Archive for the 'Immigration' Category

The Cost Of Immigration

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 9 months ago

The Washington Post:

Senior White House officials are exploring ways to exempt commercial trade from President Trump’s threat to shut down the U.S. border with Mexico, three people briefed on the discussions said, amid warnings that blocking the flow of goods between the two countries would have severe consequences for the U.S. economy.

Hmm … what costs would that be?  Maybe these costs?

“The findings of this analysis show that the average cost of a deportation is much smaller than the net fiscal drain created by the average illegal immigrant. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported the average deportation cost as $10,854 in FY 2016. In FY 2012, ICE removed 71 percent more aliens with a similar budget, creating an average inflation-adjusted cost of $5,915. This compares to an average lifetime net fiscal drain (taxes paid minus services used) of $65,292 for each illegal immigrant, excluding their descendants. This net figure is based on fiscal estimates of immigrants by education level from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS). The total fiscal drain for the entire illegal population is estimated at $746.3 billion. Of course, simply because deportation is much less costly than allowing illegal immigrants to stay does not settle the policy questions surrounding illegal immigration as there are many factors to consider. Steven A. Camarota is the director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, 8/3/17   (Reported in

How about this sobering figure as to LEGAL immigration?

29,000 LEGAL Immigrants per Week Cost Us U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 BILLION per Week, NET!

Unsustainable 1.5 Million Annual Legal-Immigrant Influx  Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion NET (i.e., after subtracting Taxes Immigrants Pay) per Year NET, i.e., $758 MILLION per Year for EACH Congressional District   (does not include State & Local Costs to Taxpayers)
See CCN’s Cost of Immigration Study

David Durham, director at CCN, said, “If the 1.5 to 1.6 Million Annual Legal Immigrant Inflow were cut to 150,000/Year (i.e., Zero-Net Annual Immigration = Emigration), Federal Deficit could be reduced by One-Half Trillion $ in a Decade!

And to be sure, screwing with health care subsidies means alienating the Latino population.

While the economy is usually the top voting issue among the electorate, when asked about the most important issue facing their community, 31% of Latinos viewed health care costs and access to care as the number one issue, according to Latino Decisions American Election Eve Poll findings. Moreover, Latinos feel strongly about securing Obamacare, with a large majority of 71% agreeing that the Affordable Care Act should be strengthened compared to only 15% of Latinos disagreeing with such efforts.

That’s about the percentage opposition (70%) to second amendment rights found in the Latino community, so there’s that to consider as well.

Then of course there is the drug gang violence to consider.  But we could go on all day about this, yes?

But be of good cheer.  I’m sure the “cost” Trump is trying to avoid won’t be incurred, and Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland will get their low paid workers somehow.  That means the boards of directors will have their ocean-front and mountain retirement homes.

Support For Trump Dwindles Among ICE Officers

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

The Washington Times:

ICE officers who endorsed President Trump in 2016 now say he has failed to follow through on his get-tough promises, saying catch-and-release of immigrants living illegally in the U.S. is not only still happening, but has gone into “overdrive.”

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers say they’re being roped into such mundane tasks as opening the doors on vans to release immigrants already caught by Border Patrol agents. That’s dragging the officers from their usual duties of nabbing fugitives, or scouring local prisons and jails for immigrant criminals who lived illegally in the U.S. ready to be deported.

The shell game is all the more “ridiculous,” the officers said, because Border Patrol agents could fill out paperwork and open the doors themselves, but the agency’s leaders don’t want to be part of catch-and-release.

“Hundreds of man hours are wasted each day at a time of crisis on the border,” the leaders of the National ICE Council, the union that represents ICE officers, said in a letter sent directly to Mr. Trump on Monday.

[ … ]

“You frequently speak publicly of the great public safety work ICE is doing under your leadership. To be direct Mr. President — the rhetoric doesn’t match reality and we hope that this letter shows you the complete and total nonsense that is really taking place under the Trump Administration on the southern border,” the ICE officers said.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

The letter comes as the situation at the southwestern border has grown out of control for Homeland Security.

Some 160,000 migrant children and family members have been encountered at the border over the last five months, shattering previous records.

Most are arrested by the Border Patrol, though 10-15 percent are encountered by Customs and Border Protection officers trying to come through a border crossing without permission.

Because of the overwhelming numbers, lack of bed space and court rulings, Homeland Security usually processes and quickly releases most of them, with the vain hope that they’ll come back for hearings and eventual deportation.

That’s been dubbed “catch-and-release,” and Mr. Trump took office promising to stop it.

Instead the rate has increased, and it’s spurred the bureaucratic sparring.

Mr. Crane says Border Patrol agents have the power to fill out the release paperwork and to do the releases on their own, but they don’t want to face the embarrassment. So they make ICE officers fill out the release paperwork, and when they drive the immigrants to bus stations to be dropped off, they make an ICE officer actually open the van doors.

Because if Trump ever did intend to do anything about immigration and the border (and he was probably being dishonest about immigration), he intended to wait until after he no longer had the House of Representatives to make it a big deal so that he would be blocked and could make it a re-election issue.

Because he thinks Americans are tools.  By my calculations the only good thing we’ve gotten from Trump is Neil Gorsuch.

The Real Immigration Problem

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

ICE had to simply drop off newly minted immigrants to a bus stop.

Immigration officials dropped off about 50 more undocumented migrants, mostly from Central America, Friday morning at a Greyhound bus station near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where they were left to fend for themselves as overwhelmed volunteers sought help for them.

[ … ]

Since Dec. 21, according to the data, ICE has released 84,500 migrant family members. Of that, 14,500 have been released in the Phoenix area, 37,500 have been released in communities in south Texas, 24,000 in El Paso and 8,500 in San Diego, the data shows.

They just let them go.  Cheer up.  We can all pay their medical bills when they go to the local hospital ER for care.

But the real problem isn’t even illegal immigration, it’s legal immigration (via WRSA):

The legal immigration problem has dropped off America’s radar screen—displaced by the undeniable crisis over illegals.

But legal immigration is larger, growing faster, potentially more disruptive—and, because it is set by inflexible statute, just as much out of control.

Go check out all of his data.  From the most recent NumbersUSA newsletter, Trump isn’t helping anything with his actions or rhetoric.

The problem is that President Trump appears be backing off his campaign pledge in favor of placating the business lobby clamoring for an increase in foreign workers.

The White House goes on to describe the meeting with “some of the country’s top CEO –including Apple’s Tim Cook and Walmart’s Doug McMillon.”

Employers were coming to us and they were saying, ‘We’re optimistic about America, we want to invest here and a constraint for growth is the lack of a skilled workforce,'” Ms. Trump told The Wall Street Journal this week. “We don’t have people to fill the jobs.

The President has strongly indicated he no longer supports immigration reduction, including at the White House meeting this week.

‘We want to have a very strong border, but we want to have a lot of people coming in,’ Trump said during a White House meeting with more than 20 CEOs and officials from state and local governments.’ A lot of people don’t understand that. They think we’re shutting it out. We’re not shutting it out. We want people to come in, but they have to come in through a process.

President Trump’s rhetoric is not far removed from U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donahue, who said last October that “The United States is fundamentally out of people.”

When there are still 50 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 64 who are not employed, the problem is not a lack of workers.

The problem of course is that the democrats want Latinos for their votes, and republican elitists and corporations want them for their cheap labor, cheap that is, as long as the law, regulations and codes are in place to let everyone else pay for their medical care so the corporations don’t have to.  The cost isn’t so much hidden or non-existent as it is borne on the backs of American workers who can’t save or invest because of this corporate theft.

So in addition to Trump making half a million bump stock owners felons with the stroke of a pen, in addition to his support for red flag laws (which after Lindsey Graham and the democrats send to him he will sign on a federal level), he wants to flood the country with more foreign workers for you to support, just as long as it’s all legal.

Or in other words, America may as well have elected a democrat, huh?  Oh, and by the way, don’t worry about how all of those Latinos are going to vote in the presidential elections.  I’m sure it’ll all work out to support your 2A rights.

Border Town Residents Fear Cartel Retaliation For Reporting Criminal Illegal Alien Activity

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 11 months ago

Via WiscoDave,

Americans in border towns in New Mexico are leery of reporting crimes and suspicious activities by illegal immigrants because they fear they will be retaliated against by drug cartels, according to a  Washington Examiner report.

Seven residents who live within 30 to 50 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border told the paper that calling local or federal law enforcement for help after discovering they have been victims of illegal immigrant crime could lead to “nasty consequences.”

One cattle rancher from Hidalgo County told the Examiner he calls in every crime, but not without punishment from the cartels.

“I turned in 700 pounds [of marijuana] up here … I called it in [to Border Patrol]. They went and got it. That night, they [smugglers] came back. They … broke off all the floats off my troughs — chopped ’em up, drained all of it,” he said.

Brave rancher.  But most people won’t be that brave, nor do they have the wherewithal to engage in battle with the cartel(s).

Here is the step-by-step process for the destruction of a country and culture.

[1] Corrupt enough powerful people with money and power – money for powerful corporations like Monsanto, or Archer Daniels Midland, who want immigrant workers, or even for smaller entities like local roofing and siding companies, and power for the democrats who want voters.

[2] Convince enough idiot voters that the immigrants just “come for love” and appeal to compassion.

[3] Underfund border security, and in any event, make it nearly impossible for them to perform their mission.

[4] Get enough lawyers involved that no one could ever successfully craft rules for the use of force or rules of engagement (RUF/ROE) for the border that would make the international community happy.

[5] Never, ever, send the military to the border under arming orders.  Let them do things like paperwork (and maybe string some wire) for looks and theater.

[6] Corrupt the churches so they teach that Jesus was a Bohemian, pacifist, flowerchild beatnik, and you will be too if you want to be a Christian.  No real Christian can be a warrior, at least not unless recognized by the state.

[7] Weaken the armed forces so that if they ever do deploy to the border, they won’t be fit to serve in any meaningful capacity anyway.

[8] Make sure that the police and judiciary are essentially one and the same, on the same side as it were, and make sure that the public is scared of ever taking any kind of action they deem illegal or vigilante.  Make the cost too high for them to bear to defend themselves or their property.

[9] Allow the criminal elements of the hordes to roam freely and perpetrate their desires at will.  This is advantageous for the controllers, as it keeps the fearful people in check and without recourse.  They cannot turn to each other, cannot turn to the state, and cannot turn to the criminals.  And they won’t act for themselves.

[10] Make the promise of provision of “free” health care for everyone who crosses the border, illegal or not.  This “free” health care hides the real cost of illegal immigration, but it’s advantageous to the corporations, so it must come to pass.

[11] Finally, invade the schools from elementary to college with socialists who do not believe in liberty, and this will ensure a vast supply of idiots as future voters, thus creating power in perpetuity.  These voters will never allow turning this death spiral around.

And thus you have a recipe for utter disaster for a nation.  It’s almost as if it were happening before our very eyes, yes?

Border Rancher: “We’ve Found Prayer Rugs Out Here”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 12 months ago

Washington Examiner:

Ranchers and farmers near the U.S.-Mexico border have been finding prayer rugs on their properties in recent months, according to one rancher who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by cartels who move the individuals.

The mats are pieces of carpet that those of the Muslim faith kneel on as they worship.

“There’s a lot of people coming in not just from Mexico,” the rancher said. “People, the general public, just don’t get the terrorist threats of that. That’s what’s really scary. You don’t know what’s coming across. We’ve found prayer rugs out here. It’s unreal. It’s not just Mexican nationals that are coming across.”

[ … ]

Border Patrol and its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, did not respond to multiple interview requests. But CBP’s Arizona region issued a statement on Twitter Wednesday that said agents had arrested people from across the world over the past five days.

Did you catch the bolded part? (Bold mine).

But doesn’t it all make you feel warm inside knowing that they “Come for love?”  David Codrea has related thoughts, surely correct.

On a related note, the Middle East Forum sent a note out saying this.

The Middle East Forum has learned that New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will conduct a State of the State town hall event at the Islamic Center of Passaic County (ICPC) in northern New Jersey tonight—a mosque with a long history of pro-Hamas leadership.

The ICPC’s current imam, Mohammad Qatanani, has terrorist connections galore: His own lawyer admits that he was a member of the student chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, and the N.J. Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness identifies Qatanani as a Hamas supporter. Qatanani is currently fighting deportation on the grounds that he lied to federal officials about his Israeli conviction for membership Hamas.

This is the man who recently signed six gun control bills into law.  He’s willing to buddy-up with terrorists, but he wants to disarm peaceable men and women.

NRA Does Immigration?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years ago

They finally admit it?  My response: you’re a little late to the game, pal.  There is one minute to go in the fourth quarter and we’re down 44-16.

If I didn’t know better I’d swear this is just another stunt for fund-raising.

Sicario Human Sacrifice to Santa Muerte

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 2 months ago

Recall I said this?

To point to Roman Catholicism and claim that Hispanics will vote GOP because of socially conservative viewpoints misses the bigger picture of the state of Catholicism in South and Central America.  It is a synthesis, or a hybrid mixture, of Catholicism, superstition, Marxism, and in some cases evil “patron saints” for the cartel criminals.”

Or perhaps you don’t.  Read it again.  And perhaps you recall this?

Father José Antonio Fortea, a leading Mexican exorcist, who once ordered the mass exorcism of the whole country, has warned of an increase in satanic ritual killings.

He said that “devil worship” stemmed from the so-called cult of Santa Muerte, depicted as a human corpse with all the flesh picked off the bones, and dressed like a bride for her wedding.The name means “Holy Death” – and it harks back to the days when to be sacrificed to the Aztec gods was considered the greatest honor.

Brace yourself, and read this very carefully.

Edgar is a young man of twenty-six years, and he is doing a ten-year sentence for illegal possession of firearms and kidnapping. He says he has killed nearly sixty people working as a sicario for the Juárez Cartel, but since there is no proof—he is not sharing the details—he cannot be convicted for these murders.

Edgar was born in Juárez, but his mother separated early from his father and when Edgar was two, they moved to Kansas City. His mother was involved in dealing large quantities of cocaine, which the young Edgar discovers. When she runs into trouble, she has to flee back to Juárez. Edgar, at that age around eleven, is shocked by the poverty and filth of Juárez. His mother starts to work as a hairdresser but they cannot afford the rather comfortable lifestyle they had before. Edgar is a good student at school, but he starts to hang out with ‘bad people’ and gang members. He starts to deal weed and is caught when he is thirteen years old. A juvenile offender, he was still convicted to six months, but managed to pay his way out. At age fourteen, he hangs out with friends and gets into a fight. He hits one of his attackers with a big stone and the boy actually bleeds to death. This is Edgar’s first kill. He says he did not mean to kill the person and runs away from the scene of the fight, feeling afraid, guilty, and nervous at the same time. This unintentional murder will haunt him for half a year. His second murder is a drive by shooting he carries out with a gang. He does not know if his bullets actually killed someone during that drive-by, but there were deaths.

Being in a gang selling drugs, he goes down a slippery slope. He learns shooting from his stepfather, who is a private detective. At one point, he starts to work for the Juárez Cartel as a sicario. He is not too specific as to how he started to work for a cartel. But he says the cartel seeks people out, and it is not people who seek the cartels out. He sees killing strictly as work. He receives orders and he carries them out. Saying no is simply not possible. Still, he does not shift moral responsibility onto the boss, it is still him who carried out the orders, who pulled the trigger. Edgar manages to separate work from private business. ‘I love persons, I kill persons.’ ‘No tiene que estar mezclado. el amor a mi familia es muy diferente a lo que hago’, Don’t mix things. The love for my family is very different from my work.’ He realizes he kills people who have a mother or a wife, even more since he has children himself. Still, he does what he has to do, ‘it is either them or you’.

He talks with professional pride about his work. ‘I do it quickly.’ He does not like to waste many bullets. A few in the body and a final shot in the head. Sometimes they work with teams of two or three people. Edgar says he once stopped an ambulance to finish his victim that had not died. He mentions bystanders and witnesses, in that they are too shocked to absorb what they see or they are too scared to testify. Still, he has an honor code; he never kills women and children. He says other cartels do this, like Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel.

Edgar believes God exists, but says it is not his god. Satan is his God, and he prays to Santa Muerte. Ever since Santa Muerte appeared to him in a dream and gave lifesaving advice, he worships her. Edgar also has a bruja, or a witch, that functions as his personal spiritual adviser. Before a hit, he prays to Santa Muerte that all goes well. ‘I actually sacrifice people for my Santa Muerte. The thing is that I kill for ordering, but I talk to her and say, hey, I go to a job. Just make me hit, I am gonna give you that life, it is for you.’

Santa Muerte actually whispers to him to carry out killings. Edgar is honest and admits he actually enjoys killing. ‘I feel powerful. My god always tell me to do it. I don’t know why, but I could hear, “hey, hey, do it, do it.” I am not crazy, ‘cause I know I ain’t crazy. I still could count I still could eat. I still could sleep’. Edgar admits he has developed an addiction to killing. ‘It gives me a feeling of power. But that moment last only for the moment. There were days that he felt ‘I need to kill somebody. I feel that I need it.’ At the prison, there is an Adictos Anonymous group that handles all sorts of addictions, including addiction to killing.

But be of good cheer.  I’m certain that we’re vetting the good, hard working folks coming across the border so that the masses don’t include people like this, and I’m certain that there is no corruption of border patrol or local LEOs with money or intimidation.

Or perhaps that’s not the case and you should be prepared for this.  You be the judge.

Entire Acapulco Police Force Disarmed Due To Links To Drug Gangs

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 3 months ago

NBC News:

Authorities in southern Mexico disarmed and placed under investigation the entire police force in the once-glittering resort of Acapulco on Tuesday, claiming the local cops were infiltrated by drug gangs.

Officials in Guerrero state issued arrest warrants for two top Acapulco police commanders, accusing them of homicide. It was the latest fall from grace for Acapulco, which was a favorite haunt of movie stars in the 1960s but has since fallen victim to warring drug gangs.

The state government said it took the step “because of suspicion that the force had probably been infiltrated by criminal groups” and “the complete inaction of the municipal police in fighting the crime wave.”

The rest of the police officers were stripped of their guns, radios and bullet-proof vests and taken for background checks. Law enforcement duties in the seaside city of 800,000 will be taken over by soldiers, marines and state police.

But they seem like such nice people, doing the jobs Americans won’t do!  In other news, a majority of Latinos believe that Brett Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration for the Supreme Court over unproven and unsubstantiated charges that are obviously taken from lurid magazines.

Well, diversity is our strength, and if you don’t want drug money corruption and a progressive Supreme Court, you’re just a racist.

Of course, there’s another way to look at all of this.  None of the charges against Judge Kavanaugh ever happened.  None of them.  This whole ridiculous thing is fabricated to save the death cult of abortion and defeat gun rights.  Because “All Mother” must have her sacrifice of children just like Baal, and guns empower men.  When men are empowered, the state must decrease.

So What’s The Real Concern With Immigration Anyway?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 5 months ago

Frank Clarke poses an interesting thought experiment on immigration.

As much as I admire David Codrea, I retain the opinion that he is flat wrong when he worries about immigration. A hundred years ago and more our forebears came here seeking to build a new life unaided and unhindered, and they were the ones who made America great. They did not expect that the American system would protect them if they failed, but they did expect that the American system would not get in their way, either. Today we have a welfare system that steps in when people suffer from their own bad decisions, and a regulatory system that purports to prevent such bad decisions from being made. Naturally, both systems are abject failures where they aren’t merely counter-productive.

We don’t have an “immigration problem”; we have a “welfare state problem”, and the immigration problem is merely its symptom. You may choose to cure the symptom, but I’m 100% certain it will return next year in a slightly different guise.

Yes, it’s a far bigger job to undo the welfare state, but if we don’t do that, we will spend all our energies battling ghosts.

This requires a separate analysis and I had decided to grant some space to it.  This should be seen as an amicable discussion between friends, not an internet throw-down battle to the death, and so I’d like the comments to reflect that.

It’s a disagreement between allies, but an important one nonetheless.  To be sure, I have more than a little direct experience with the entitlement state and its appurtenant give-aways.  To begin with, I strongly feel that, along with the author of the Holy Scriptures, “The good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”  This is no small matter, and I see forcible taxation as confiscatory and therefore wicked.  Only wicked rulers do that.

I may be unable to provide for my children’s children as I’d like because of such government intrusion in my life’s work.  Furthermore, my own daughter works as a health care provided in a hospital.  Where do you think immigrants go for doctor visits as well as any pseudo-medical emergency?  That’s right, the emergency room is the primary care physician for all of those immigrants, as well as dead weight we already have on the rolls in America.

How would you like to say no to providing more narcotics to feed a habit, only to have lice-infested, diseased, drug-addled ne’er-do-wells spit on you?  But in the end, Frank is right, the welfare state creates this mess and the remedy for what we see in the hospitals is the same as with confiscatory taxes – repair the political system.

But that doesn’t even begin to touch the core issue with immigration.  As I’ve pointed out before, the Hispanics and Latinos arriving on the Southern border have been taught and raised in a totally different world view and cultural paradigm.

Any force trying to work for a democratic, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist transition has to win a base among the rural poor. But for historical reasons to do with the nationalisation of the land under Lázaro Cárdenas and the predominant form of peasant land tenure, which was “village cooperative” rather than based on individual plots, the demand for “land to the tiller” in Mexico does not imply an individual plot for every peasant or rural worker or family. In Mexico, collectivism among the peasantry is a strong tradition: we are not dealing with the atavistic Russian peasants, but a country in which there has already been a bourgeois-democratic revolution led by the peasantry.

One consequence of these factors is that the radical political forces among the rural population are on the whole explicitly anti-capitalist and socialist in their ideology (leaving aside the EZLN, which is a slightly different case). Sometimes this outlook is expressed in support for guerilla organisations; but struggle movements of the rural population are widespread, and they spontaneously ally with the most militant city-based leftist organisations. A good example of this is the OCSS (Peasant Organisation of the Southern Sierra), which would have no difficulty in getting the dictatorship of the proletariat written into its program.

The general conclusion about strategy which needs to be emphasised is that, far from Mexico having ceased to be an oppressed country, today it is more oppressed than 20 or 30 years ago.

It’s not a difficult decision for them to support gun control.  They are steeped in statist views.  Time and space don’t permit a detailed and thoroughgoing explanation of liberation theology, so readers can do their own search and study of this abomination and bastardization of the gospel.  But suffice it to say that liberation theology easily gained a following among the Catholic priests in Latin America.  One former Soviet spy claims that the Soviet Union created liberation theology.

I learned the fine points of the KGB involvement with Liberation Theology from Soviet General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, communist Romania’s chief razvedka (foreign intelligence) adviser – and my de facto boss, until 1956, when he became head of the Soviet espionage service, the PGU,  a position he held for an unprecedented record of 15 years.

On October 26, 1959, Sakharovsky and his new boss, Nikita Khrushchev, came to Romania for what would become known as “Khrushchev’s six-day vacation.” He had never taken such a long vacation abroad, nor was his stay in Romania really a vacation. Khrushchev wanted to go down in history as the Soviet leader who had exported communism to Central and South America. Romania was the only Latin country in the Soviet bloc, and Khrushchev wanted to enroll her “Latin leaders” in his new “liberation” war.

The movement was born in the KGB, and it had a KGB-invented name: Liberation Theology. During those years, the KGB had a penchant for “liberation” movements. The National Liberation Army of Columbia (FARC), created by the KGB with help from Fidel Castro; the “National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB with help from “Che” Guevara; and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), created by the KGB with help from Yasser Arafat are just a few additional “liberation” movements born at the Lubyanka — the headquarters of the KGB.

The birth of Liberation Theology was the intent of a 1960 super-secret “Party-State Dezinformatsiya Program” approved by Aleksandr Shelepin, the chairman of the KGB, and by Politburo member Aleksey Kirichenko, who coordinated the Communist Party’s international policies. This program demanded that the KGB take secret control of the World Council of Churches (WCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, and use it as cover for converting Liberation Theology into a South American revolutionary tool. The WCC was the largest international ecumenical organization after the Vatican, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations throughout 120 countries.

In any case, it’s imperative that we understand the cultural proclivities and world and life views of those we allow to become citizens and vote.  The constitution won’t protect us because it outlines a bill of rights or a form of government.  It is a covenant between men, and that covenant no more protects malfeasance than the marriage covenant protects a woman whose husband is bent on adultery.  The parties to the covenant matter.

We don’t just want to turn over a heritage of financial security to our children’s children, but as I have stated to my own children, I want to turn over a heritage of Christianity to them.  Statism is opposed in all of its ways to Christianity, and Christianity denies the state the rights only belonging to God.  The foundations of the American experiment are Christian.

We care about immigration for more reasons than having stuff.  To reduce this debate to having stuff is an ungracious charge, and the reasons for control over our borders and approval of the men whom we would call our fellow countrymen run deep and wide.

No Interest In Securing The Border

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 5 months ago

Via Codrea, this.

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee passed its 2019 budget for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which, if passed, will squash President Trump’s border security plan, force DACA amnesty, and give millions of illegal aliens free passes into your community.  The wall is not mentioned.  At all.

Anyone who thinks the diminution and ultimate destruction of Amerika can be ameliorated by the election of a president who wants to “build the wall” is foolish.

There are ways, of course, easy ways.  Put employers who hire illegals in prison.  That’ll fix the problem overnight.  But the House won’t do it, and neither will the Senate.  It would deprive the democrats of voters, and the corporations of cheap workers.

And we all know how Hispanics vote concerning gun rights, don’t we?  Well, don’t we?

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