From the time I came to Vietnam in May 1967 to date, I have been on 82 patrols as an infantry unit commander and have been shot at on 38 separate occasions. From this experience I have several observations which may interest readers of THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN, especially those who may be slated for combat duty in this area. The standard U.S. infantry rifle in Vietnam is the M16. There have been stories of men getting killed because their M16s jammed in battle. My advice is to ignore these tales. I have carried at different times two M16s as well as two of the stubby little CAR-15s. The CAR-15 is simply an M16 with a short, carbine-length barrel and telescoping stock. With these four arms I have never experienced a jam in 18 months of combat. If given the same care as a .22 rimfire semi-automatic rifle, the M16 will not fail.
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I have knocked out Communists at ranges from 50 feet to 750 meters and have yet to use full-automatic fire. There are two reasons why I stress semi-automatic fire. First of all, it is just wasteful of ammunition. The average G.I. carries from 10 to 20 18-round magazines (21 rounds can be squeezed into the M16 magazine, but overfilling can cause jams. One can fire off 20 magazines of ammunition in from 5 to 10 minutes, but then there are likely to be problems.
You can read the rest at American Rifleman.
Of course the M-16 / M4 and AR-15 variants today are good rifles, the current suite of AR-15s even better (in most cases, assuming you don’t buy a “rack” or budget AR).
Here is another image that’s helpful.
All of the initial changes were made by the Army against the advice of Eugene Stoner, and all of the changes you see in the image above were made back to what Eugene Stoner had originally designed.
It remains today an awesome weapon. Personally, I don’t think the DoD should ever have gone with the new ceramic cartridge design. The only change that should have been considered is a re-barrel to 6 mm ARC. It is a awesome cartridge – I know from hunting with it.
John Moses Browing and Eugene Stoner are the greatest weapons designers America ever produced.
I do have one remark concerning model availability. They should give us a slide cut model for an optic. Otherwise, you have to remove the slide and send it out to be milled.
I’m not saying that all models should come that way, just that they should give us the choice of purchasing a model with a slide cut from the factory.
Then again, it doesn’t seem like any firearms manufacturer has ever listened to me when I write them or post remarks like this. S&W has summarily ignored my request for a lever gun shooting S&W500. They never even responded to my notes. I guess I’m not an “influencer.”
But I find these models to be very attractive, and you know how I like 1911s.
Boy this got the comments section lit up with complaints that they didn’t go far enough into the cartridge history, differences in loadings, etc. There’s a lot more information in the comments section.
First up is the old timer who takes the minimalist philosophy. He recommends paint thinner, or in other words, mineral spirits. Ernest Langdon also recommends mineral spirits to clean the Beretta 1301.
I do think he left out Copper as one of the things you want to remove. It makes the patches look green when they’re pulled out.
I think hot soapy water is a bit too far for me except for muzzle loaders.
Then there is the data-driven boys from Hornady, who have noted increases in back pressure from guns that weren’t properly cleaned. In the comments I’ve recommended that they release the data and math models, but I suspect they will consider it all proprietary.
First up, Mark Smith assesses the recent delay of the Snopes case.
Second, Mark assesses the potential picks to head the ATF. Personally, I would prefer to see the ATF completely eradicated. Its mere existence of prima facie unconstitutional. The existence of federal gun laws is prima facie unconstitutional. But if all we get out of this is an eradication of the “secret” gun registry and a prohibition on enforcement of laws by the ATF, then it’s very important who runs the FBI.
I would also suggest that it makes sense to send 90% of the employees of the FBI and ATF to the border to enforce border laws. As for those still trying to come across, send the Marine Corps to shoot them. If that sounds harsh, think of this as an invasion. What do you think Russi and China would do in such a case? They care about their borders, and we don’t. To most of the American elite, America is an idea, not a sovereign nation with borders.
This whole problem with the border could be solved in an instant. Stop traffic. All traffic, including trade. Allow no one to cross the border, not even for work. But you see, home builders, yard workers and house cleaners are needed for the elite, so that’s not going to happen. As is stands, they get the middle class to pay for medical care via socialized medicine while they get to pay lower wages than they otherwise would, and we bear the brunt of the deal.
Finally, Mark further assesses the inside baseball maneuvers in the SCOTUS on 2A cases.
For the record, I never shoot my heavier recoiling guns extremely tight to the shoulder. In fact, my 444 Marlin shoots better for me when held just a tiny bit loose.
Concerning the notion of semiautomatic rifle accuracy, I suspect as more hunters begin to use them, the barrels will get better and more like the gun he was using. And yes, they’re capable of sub-MOA performance.
But of course. If they’re being honest, they do. I could prove the usefulness of suppressors with calculations for decibel reduction using OSHA guidelines, but that’s not necessary for our purposes. We all know the truth. Congressmen who oppose the complete and total legalization of suppressors are in favor of hearing loss and opposed to science. They vote for funds for OSHA but oppose safety for you.
Because. Hypocrites. And they hate you.
None of this has to do with crime. It all has to do with making criminals out of you for seeking personal protective equipment.
I confess I didn’t even know they had made this firearm. Now I want one. Of course, as with all such unique and nice firearms, when they go out of production, they are “unobtanium.”