Losing The Electoral College: A Sure Path To Tyranny
BY Herschel Smith![](https://www.captainsjournal.com/wp-content/themes/CJ2/img/time.gif)
If a “popular vote” replacement of the Electoral system is allowed to stand, you can kiss “legal” recognition of the right to keep and bear arms goodbye, as well as anything meaningful ever happening to stop the ongoing invasion of “pathway to citizenship”-bound foreign nationals into this country.
As I’ve said before, the GOP’ers want the Latinos because they want cheap labor. The labor is cheap because they’ve set up a system of socialized medicine wherein the middle class has to provide medical care for themselves and everyone else, including immigrants. So the cost of immigration is foist on the middle class, which they want to eviscerate.
Do you doubt any of this?
The Trump administration’s Department of Justice wants to eliminate all of Obamacare and drastically roll back access to healthcare. On Monday, the Trump DOJ announced that it will continue combating the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, agreeing with a Texas federal judge’s ruling against sustaining the ACA on the basis of the GOP tax law changes in 2017. This decision to continue pushing for the repeal of the ACA is a clear signal that health care will be one of the top pressing issues in the upcoming 2020 election.
Beyond these efforts, however, there will be disastrous consequences if the law is eliminated. According to the Urban Institute’s 2019 analysis of the potential consequences of the full repeal of the ACA, an estimated 20 million people would immediately lose health care coverage, and health care spending would decrease in states where coverage rates had increased the most via the ACA.
Latinos in particular made the biggest gains in access to insurance under Obamacare over the last six years.
That’s one big reason they vote democratic by 75%-80%. As for the issue of gun control, we’ve discussed that before at length, and the statistics match almost precisely with what the numbers of supplied.
Of course, while the GOP elitists want to line the pockets of their fellow members of the BoD of various corporations with cheap labor, the democrats want the voters. That’s why nothing can stop this. It is inevitable. North Carolina was close in the last election, and Florida was a razor’s edge.
Texas will likely go blue this election or next, and Georgia is heading that way. But lose Florida or Texas and it’s over for any resemblance of constitutional conservatism in America for this generation and the next.
I realize this may be a bit far afield from David’s main point (the electoral college), but not really so much. The Latino population weighs big in states like New Mexico, Texas, Florida and California. What’s going to happen if we lose the electoral college and the popular vote is all that matters?