Our nation has become so centralized and litigious and dependent on the government that it wouldn’t even consider this solution. But the use of the Militia, combined with Posses, would be very effective, and also legal and within robust historical precedent.
Protestors against ICE mass deportations in Glendale, Arizona were seen beating and destroying police cars
Completely shattering police SUV’s windshields and causing chaos. These people are in our country illegally and are literally attacking our police protesting being deported pic.twitter.com/Xzvbo0cZaU
A memorandum of understanding between Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the State of Texas, reviewed by Breitbart Texas will immediately grant Texas National Guard soldiers the authority to make immigration arrests within the Lone Star state. Pete R Flores, CBP Acting Commissioner, authored the memorandum of understanding (MOU).
The memorandum, which has not yet been disseminated to all Texas border sectors, will allow the soldiers to perform roving patrols and exercise all the duties of an immigration agent so long as a U.S. immigration officer or Border Patrol agent accompanies them. According to the MOU, the ratio of soldiers to immigration officers is preliminarily listed as one officer to four soldiers.
Well, that’s a stupid stipulation.
I do hope that they are under arming orders. If the image is correct they are carrying what look to be Sigs. One looks like he needs to lose some weight.
At one time the cartels made most of their money from drugs. Today, it’s people. This video breaks some ground concerning things on the table for the cartels.
When I posed this question earlier, I don’t think most readers are considering the depths of the problem, how far the roots go, the interconnectedness of the world economy today, or how difficult and intransigent this problem is.
For the record, I agree with the commentator above. If the U.S. sends “The Unit” in direct action military action against cartel targets, the notion that any target will escape with their lives is beyond ludicrous. It’s not going to happen. I’d say the same thing if we sent MARSOC, approximately so.
Because we can and would win each individual engagement, does that mean we should? Well, no, not necessarily so. But as I said above, this will prove to be an intransigent problem.
The comments on my earlier post remained stateside and focused on drone warfare. Well, the cartels have drones too, and have sanctioned the use of them against ICE agents. Drones fighting drones and retaliatory strikes after retaliatory strike isn’t a viable option. Neither is shutting down the border never to trade with any other country again. You want watch this video to understand what I’m saying. I can’t embed it – you’ll have to click away to watch it.
The U.S. is one of the largest oil producers in the world. We don’t use a drop of the oil we produce, nor can we. Our refineries are outfitted to produce another type of oil that can be used for transportation. Refitting our refineries to produce the oil we use would cost billions upon billions of dollars and likely bankrupt the oil companies, and certainly wouldn’t happen in time to prevent a complete and comprehensive shutdown of all traffic in America, every truck and car, coming from everywhere and going to everywhere.
Furthermore, simply engaging in combat across the border will invoke nation on nation warfare. The cartels are shooting on border and ICE agents as we speak. So the notion that we can avoid near peer conflict and achieve an adequate resolution is already off the table. It was never on the table. You can cross that option off of your list. It’s not viable.
Then there is the issue that law enforcement isn’t going fast enough or engaging in operations far-reaching enough to have the necessary impact. There are protests across America, probably funded by Soros and his organizations. There was one a few miles down the road from me this weekend.
NEW: Group of protesters waving Mexican flags harass a man flying an American flag on his truck in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Only in America.
The incident happened as several hundred people gathered near the Broadway Bridge to pledge their support for Mexico as they protested… pic.twitter.com/qiCGIRw4rQ
Salem, Ore. — A @SalemPoliceDept officer was surrounded by Mexican nationalists at a protest on Feb. 1 against the U.S. for deporting illegal foreign nationals. After getting back in the car to drive away, they beat on his windows. Video by @davidmedinapdx:pic.twitter.com/QPyBs9CI71
Blocking traffic, and disorderly conduct. And the officer just drove away as they beat on his car.
NOW: Anti-ICE protesters are blocking both sides of the 101 Freeway near the Alameda Street exit in DTLA. The CHP has since closed that portion of the freeway. Read more: https://t.co/K60ImdzmDipic.twitter.com/iO5ARSTyTL
It’s not like the enemy is outside the gates and all we have to do is keep the gate intact. The gate has been broken for decades. To them, they are “La Raza.” The Nation. And this is their land, so they see it. They won’t give it up without a fight.
So call in the militia. Or not. Will the government do that? Probably not, and neither could you indemnify yourselves from actions you would take as a militia member.
We are more intertwined with this problem than we ever were in Iraq or Afghanistan. It’s not even close, and nothing we did there would be of any benefit to us. We have no largesse to spread. There isn’t enough money to go around to stop this conflict, especially when we are enacting tariffs on Mexico (as we probably should).
I’m not making recommendations for action of any sort, nor am I recommending against actions of any sort. What I’m saying is that the comments to the previous post don’t even come close to recognizing the depths of the problems we face with La Raza, the cartels, the human trafficking problem, or a near peer enemy on our southern border.
I’ve always been fascinated at New Orleans, surrounded on all three sides by water at a higher elevation than it is: The Gulf, the Mississippi River, and Lake Pontchartrain. It’s a city that shouldn’t be there except for being a port city at the mouth of the Mississippi river.
Meanwhile, the FBI remains laser focused on parents in Virginia who complained to school boards about their children being taught transgenderism.
I told you this was coming, @TPASarah told you this was coming, @RooftopLeader told you this was coming, @realLegendAfg told you this was coming, @AhmadMassoud told you this was coming. Congress funded it (you heard this on my show), we warned them, we warned you. Nobody did a… pic.twitter.com/a3iTZ7Iesb
A migrant from Guatemala has been arrested on allegations he lit a sleeping woman on fire inside a Coney Island F train on Sunday morning.
He is suspected of lighting the woman on fire at about 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, then watching her burn to death in a shocking killing just three days before Christmas.
Whether for reasons of control over a population or for the simple, sick pleasure of brutalizing someone, these are the people we’ve let into America.
Remember boys and girls. Government is just another word for the things we choose to do together.
And also remember, these people can just as easily be shot by Marine Corps snipers when they try to cross our sovereign borders as they can be let into the country.
First up, Mark Smith assesses the recent delay of the Snopes case.
Second, Mark assesses the potential picks to head the ATF. Personally, I would prefer to see the ATF completely eradicated. Its mere existence of prima facie unconstitutional. The existence of federal gun laws is prima facie unconstitutional. But if all we get out of this is an eradication of the “secret” gun registry and a prohibition on enforcement of laws by the ATF, then it’s very important who runs the FBI.
I would also suggest that it makes sense to send 90% of the employees of the FBI and ATF to the border to enforce border laws. As for those still trying to come across, send the Marine Corps to shoot them. If that sounds harsh, think of this as an invasion. What do you think Russi and China would do in such a case? They care about their borders, and we don’t. To most of the American elite, America is an idea, not a sovereign nation with borders.
This whole problem with the border could be solved in an instant. Stop traffic. All traffic, including trade. Allow no one to cross the border, not even for work. But you see, home builders, yard workers and house cleaners are needed for the elite, so that’s not going to happen. As is stands, they get the middle class to pay for medical care via socialized medicine while they get to pay lower wages than they otherwise would, and we bear the brunt of the deal.
Finally, Mark further assesses the inside baseball maneuvers in the SCOTUS on 2A cases.
The first time this came up over these pages caused a stir of comments, and it’s good to rehearse this again because it’s an instructional moment.
God rules His creation by covenant and contract. All men are under the Adamic covenant. They can like it, or dislike it, or think nothing of it, but none of that changes anything. The man cannot say to His maker “Why did you make me thus” (Romans 9). That’s not in the list of answers that the maker owes you.
Those who are saved and in Christ have had the Adamic covenant superseded by a salvific covenant, and that’s where you want to be. But rest assured, all men are under one of these two covenants. You will live, or you will perish.
God also rules His entire creation by covenant and contract. God arranges His relationships with men by covenant. Men arrange their relationships with other men by covenant and contract. Covenants and contracts have blessings for obedience, and curses for disobedience, surely in eternity, but also in time and on earth.
Marriage is a covenant and contract. Business is a covenant and contract. Church life is a covenant and contract. Commerce is a covenant and contract. Employment is a covenant and contract. The life of society (i.e., between the state and the people) is also supposed to be a covenant and contract. There is no lawlessness in the Christian economy. Libertarianism is a phantom, a ghost telling you lies. God doesn’t rule His creation by allowing men to become god. The only righteous law is His law. He expects obedience from all men.
The bill of rights is a covenant and contract. It is between the government and the people of America. It isn’t between everyone and everyone, and it’s not between the government and the government, or only one party, or no one and no one. A covenant and contract is always between two parties. In the case of the BoR, it’s the government and the people.
Illegal immigrants are not part of “the people.” They are illegally here and should be evicted from the country. And illegal immigrant doesn’t get to claim the umbrella of protection of the BoR (including the second amendment, or any other) by illegally crossing the border and perpetrating war on Americans or her institutions. That’s not how any of that works.
That’s not how a covenant and contract works. Once covenants and contracts have been signed, it’s final. You don’t back out, you don’t add to it, you don’t take away from it. God recognizes borders and national sovereignty and always has in the Holy Writ. The BoR restrains the government from infringements on the rights of “the people,” not the entirety of the world population. If that were the case, there could never be such a thing as war between countries, even in self defense. If a proposition leads to inconsistency, it cannot be true.
People in America illegally have no right to a trial by a jury of their peers (although that often becomes just a gaggle of idiots). They have no second amendment rights, they have no rights against search and seizure. They have no fifth amendment rights (unfortunately, even American citizens apparently have no fifth amendment rights in grand juries, which are an abomination of justice).
People in America illegally have only the right to be evicted.
This is proper covenant and contract. This is the way God rules His creation.
🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building⁰⁰📌#Chicago | #Illinois ⁰⁰Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building,… pic.twitter.com/epe54vbXUm
The “enforce exiting gun laws” faction of gun owners are the loudest objectors, evidently unaware that their position is ideologically no different than a Revolutionary era colonial demanding to enforce exiting Intolerable Acts. The hard truths no one wants to admit are that “gun control” laws don’t work – whether they’re favored by Everytown or by NRA, and that anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted without a custodian.
It’s not a matter of “Should felons have guns?” That’s the wrong question. Try “Should those proven violent and predatory have access to the rest of us?”
Ditto with “Should illegal aliens have guns?”
Of course, all human beings are entitled to unalienable rights. And the Supreme Court has acknowledged, in the Heller case, and earlier, in Cruikshank, “The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it ‘shall not be infringed.’ As we said in United States v. Cruikshank… ‘[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.’”
But again, it’s the wrong question. What should be asked is “Why is a known illegal alien allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported?”
[ … ]
At this writing, more, including an inordinate number of military-aged males of not just Mexican or Central American origin, but from China, and from hostile Islamic states, are adding to their unvetted numbers already here while our government, consented to under the premise that it would “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” offers the lawbreakers incentives and rewards to embed themselves (and increase political power through apportionment) throughout the Republic.
It’s hardly unreasonable to conclude the “newcomers” (we aren’t supposed to call them “illegals” anymore) represent the equivalent of a standing foreign army, many with agendas directed by brutal criminal cartels and by bellicose powers like China, Russia, and Iran.
The Framers never intended to protect the right of invaders to keep and bear arms, but again, that’s the wrong issue. We need to instead ask ourselves “Who does it benefit to have Second Amendment advocates arguing over acceptable infringements while they ignore the damn elephant in the room?”
This issue all about avoiding confusion, thinking deeper than a sophomoric level of understanding, and focusing on the root questions. It’s easy to get distracted.
Do try not to get distracted. When you get distracted, it makes you look like a simpleton.
To understand if your view is perhaps a bit outlandish and should be unpersuasive – even to yourself – always use hyperbole. Ask yourself the hard questions to see just exactly how far this would go.
Pose questions to yourself such as “Should we open the borders to invading armies and in fact arm them so that we can claim that the FedGov isn’t infringing upon the RKBA?” “Should we invite in immigrants who would predominantly undermine our core rights, including the RKBA?” “Should we terraform the culture such that we couple a welfare state with illegal immigrants, effectively destroying the medical care system in the country?” [Ask me how I know that immigrants are destroying the medical system in the country – go ahead, ask me].