to me that anyone would believe that Americans are going to give up five hundred million semiautomatic firearms.
Anyway, this is always how it happens. It’s the signal sign of cowardice when a man asks someone else to do the dirty and dangerous work for him. And be sure, it will be dirty and dangerous.
If all these guns are so dangerous, perhaps you should reconsider trying to wrestle them away from the people who own them.
I hate the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. I consider them to be about as worthless as the gunk between the toes of my feet. But occasionally they get it right like a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time.
But you see, rather than tackle the root cause of the crime (fatherless homes, welfare, payment for having children out of wedlock, etc.) and quit doing the very things causing the problem in the first place, they’d rather send SWAT teams to wrong addresses in the suburbs and pester you about gun ownership.
🚨 The federal government has mandated that all vehicles sold after 2026 must have a kill switch that can disable your vehicle based on your driving performance.
My amendment to defund that unconstitutional mandate failed tonight.
It’s an American tradition for as long as there has been an America – making your own firearms. And back when individuals contracted skilled tradesmen and craftsmen to do it for them, the government had no say in the matter.
But here we are. I told you the ladies on the court, including Barrett and Roberts, would side with the communists, didn’t I?
A person with knowledge of the situation tells us that, more than just “considering” the move, Winchester, which operates the US Army’s Lake City ammunition plant, has been informed that it may be blocked from selling M855 and SS109 ammunition produced in excess of the military’s needs on the civilian market.
How would that affect the civilian supply of .223 and 5.56 ammunition? We understand that as much as 30% of the commercial market’s sales volume of .223/5.56 is produced by Lake City.
The White House is now denying this. Making your own seems like an increasingly attractive option. Ammunition control is gun control.