How can we get support to the fox, perhaps equipment and personnel?
Via WoG: Democratic Rep. Ami Bera of California said on Tuesday that he was the victim of an “unprovoked” attack by a fox outside of the US Capitol on Monday evening.
Unprovoked? Weren’t the foxes and other animals there first? Aren’t “we” the invaders?
A Message in a bottle travels from Bahamas to England in 21 years.
The letter, dated June 21, 2001, was authored by a 6-year-old Canadian girl named Anna who was visiting the Bahamas.
“Please don’t pollute. Thank you,” Anna wrote.
Well, at least the left teaches its children not to pollute while they’re polluting. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Finally, the government does something right!
The Senate on Tuesday unanimously approved a bipartisan bill that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent in 2023 across the U.S. and end the practice of changing the clocks twice a year.
The legislation quickly – and surprisingly – made it through the chamber by unanimous consent, which can be uncommon in the split 50-50 Senate where any one senator can object. The Sunshine Protection Act, which garnered support in both parties, means Americans would no longer need to set their clocks back an hour when returning to standard time in the fall.
Call your House Reps.
No. I’m not kidding. And the thing is, it’s for real. It always is. That’s what I love about Ken.
Let’s see how I do.
This is a group of guys who knew they could never learn calculus or mechanics and so could never be engineers, and knew they shouldn’t try Operations Management (the hardest course in business school but still very easy, at least to me), but who still didn’t want to be pipe fitters or welders because that involves work.
So they got a position with FedGov as snitches. They all get haircuts at the same women’s boutique.
How’d I do?
The War on Guns will be as successful as the War on Drugs…….
Or the war on alcohol. And they pulled out all the stops with prohibition. Via WRSA, this article at Slate describes “The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition with deadly consequences.”
From an insightful comment to the ridiculous troll. This comment was received into spam a few days ago from someone named John Q. Patriot concerning Ashli Babbit (I won’t supply his IP).
Never forget she died storming the capitol draped not in the flag of her country, but in the flag of the man inciting insurrection.
Insurrection. He uses that word, but I don’t think he understands what it means. Anyway, that does bring up an interesting point worthy of future discussion, that being the pledge of allegiance to flags, the biblical view of lawful oaths and vows as discussed in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and so on.
This is fertile ground to be plowed from a theological perspective, but not now. This will take time and effort.